
A letter of condolence to all party members in Huadu District

author:Guangzhou Huadu released
A letter of condolence to all party members in Huadu District
A letter of condolence to all party members in Huadu District
A letter of condolence to all party members in Huadu District
A letter of condolence to all party members in Huadu District

Celebrate the Chinese Communist Party

103rd anniversary

A letter of condolence to all party members in Huadu District


A letter of condolence to all party members in Huadu District

All party members and comrades in Huadu District:

Time flies, time flies. On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Organization Department of the Guangzhou Huadu District Committee of the Communist Party of China would like to extend holiday greetings and best wishes to the party members and comrades who are fighting on all fronts in the region!

Based on the post exhibition, we will work together to show responsibility. In the past year, in the face of unprecedented development pressure and difficult challenges, the majority of party members in the whole region, under the strong leadership of the district committee, have been thinking in one place and working hard in one place, facing difficulties and working under pressure, and going all out to stabilize the economy, increase momentum, benefit people's livelihood, prevent risks, and maintain stability. The results are not easy to come by, and the process is full of hardships. The majority of party members sweated and worked hard in their respective posts, giving full play to the vanguard and exemplary role, and vividly showing the pioneer style of "Huadu Extremely Pioneer" in performing their duties, acting vigorously and resolutely, and working in unity.

Seize the opportunity to make further efforts and forge ahead into a new chapter. At present, Huadu is in a critical period of kinetic energy conversion and advantage reconstruction. With the increasingly prominent advantages of location and transportation, the acceleration of the construction of a modern industrial system, the acceleration of the implementation of the "Millions of Projects", and the in-depth promotion of the construction of the growth pole in the north of Guangzhou, Huadu has great development potential, broad prospects and a promising future. Meritorious and ambitious, wide and diligent. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, under the strong leadership of the district committee, riveting energy, forge ahead, seek "change" in thought, "fast" in work, and "high" in standards, and make new achievements, show new atmosphere, and promote new development with the high-spirited attitude of "second entrepreneurship" and restart, and strive to contribute to the strong force of "Huadu Extremely Pioneer", and hand over a new answer sheet that lives up to the times and the people with practical achievements, and presents the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China with excellent results!

Finally, I sincerely wish all party members a happy holiday, good health, smooth work, and a happy family!

Communist Party of China

Organization Department of Guangzhou Huadu District Committee

July 1, 2024

Source: Organization Department of Huadu District Committee

Editor: Congjie

Reviewer: Gong Yaodong Wu Minna

Proofreader: Jia Yu Peng Tianyang

Review: Deng Biyan

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