
Wuhua District held the eighth regular work meeting of the project promotion headquarters in 2024

author:Show embraces Wuhua
{"info":{"title":{"content":"五华区召开项目推进工作指挥部2024年第八次工作例会","en":"Wuhua District held the eighth regular work meeting of the project promotion headquarters in 2024"},"description":{"content":"6月30日,五华区召开项目推进工作指挥部2024年第八次工作例会,会议以现场调研形式进行。区委书记陈江带队深入辖区重点项...","en":"On June 30, Wuhua District held the eighth regular work meeting of the project promotion headquarters in 2024, which was conducted in the form of on-site investigation. Chen Jiang, secretary of the district party committee, led a team to go deep into the key projects of the district..."}},"items":[]}