
A tribute to the 30th anniversary of Joe's Gang Baseball! The AJ1 new colorway is no small thing!

author:FC Chinese Station
{"info":{"title":{"content":"致敬乔帮主职棒 30 周年!AJ1 新配色来头不小!","en":"A tribute to the 30th anniversary of Joe's Gang Baseball! The AJ1 new colorway is no small thing!"},"description":{"content":"1994年,拿下首个三连冠后,乔丹第一次离开NBA。由于当时美职棒大联盟遭遇停摆,乔帮主宣布加盟职棒次级联赛的伯明翰男爵...","en":"In 1994, after winning his first three-peat, Jordan left the NBA for the first time. Due to the shutdown of Major League Baseball at the time, Joe announced that he would join the Birmingham Barons in the minor league of Major League Baseball..."}},"items":[]}