
Township mediators and "people who understand the law" participated in the training to jointly study the "legal understanding of things" in the community

author:Shenzhen Business Daily
Zhang Weiwei, chief reporter of Shenzhen Business Daily Reading and Entrepreneurship Client Correspondent Qin Xiaohong text/photo

In order to solidly promote the training of grassroots rule of law workers and improve the ability and level of grassroots rule of law workers to use rule of law thinking and rule of law methods to deal with problems, on the afternoon of June 25, the 2024 Longhua District People's Mediator and "People Who Understand the Law" pre-job special training meeting was held in the Longhua District Digital Innovation Center, with a total of 120 people participating in the Longhua District Justice Bureau and the District Safety Construction Center, the chairman of the Longhua District Federation of Industry and Commerce, the directors of the judicial offices of each street, the first batch of township mediators and "people who understand the law".

Township mediators and "people who understand the law" participated in the training to jointly study the "legal understanding of things" in the community

Before the start of the training, Longhua District organized various township mediators and "people who understand the law" to visit the Longhua District Mediation Institute, so that everyone can understand the four core concepts of "humanities, digital, sharing, and professionalism" of the hospital, and feel the governance wisdom of the "multi-tone linkage and intelligent dispute resolution" work method at zero distance and "immersion", which further enhanced the enthusiasm, sense of responsibility and pride of new and old township mediators and legal people to participate in community grassroots governance.

Township mediators and "people who understand the law" participated in the training to jointly study the "legal understanding of things" in the community

At the subsequent pre-job training mobilization meeting, representatives of young lawyer mediators, representatives of township mediators, and representatives of "people who understand the law" shared their respective responsibilities and made speeches.

"The change of role from a lawyer as an agent for disputes to a neutral mediator is a challenge for me, and I must have more empathy for both sides of the conflict, and I am deeply honored to help the public solve difficulties through my professional knowledge." He Qingquan, a representative of the young lawyer, said.

"I will work harder to learn laws and regulations and mediation skills, integrate them, communicate and cooperate with the community, the judicial department and other relevant institutions, give full play to my role as an 'acquaintance' in the community, and jointly promote the resolution of conflicts." Xiangxian mediator Huang Weiqi said.

"The law understands people" Chen Fasi said: "As a 'person who understands the law', I am very honored, the people have no trivial matter, no matter how small the contradiction, we must do our best to resolve it." If you want to resolve the conflict, you must respect the law, learn the law, abide by the law, and use the law. In this process, we can not only enhance our awareness of the rule of law, but also enhance our ability to use the law to serve the masses. ”

Township mediators and "people who understand the law" participated in the training to jointly study the "legal understanding of things" in the community

During the training, Xin Xianxia, an advanced individual in the national public legal service work and a national outstanding lawyer, was invited to give special training on the practical skills of mediation for rural mediators and legal understanders based on her own insights in social governance research at the grassroots level and her experience in handling conflicts and disputes. During the lecture, Mr. Xin shared his mediation cases with the participants in simple terms in the form of case explanation, Q&A interaction, etc., so as to deepen the participants' understanding of the training content and consolidate the learning results.

At the meeting, Chen Guoxiong, member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the Longhua District Federation of Industry and Commerce, said that the District Federation of Industry and Commerce will further strengthen the publicity of the rule of law, and take multiple measures to take the initiative to send the law to the door in conjunction with the District Bureau of Justice to help enterprises operate legally and compliantly; Second, it will give full play to the role of a bridge between government and enterprises, further strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the Bureau of Justice, weave a dense mediation network, improve the mediation organization of the enterprise chamber of commerce, timely and effectively resolve all kinds of commercial conflicts and disputes of private enterprises, continuously optimize the business environment, and maximize the convenience and benefit of enterprises.

The relevant person in charge of the Longhua District Judicial Bureau emphasized to the trainees that first, it is necessary to continuously improve professional quality and enhance mediation ability; Second, we should actively assume social responsibility and contribute to the resolution of social contradictions and disputes; Third, it is necessary to combine theory and practice to further improve work efficiency.


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