
Women's Volunteering | The Chinese pharmacist went to the apricot grove for an appointment

author:Jingzhou women
{"info":{"title":{"content":"巾帼志愿服务 | 中华小药师 共赴杏林约","en":"Women's Volunteering | The Chinese pharmacist went to the apricot grove for an appointment"},"description":{"content":"“叔叔、叔叔,它是怎么发药的,它有眼睛和鼻子吗?”“我们的发药机器人不仅有聪明的大脑和慧眼,还有长长的机械手臂呢,可以又...","en":"\"Uncle, uncle, how does it dispense medicine, does it have eyes and nose?\" \"Our medicine dispensing robot not only has a smart brain and discerning eyes, but also a long robotic arm, which can be..."}},"items":[]}