
SEO Title Optimization - Methods and Techniques of Title Optimization

author:BM Xiaowei

Recently, I met some novice friends who asked me how to write SEO titles, so I sorted out some of the title optimization methods I had written before.

When you're writing an SEO title, you're actually writing the page's keywords.

However, keywords are of little use, so we rarely ask "how to write keywords on a page"?

1. Chinese word segmentation

Before talking about how to write SEO titles, let's first understand the concept of "Chinese tokenization".

We know that the title of a web page displayed by Baidu is about 36 characters (I haven't counted the details).

If it is longer than 36 characters, it will be automatically omitted.

SEO Title Optimization - Methods and Techniques of Title Optimization

So the question is, how do you cram as many keywords as possible into the limited number of words?

For example, if you want to put the following keywords on the homepage, what should you do?

"Amusement Equipment, Children's Amusement Equipment, Amusement Park Equipment, Large Amusement Equipment, Small Amusement Equipment, Outdoor Amusement Equipment, Indoor Amusement Equipment, Amusement Equipment Manufacturers"

You can't put them all in order, as that won't show them all in their entirety and will cause keyword stuffing issues.

At this time, understanding "Chinese word segmentation" is crucial for SEO title optimization.

For example, when we search for a word, such as "amusement rides".

It's common to find that the word "rides" alone doesn't necessarily end up on the front page.

Those cover pages in the form of "properties + amusement equipment" are still on the front page, as was the case just now.

SEO Title Optimization - Methods and Techniques of Title Optimization

Red indicates that the search term matches the displayed result term.

That is to say, when we write a title, we can split and reorganize the keywords, and when the user searches for the keyword, the search engine will automatically match the words related to your title, so that you can include multiple different keywords.

Note: Google SEO also uses English tokenization, but they are not as convenient as us when segmenting.

2. Inverted indexes

As for the inverted index, there is a previous article that introduced it in detail, so I won't repeat it here, please read "Inverted Index" for details.

As mentioned above, if we arrange the keywords in order in the title, it will create a problem with keyword stacking.

But that doesn't mean it's best to have a keyword appear in the title once.

For example, if we want the word "amusement equipment" to be ranked on the first page as much as possible, then from the perspective of title optimization, we should try to increase its frequency while avoiding keyword stacking.

Like, this top-ranked website has a well-written title.

SEO Title Optimization - Methods and Techniques of Title Optimization

The word "amusement ride" appears 3 times, and the word "amusement ride" is matched separately.

In addition to focusing on the number of keyword occurrences, as mentioned in the inverted index, the position of the keyword also needs to be considered.

Keywords are weighted lower from left to right.

3. SEO Title Optimization Methods

Now that the above two theories have been clarified, let's take a look at the title optimization.