
The salary of a cadre of the Railway Bureau was exposed! Netizens said: It's pitifully low, but it's stable and poor

author:Micro-customer wealth

Recently, a senior cadre who has worked in a railway bureau group in the south for more than ten years disclosed his salary. According to him (pictured below), his monthly salary is stable at about 30,000 yuan, and his annual salary is about 320,000 yuan, which is a high salary level in the railway system and far exceeds the income of ordinary employees.

According to netizens, the monthly salary of ordinary employees in the railway system is roughly between 5,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan. Even in popular areas such as the Shanghai Bureau and the Guangzhou Bureau, the monthly income is only about 12,000 yuan. In comparison, the salary of this cadre is indeed enviable.

The salary of a cadre of the Railway Bureau was exposed! Netizens said: It's pitifully low, but it's stable and poor
The salary of a cadre of the Railway Bureau was exposed! Netizens said: It's pitifully low, but it's stable and poor

China's railway system is huge, including 18 railway bureaus, and each railway bureau has a number of professional sections, such as locomotive depot, electrical depot, depot, train depot, power supply depot, public works section, communication depot, etc., what are these professional depots responsible for and what is the corresponding salary level? Here are some of them for you.

Locomotive depot:

It is mainly responsible for driving trains, bullet trains and maintenance work, and is the front-line driving unit of the railway system.

In terms of working environment, the working environment of train drivers is relatively comfortable. In addition, the income of train drivers is generally higher among railway workers, especially senior drivers, whose monthly salary is basically around 10,000 yuan to 15,000 yuan.


It is mainly responsible for the operation, maintenance and maintenance of train vehicles (excluding locomotives).

The salary level of depot employees is medium, with an average salary of 4,000-5,000 yuan, which is relatively fixed, but there will be night shifts.


The train depot (station) is mainly responsible for the transportation service unit externally, and is responsible for the organization and scheduling of the train internally, including the crew and conductor.

The monthly salary of the employees of the train depot is basically about 4,500 yuan to 8,500 yuan, which belongs to the shift production industry.

Electricity Section:

Generally speaking, it is to detect and maintain the train signaling equipment through the way of "looking, hearing and asking", and tools such as multimeters, inspection tablets, levels, and wrenches are the standard equipment when they work.

The salary level of employees in the electricity section varies by region and position, with an average monthly salary of around 7,241 yuan.

The salary of a cadre of the Railway Bureau was exposed! Netizens said: It's pitifully low, but it's stable and poor

Power supply section:

Generally speaking, it is to provide power services for locomotives, and safety helmets, insulated shoes, and safety belts are the standard equipment for their work.

The salary level of employees in the power supply section varies according to specific positions and regional differences, but overall, the monthly salary is about 5,659 yuan.

It should be noted that the above salary levels are only an approximate reference range, and the actual salary will be affected by a variety of factors, such as the level of regional economic development, the size of the enterprise, personal work experience and skill level, etc.

The salary of a cadre of the Railway Bureau was exposed! Netizens said: It's pitifully low, but it's stable and poor

Nationally, the income level of railway employees is generally in the upper middle level of the whole society. In many regions, they enjoy a level of treatment comparable to that of employees in the system, and the benefits are also quite superior. In addition, railway work is known for its stability, and as long as employees remain engaged and do not touch the mistakes of principle, they can be engaged in this job for a long time or even for life. However, we also need to recognize that the work in the rail industry is often quite hard and requires hard work and sweat.
