
The duty-free quota for this type of traveler will be increased from July! Enterprise Chacha: Last year, the number of related enterprise registrations hit a new high

author:Enterprise check finance
{"info":{"title":{"content":"7月起这类旅客免税额度提高!企查查:去年相关企业注册量创新高","en":"The duty-free quota for this type of traveler will be increased from July! Enterprise Chacha: Last year, the number of related enterprise registrations hit a new high"},"description":{"content":"6月28日,财政部、海关总署、税务总局联合发布公告,自中国香港、中国澳门进境居民旅客携带行李物品免税额度从5000元提高...","en":"On June 28, the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs, and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued an announcement that the duty-free allowance for luggage and items carried by resident passengers entering Hong Kong, China and Macao, China will be increased from 5,000 yuan..."}},"items":[]}