
Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Voting is officially open!

In the wave of deep integration of technology and the automotive industry, every step of innovation can be a catalyst for industry change. Today, the high-profile Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Event officially kicked off, jointly organized by OFweek, an authoritative portal in the high-tech industry, OFweek Electronic Engineering Network, and OFweek New Energy Vehicles, marking the grand start of a grand opening of an innovation feast in the automotive industry.

This selection is not only a comprehensive review of the innovation achievements of the automotive industry in the past year, but also an in-depth outlook on future trends. The event covers a wide range of fields from automotive electronic components to intelligent network technology, including but not limited to core components such as on-board chips, sensors, power semiconductors, and MCUs, as well as cutting-edge applications such as autonomous driving, intelligent networking, and cabin and driving integration.


The setting of this award goes deep into automotive electronic products, technology, applications, enterprises and other links, and shows the latest progress of automotive electronics in an all-round way. Through the selection, we can not only recognize the current outstanding achievements, but also gain insight into the future trend pulse of the industry.

Professional jury

Veco Cup· OFweek's annual selection of the automotive industry, with its rigorous selection process and professional review team, enjoys high credibility and influence in the industry. This year's selection will continue to uphold the principle of fairness and openness, and an independent jury composed of senior experts from domestic authoritative industry associations, colleges and universities, and scientific research institutions will be invited to conduct checks and audits from different dimensions. (The following is a panel of invited professional jury, in no particular order.) )

Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Voting is officially open!

Golden double root

Member of the European Academy of Sciences

Vice President of Henan Polytechnic University

Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Voting is officially open!

Fan Wenfei

Chief Scientist of Shenzhen Institute of Computing Science

Foreign Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Voting is officially open!

Li Yan

President of China Unicom Internet of Things Research Institute

Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Voting is officially open!

Liu Guibin

Chief Engineer of Automotive Standardization Research Institute, China Automotive Center

Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Voting is officially open!

Sun Hanbing

Chief Researcher of the Planning and Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport

Senior Engineer

Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Voting is officially open!

Cui Dongshu

Secretary-General of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association

Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Voting is officially open!

Zhang Weige

Professor of Beijing Jiaotong University

He is a member of the Intelligent Transportation and Green Energy Professional Committee of the China Energy Research Society

Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Voting is officially open!

Li Gaopeng

President of Yutong Bus New Energy Technology Research Institute

Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Voting is officially open!

Yin Chengliang

Director of the Institute of Automotive Energy Saving Technology of Shanghai Jiaotong University

Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Voting is officially open!

Pan Zhijie

Director of Intelligent Vehicle Research Center, Zhejiang University

Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Voting is officially open!

Chen Yong

Chief Engineer and Vice President of Geely Automobile Research Institute

Selection process

Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Voting is officially open!

This year's "Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection will enter the hot "Online Voting and Expert Selection" stage from July 1. The voting time is from July 1st to 19th, for a period of 19 days, and users can log in to the official website of the event to vote for the shortlisted companies and products; The judging panel will discuss the shortlist and review the final list of winners according to the online voting opinions, accounting for 70% of the experts' scores. The results of the award will be announced at the award ceremony on August 27, and will be announced and reported in detail on OFweek Electronic Engineering Network and OFweek New Energy Vehicles.

Veco Cup· OFweek 2024 Automotive Industry Annual Selection Voting is officially open!

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