
The "Eight Great Battles" promotion meeting for the key work of the whole region was held

author:Linchuan release

On June 29, the "Eight Great Battles" promotion meeting for the key work of the whole region was held. Wu Yiwen, secretary of the district party committee, attended and delivered a speech. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on implementation, implement the specific requirements of the provincial and municipal party committees on implementation, report the progress of the "Eight Great Battles", analyze the situation, find problems, remobilize, redeploy and rearrange the key work of the whole region in the second half of the year, continue to transmit the responsibility pressure of paying close attention to implementation and real implementation, and further encourage the whole region to catch up with and surpass each other, press ahead, and resolutely win the "Eight Great Battles" to ensure the successful completion of the goals and tasks of the year. Li Qunbiao, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, presided over the meeting, and Wang Xiaoxiong, Feng Le and other leaders of the four sets of teams in the district attended the meeting.

The "Eight Great Battles" promotion meeting for the key work of the whole region was held

Wu Yiwen pointed out that it is necessary to consolidate the good momentum, further boost morale, drum up enthusiasm, and fight the "Eighth Great Battle" with stronger confidence. The Standing Committee of the District Party Committee took the lead in grasping the general and established a working mechanism of "one battle, one special class, one list, and one evaluation", and the leaders of the leading districts of the various battles were commanded and dispatched normally, and the responsible units took the initiative to integrate into the overall situation and refine the measures. The overall social situation has remained stable, forming a good situation in which the whole region is in battle and all sectors of society are participating, and various key tasks have been promoted to achieve phased results.

The "Eight Great Battles" promotion meeting for the key work of the whole region was held

Wu Yiwen emphasized that it is necessary to anchor the goals and tasks, further highlight the key points, overcome difficulties, and take more practical measures to fight the "Eight Great Battles". Adhere to the problem-oriented and goal-oriented, compare the goals and tasks of the "Eight Great Battles", comprehensively sort out the progress of the work, summarize the practices, analyze the problems, and prescribe the right medicine, so as to promote the overall breakthrough of the "Eight Great Battles". The industrial innovation and development conference should continue to make efforts in "expanding the total amount and improving the quality", and focus on the "5 5s" work goal, and make further efforts to stabilize the stock, expand the increment, and improve the quality to ensure the completion of the established tasks. The battle of urban renewal and project construction should continue to "improve functions and speed up progress", keep an eye on the nodes, seize the construction period, and speed up the construction of key projects, land acquisition within the boundaries of urban development, expropriation of houses left over from shantytown reform, and renovation of old communities. The battle of rural revitalization and agricultural industrialization development should continue to make efforts in "increasing the income of the masses and increasing industrial efficiency", closely focus on the goal of "four integrations and one total" and the construction of beautiful villages, accelerate the development of the industrial development of "one township, one industry, one village, one product", consolidate the foundation of food security, do a good job in the reform of agriculture and rural areas, continue to promote the change of customs in rural areas, and resolutely rectify the high-priced bride price in rural areas. The implementation of key reform tasks should continue to make efforts in "solving problems and serving development", deepen the implementation of key reform tasks such as the "2+N" district state-owned enterprise system, the development zone management system, and the district and township fiscal and taxation system, and promote the "Ten Reform Actions" in an integrated manner, summarize experience in a timely manner, actively strive for pilots, and create more influential Linchuan reform brands in the whole province. The conference on the integrated development of culture and tourism should continue to make efforts in "cultural and plastic tourism and tourism to promote culture", and make every effort to "create an IP, improve two scenic spots, and prepare three plans", and all towns and towns should fully tap and utilize local cultural and tourism resources, and do a good job in "one township, one scene, one township, one characteristic" article. The battle of ecological civilization construction and environmental protection should continue to make efforts to "keep the red line and build a solid bottom line", do a good job in rectifying the problems exposed by the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors and handling the letters and visits assigned by them, continue to open up the transformation channels of the "two mountains", and promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development. The battle of people's livelihood and practical matters should continue to make efforts in "change can be felt and happiness can be reached", promote the construction of teaching (teaching and research) communities and close-knit urban medical groups to achieve practical results, increase the introduction and cultivation of talents in the fields of medical and health, education, finance and other fields, and earnestly complete various annual livelihood tasks. The safety and stability risk investigation and rectification campaign should continue to make efforts in "social stability and people's tranquility", continue to strengthen the rectification of safety risks and hidden dangers in 15 key areas such as urban gas and hazardous chemicals, strengthen the drowning prevention work and road traffic hazard investigation, and vigorously promote the special action of centralized investigation and rectification of fireworks and firecrackers to ensure that no larger or higher accidents occur. Strictly implement the requirements for leaders to receive visits and take the lead in handling cases, and earnestly resolve contradictions at the grassroots level and eliminate them in the bud.

Wu Yiwen emphasized that it is necessary to establish a sense of accounting, further consolidate responsibilities, strengthen responsibility, and fight the "Eight Great Battles" with a more practical style. Adhere to the performance of duties and responsibilities, work hard, further strengthen responsibility, supervision and efficiency, and style construction, and use extraordinary strength, extraordinary courage, and extraordinary merit to strive for high scores in economic and social development.

The "Eight Great Battles" promotion meeting for the key work of the whole region was held

Li Qunbiao stressed that it is necessary to face the situation squarely, grasp the implementation with a correct mentality, think more deeply and thoroughly about the difficulties and problems, make the targeted improvement measures more practical and sufficient, show the spirit of "fighting", the consciousness of "grabbing", and the momentum of "fighting", and make every effort to grasp the key work of the "eight major battles" firmly and meticulously, and achieve greater results. It is necessary to set goals, face difficulties and grasp implementation, adhere to industry first, adhere to project guidance, adhere to the three rural-oriented, adhere to reform and empowerment, adhere to the integration of culture and tourism, adhere to green as the bottom, adhere to people's livelihood orientation, adhere to bottom-line thinking, and constantly promote the implementation of various tasks. It is necessary to seek practical results, strengthen the implementation of measures, effectively strengthen overall planning, improve efficiency, unite and cooperate, strengthen supervision, seize all favorable opportunities, take advantage of all favorable conditions, and do it as soon as possible, as soon as possible, as soon as possible, as soon as possible, and as much as possible, and work hard to do a good job in the "eight major battles" of key work, and make every effort to promote the high-quality economic and social development of Linchuan.

At the meeting, the leaders of the leading districts reported the progress of each battle; Some townships, neighborhoods, and district-level departments made typical and express statements.


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