
Today is your birthday|Qinyuan Spring Celebrate the Party's Birthday (One Song of the Seven Laws)

author:Qingyanwei Literature
{"info":{"title":{"content":"今天是您的生日|沁园春 贺党华诞(外七律一首)","en":"Today is your birthday|Qinyuan Spring Celebrate the Party's Birthday (One Song of the Seven Laws)"},"description":{"content":"作者:顾娌伊\/梁文君沁园春贺党华诞文\/顾娌伊尧舜炎黄,禹夏商周,史记几何。感泱泱九域,年年逐鹿。豪强并起,黩武操戈。血雨...","en":"Author: Gu Jiaoyi \/ Liang Wenjun Qinyuan Chunhe Dang Hua Birthday Essay \/ Gu Jiao Yi Yao Shun Yan Huang, Yu Xia Shang Zhou, Historical Records Geometry. Feeling the nine domains, chasing deer every year. Heroic and strong, fierce and strong. Bloody rain..."}},"items":[]}