
Daily word 944: tick

author:The book is about to come out
Daily word 944: tick

What I shared today is: the word "tick".

Hook, pronounced gōu or gòu, when pronounced gōu, generally refers to twisting, bending, or collusion, and also refers to drawing the outline of an object's image with a pen; When pronounced gòu, it mostly refers to bad actions or things, such as deeds.

Daily word 944: tick

The first stroke is cut obliquely, and then the front is turned to the left downward, with a slight curvature, and the pen is close to the tip of the stroke, and it cannot be thrown out with one stroke; Horizontal fold vertical hook pen and skimming can be connected or not, pay attention to the position of the pen, show the front, horizontal painting anti-shoulder, do not write long, the line of the pen in place and then slightly lift the pen and then pause the pen to the left down, the vertical body is slightly heavier, slightly arc, to the hook and then to the "kneeling pen bounce front" to the left pick pen hook out, the hook angle inside the circle outside, strong and powerful, pay attention to the point of the hook.

The word "厶" inside is obliquely oriented, the whole is compact, and it should not be written large. The pointing of the apostrophe-skimming line is different from the first stroke, after the line of the pen is in place, the left side of the pen is then paused, and the pen is written to the right, and the starting pen of the drawing should not exceed the first stroke, and pay attention to the pointing of its edge; Finally, the apostrophe blocks the end of the drawing, which is short and powerful, and the angle is slightly upright.

Daily word 944: tick

How to write the word "hook":

Daily word 944: tick
Daily word 944: tick