
Toyota slipped for the fourth month in a row; The Leap C16 is sold from 155,800 yuan, and the Nezha L pure electric version is launched

author:Sycamore car talk
{"info":{"title":{"content":"丰田连续第四个月下滑;零跑C16售15.58万起;哪吒L纯电版上市","en":"Toyota slipped for the fourth month in a row; The Leap C16 is sold from 155,800 yuan, and the Nezha L pure electric version is launched"},"description":{"content":"1.丰田销量连续第四个月下滑丰田汽车全球销量连续第4个月下滑。丰田发布的最新数据显示,今年5月,丰田及其子公司大发汽车和...","en":"1. Toyota's sales fell for the fourth consecutive month, and Toyota's global sales fell for the fourth consecutive month. The latest data released by Toyota shows that in May this year, Toyota and its subsidiary Daihatsu Motor and..."}},"items":[]}