
Adjusted from July 1st! These new rules will affect the → of your life and mine

author:Huzhou Police

Zhejiang regulates housekeeping service activities

Improve the subsidy system for the elderly in difficulty

The state prohibits "big data killing"...

From July

A number of new regulations have been officially implemented

See how it will affect your and my lives~

Adjusted from July 1st! These new rules will affect the → of your life and mine

Zhejiang Construction

"Please get it, you can afford it, and you can use it with confidence"

of the domestic service market

Adjusted from July 1st! These new rules will affect the → of your life and mine

  The Zhejiang Provincial Domestic Service Regulations issued by the Provincial Department of Commerce will come into force on July 1, 2024.

  The "Regulations" put forward that the provincial department of commerce should build a unified "Zhejiang Housekeeping" comprehensive management service platform in the province. "Zheli Housekeeping" shall establish a service quality evaluation system for domestic service institutions and domestic service personnel. The evaluation includes optional scoring, personalized reviews, and a comprehensive evaluation grade determined according to the evaluation rules.

Zhejiang has improved the subsidy system for the elderly in difficulty

Adjusted from July 1st! These new rules will affect the → of your life and mine

  The "Notice on Improving the Subsidy System for the Elderly in Difficulty" issued by the Department of Civil Affairs and the Department of Finance of Zhejiang Province will come into force on July 1, 2024.

  The subsidy for the elderly in difficulty is divided into three categories, pension service subsidy, old-age care subsidy and basic living subsidy. The subsidy for old-age services is for the low-income elderly, and the subsidy standard is 125 yuan per person per month. The scope of subsidies may be expanded, and the subsidy objects and standards shall be determined by the people's governments of each county (city, district).

Zhejiang strengthens the protection and inheritance of red resources

The Regulations on the Protection and Inheritance of Red Resources in Zhejiang Province will come into force on July 1, 2024.

  The "Regulations" make it clear that the protection and inheritance of red resources is the common responsibility of the whole society, and any unit or individual has the obligation to protect red resources, and shall not deface, embezzle, destroy or distort, scandalize, desecrate or deny red resources. Units and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the protection and inheritance of red resources shall be praised and encouraged in accordance with relevant national and provincial regulations.

Zhejiang regulates intellectual property rights

Summary Procedures for Administrative Rulings

  The Provisions on the Summary Procedures for Administrative Adjudication of Intellectual Property Rights in Zhejiang Province (for Trial Implementation) issued by the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau will come into force on July 15, 2024.

  The Provisions optimize the case-handling process of law enforcement agencies and reduce the cost of protecting the rights of patentees by compressing the time limit for handling cases in each link and simplifying the case-handling links in accordance with the law, and clarifying the procedures of "single-judge trial", "prior comparison" and "direct ruling". According to the Provisions, if the basic facts are clear, the evidence is conclusive, the relationship between rights and obligations is clear, and the patent rights involved in the case are stable, the market regulation (intellectual property) department may apply the summary procedures.

Zhejiang constructs financial projects

Budget "big review" system

Adjusted from July 1st! These new rules will affect the → of your life and mine

  The "Interim Measures for the Review and Management of Zhejiang Provincial Financial Project Budget" issued by the Provincial Department of Finance will come into force on July 15, 2024.

  The "Measures" put forward that Zhejiang will build a "big review" system of reasonable division of labor and close cooperation between the project implementation units, competent departments, financial departments, and internal institutions of the financial departments. The budget review of financial projects should focus on the necessity, feasibility, completeness, compliance, rationality, economy, performance objectives, and expenditure standards of the project, among which the review of continuing projects should take the budget implementation and budget performance management of previous years as an important reference.

Zhejiang standardizes government investment projects

Financial supervision of price settlement

  The "Interim Measures for the Financial Supervision and Administration of the Settlement of Project Prices for Government Investment Projects at the Same Level in Zhejiang Province" issued by the Provincial Department of Finance will be implemented from July 15, 2024.

  The financial supervision of project price settlement focuses on the project bidding documents, the calculation of project quantity and various costs, contract agreements, construction change visas, labor and material price differences, project claims, etc. Adopt the method of combining spot check supervision with key supervision, spot check supervision is post-event supervision, and key supervision belongs to in-process supervision and process supervision.

Zhejiang promotes the comprehensive utilization of crop straw

  The Zhejiang Provincial Department of Finance and the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Several Policies for Implementing Financial Support for High-quality and Promoting the Comprehensive Utilization of Crop Straw", which will come into force on July 22, 2024, and the policy implementation period is 2024-2027.

  The "policy" includes supporting the improvement of the straw collection and storage system, supporting the promotion of the industrialization of crop straw utilization, supporting the development of scientific and technological research on straw utilization, and innovating the establishment of a comprehensive subsidy mechanism for crop straw utilization, among which, from 2024 onwards, according to the construction of the crop straw collection and storage system, the level of off-field utilization, and the construction of the comprehensive straw management mechanism, the comprehensive evaluation of the counties (cities, districts) in the forefront, the provincial financial classification and classification to give incentives and subsidies.

Zhejiang has strengthened the guarantee of forests for construction projects

  The Zhejiang Provincial Forestry Bureau and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Guarantee of Forest Use in Construction Projects and Promoting High-quality Economic Development", which will come into force on July 5, 2024.

  The "Notice" makes it clear that Zhejiang will cooperate to do a good job in the forestry services of major construction projects in the province, coordinate the implementation of the planning space for forest use in construction projects, streamline and standardize the access management of forest for construction projects, make every effort to ensure the forest elements of construction projects, continuously optimize the approval of forest for construction projects, and effectively strengthen the six main tasks of forest supervision for construction projects. Among them, the quota for the use of forest land for major construction projects in the province shall be arranged by the provincial level, and the annual guarantee scale shall not be less than 30,000 mu. The quota for the use of forest land for infrastructure, public utilities and people's livelihood projects invested by the government of mountainous island counties shall be arranged by the provincial level with reference to the provincial major construction projects, and the annual guarantee scale shall not be less than 5,000 mu.

Source: Chinese government website, Zhejiang release, Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, etc

Editor: Xiao Min

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