
Huang Junqi visited and condoled with party members in difficulty

author:Yuhua released

On July 1, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Huang Junqi, secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, visited and condoled the party members in difficulty, sent the party's warmth and care, and extended cordial greetings and holiday blessings to the majority of party members in the district. Cai Zemin, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, director of the District Party Committee Office, and Secretary of the Working Committee of the District Organs, and the main responsible comrades of relevant departments and streets participated.

Huang Junqi visited and condoled with party members in difficulty

In Jingwanzi Street, Huang Junqi successively visited and condoled Fan Zhiqiang and Li Yan, party members in difficulty, asked them about their physical condition, recent life situation, and family situation, and sent holiday care and greetings. Knowing that they had difficulties in life and heavy family burdens due to illness, Huang Junqi encouraged them to build confidence, actively cooperate with treatment, take care of their health, and face life optimistically.

Huang Junqi visited and condoled with party members in difficulty

During the visit, Huang Junqi emphasized that it is necessary to actively guide the majority of party members to learn from the excellent models around them, go all out to do their own work, better play the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, promote the high-quality development of Yuhua, improve quality, speed and efficiency, and provide a strong organizational guarantee for accelerating the construction of a first-class modern and strong area in the country.

Huang Junqi visited and condoled with party members in difficulty

Source丨Reporter Huang Chao of the District Financial Media Center

Editor-in-charge丨Wu Yiwei Editor丨Fu Yamei

Deputy Editor-in-Chief on Duty丨Li Lei

Editor-in-Chief丨Xiong Qiyu

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Huang Junqi visited and condoled with party members in difficulty

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Huang Junqi visited and condoled with party members in difficulty

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Huang Junqi visited and condoled with party members in difficulty
Huang Junqi visited and condoled with party members in difficulty