
Xiangyang Valley City: Lengji Town and mining enterprises jointly carried out emergency drills

author:Hubei Journal of Emergency Management

June this year is the 23rd national "safety production month", in order to thoroughly implement the safety theme of "everyone talks about safety, everyone will be emergency - smooth life channel", the people's government of Lengji Town, Gucheng County, together with the Gucheng County Emergency Bureau, fire and rescue brigade, blue sky rescue team, Hubei Lituo Investment Co., Ltd. and other departments carried out an emergency drill for tailings pond disaster accidents, and the drill set up an emergency rescue team of Hubei Lituo Investment Co., Ltd.; Lengji Town Militia Emergency Response Team; Gucheng Blue Sky Rescue Team; County Emergency Response Bureau Rescue Team; County Fire and Rescue Brigade Emergency Team; County Mobile Company's Emergency Communication Support Team; emergency power supply support team of the county power supply company; 8 emergency teams including the medical emergency team of the county health bureau.

Xiangyang Valley City: Lengji Town and mining enterprises jointly carried out emergency drills
Xiangyang Valley City: Lengji Town and mining enterprises jointly carried out emergency drills

With the mine alarm sounded, the safety monitor immediately reported the danger to the relevant departments of the county and town, and more than 130 employees including Hubei Lituo Investment Co., Ltd. responded quickly in accordance with the emergency plan for the tailings pond disaster, and made a clear division of labor, went to the accident site to organize the filling of sandbags, reinforced the dam body and bank slope, and set up a cordon to organize personnel to evacuate to a safe area. At the drill site, the county fire and rescue brigade and the blue sky rescue team also publicized and popularized the safety knowledge related to emergency avoidance and rescue to the employees and observers of the enterprise, so as to improve the ability of self-rescue and mutual rescue.

Xiangyang Valley City: Lengji Town and mining enterprises jointly carried out emergency drills

The drill was carried out in the form of remote video command and dispatch + on-site drill, which simulated multiple links such as discovery of danger, police reporting, emergency response, and mass evacuation and transfer, and a total of more than 200 observers were organized, which expanded the coverage of the drill effect, strengthened the emergency response ability of cadres and the masses, and built a solid safety line of defense. In the next step, Lengji Town will continue to focus on the safety production month, strengthen safety publicity and education, carry out various forms of emergency drills, enhance the safety awareness of the masses, build a strong line of defense for people's safety, and ensure the safety and stability of the town.

Producer: Hubei Emergency Management Magazine Financial Media Center

Braided hair: Zhang Kerui

Source: Gucheng County Emergency Management Bureau Correspondent/Chen Zhuoqing