
【Party flag fluttering】The first village in front of the China-Laos Railway Station This vanguard team is good!

author:Xishuangbanna mobile phone station
【Party flag fluttering】The first village in front of the China-Laos Railway Station This vanguard team is good!

Editor's note

103 years of eventful years, 103 years of great history, today, I wish the great Communist Party of China a happy birthday!

History flows endlessly, and the spirit is passed down from generation to generation. The great spirit of party building transcends time and space, and the party flag flutters and the party emblem shines brightly on the land of Xishuangbanna. Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres in the state bear in mind the course of struggle, draw on the strength of endeavor, inherit the spiritual blood of relay struggle, tenacious struggle and unremitting struggle, and move forward firmly in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, work hard, forge ahead, and strive to write a new chapter in the leapfrog development of Xishuangbanna! From today, each platform of "Xishuangbanna Release" will open a column of "Party Flag Flying" and launch a series of reports to show the demeanor of grassroots party organizations and party members in Xishuangbanna Prefecture, so stay tuned!

【Party flag fluttering】The first village in front of the China-Laos Railway Station This vanguard team is good!

In the first village in front of the China-Laos Railway Station - Mengla Town, Mengla County, Shanglongyin Village, there is such a vanguard of party members, the team members wear camouflage uniforms, they are not only supernumerary maintainers of railway safety, but also the guardians of the peace of the village, and the villagers affectionately call them "love the road vanguard".

【Party flag fluttering】The first village in front of the China-Laos Railway Station This vanguard team is good!

On the eve of the "July 1st" Party Day, the members of the Shanglongyin Love Road Protection Pioneer Team and the staff of Mengla Station of the China-Laos Railway jointly carried out a road protection activity. Everyone carefully inspected the environment of the square in front of the station, and walked into the homes of Shanglongyin villagers to publicize railway safety knowledge. The villagers have long been accustomed to the Pioneers' weekly road protection action.

Shen Siyi, stationmaster of Mengla Station of the China-Laos Railway, said: "The distance between Shanglongyin Village and Mengla Station of China-Laos Railway is less than 100 meters, and the station and the Shanglongyin Road Protection Pioneer Team have jointly carried out the safety publicity activities around the station to create a safe environment governance atmosphere along the railway that the surrounding residents are concerned about and participate in, establish the concept of mutual assistance among the surrounding residents, and effectively safeguard the safety of people's lives and property and the safety of railway operation." ”

【Party flag fluttering】The first village in front of the China-Laos Railway Station This vanguard team is good!
【Party flag fluttering】The first village in front of the China-Laos Railway Station This vanguard team is good!

Mengla County, Mengla Town, Manna Umbrella Village, Shanglongyin Village Group is a Dai village, with a history of more than 300 years. After the opening of the China-Laos Railway in 2021, with the help of party committees and governments at all levels and all walks of life, the production and living conditions of this once inconspicuous small village have been greatly improved, and the appearance of the village has undergone earth-shaking changes. The villagers who have become wealthy have put forward many suggestions on how to take care of the railway at their doorstep, and they have also guarded the hard-won happy life of the village with practical actions.

【Party flag fluttering】The first village in front of the China-Laos Railway Station This vanguard team is good!

How to seize the opportunity to make the prosperous Shanglongyin Village more scientific and effective governance? The staff of the Party Committee and Government of Mengla Town, Mengla County, visited and investigated Shanglongyin Village many times. In the end, through "party building + N", the idea of building a vanguard team with strong political leadership, strong grassroots organization and strong combat effectiveness of party members coincides with the wishes of the villagers of Shanglongyin Village.

【Party flag fluttering】The first village in front of the China-Laos Railway Station This vanguard team is good!

Shi Mingqiong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and propaganda committee member of Mengla Town, said: "In the process of improving and building a rural tourism demonstration belt of 'party building + rural tourism' in Mengla Town to promote agricultural income, we have ideas in the town and the villagers in the village group are also willing to build and protect the village by itself. Through the 'railway through my hometown', spontaneously formed a pioneer team to love the road and protect the road. Since the establishment of the Ailu Road Protection Pioneer Team, the team members have been highly motivated to protect the village and the railway, and the safety awareness of the villagers to jointly maintain the village and the railway along the line has also been greatly improved. ”

【Party flag fluttering】The first village in front of the China-Laos Railway Station This vanguard team is good!

The party branch of Shanglongyin Village organized the establishment of a pioneer team led by party members and village cadres, with the participation of the militia and the masses, and 17 pioneer team members hung signs in each house, and organized and carried out one environmental sanitation and safety hazard investigation and rectification along the railway every week to ensure the environmental safety along the railway. The team members also volunteered to undertake the task of maintaining order and emergency rescue in the village, and where there was a need in the village, the pioneers would be seen.

Yi Wang, deputy director of the Manna Umbrella Village Committee of Mengla Town, said: "If there is a problem in our village, or if there is an urgent matter in the village, the Ailu Road Protection Pioneer will help us at the first time." Including some activities carried out in our village, as well as the railway station square, they will be seen, and our villagers are very grateful to them, so that our people have a greater sense of security. ”

【Party flag fluttering】The first village in front of the China-Laos Railway Station This vanguard team is good!

Yan Ying, a member of the Ailu Road Protection Pioneer Team in Shanglongyin Village, said: "As members of the pioneer team, in addition to being busy with our own farm work, we also have to make time to maintain the safety of the village and order along the railway. Although it was very hard, I was recognized by the village, and I feel very proud to be a member of the team. ”

Shanglongyin Village has always kept in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest entrustment of "maintaining and operating the railway well, developing and building it along the line, building a golden line, and benefiting the people of the two countries".

【Party flag fluttering】The first village in front of the China-Laos Railway Station This vanguard team is good!

Zhang Zhaoyong, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Mengla County Party Committee, said: "In recent years, Mengla County has been based on the actual situation of 'border frontier', highlighting the main line of party building, taking 'party building +' as the starting point, implementing the 'five forces' upgrading project, and comprehensively building a pilot demonstration area for the border party building corridor. For example, with 'party building + road protection' as the main line, carefully set up the Shanglongyin villager group to love the road and protect the road party member vanguard team, give full play to the governance efficiency of 'party member + N', improve and improve the party member vanguard post, responsibility area, volunteer service and other mechanisms, normalize the organization of road patrol investigation, road protection service publicity and other activities, and constantly guide the majority of party members to base themselves on their posts, strive for first-class, and take practical actions to help the safety and stability of railway transportation. ”

Reporter: Li Jinghui, Wang Jing, Huang Yan, Zhang Liang

Mengla County Rong Media Center Wang Qingpeng

Editor: Guan Qiannan

【Party flag fluttering】The first village in front of the China-Laos Railway Station This vanguard team is good!