
July 1st Party Day: A hundred years of elegance, the original heart is like a rock

author:Can life be ghostwritten?

Set sail from the red boat of Jiaxing South Lake,

To the new era, do not forget the original intention to ride the wind and waves,

The Communist Party of China (CPC) has gone through a glorious course of 103 years.

In the past hundred years,

Like bright stars,

It shines on the path forward for the Chinese nation.

July 1st Party Day: A hundred years of elegance, the original heart is like a rock

Hundred years of wind and rain baptism, cast steel and iron bones,

The flame of revolution has been passed down from generation to generation, and we have been forging ahead without stopping.

The blood and sweat of countless martyrs,

In exchange for today's peace and prosperity.

We remember the history and never forget the original intention,

Take the pen as a sword, express your chest directly, and inherit the red spirit.

July 1st Party Day: A hundred years of elegance, the original heart is like a rock

A hundred years of elegance, the party's banner is flying high,

From the red star of Jinggang Mountain to the revolutionary holy land of Yan'an,

Every step has left a deep footprint.

We record this history with copywriting,

Let more people understand the party's struggle and sacrifice,

This is our responsibility and our honor.

July 1st Party Day: A hundred years of elegance, the original heart is like a rock

The original heart is like a rock, the unswerving pursuit,

Reform and opening up, poverty alleviation, Chinese-style modernization,

Every step is a great achievement under the leadership of the party.

We use vivid language and touching stories,

Showcase these achievements to the world,

Let the party's brilliance illuminate the hearts of more people.

July 1st Party Day: A hundred years of elegance, the original heart is like a rock

The spirit of the red boat is our eternal beacon,

Ride the waves and brave any storm.

A hundred years of elegance is the persistence of generations of party members,

From the beacon of revolution, to the wave of construction, to reform and opening up.

Every step forward is engraved with the party's struggle,

In today's new era, we will not forget our original intention and continue to move forward.

July 1st Party Day: A hundred years of elegance, the original heart is like a rock

Hunan Qifa culture is well aware that

There's a lot of power in the words.

We take words as the medium, and the new as the load,

Use words to compose a chapter for the party's journey;

Every word is our heart's voice,

Respect for the party, loyalty to the country.

July 1st Party Day: A hundred years of elegance, the original heart is like a rock

The journey of a new era has begun,

Hunan enterprise culture, keep up with the pace of the party,

Write the chapter of the new era with words.

Whether it is the wave of the Internet or the rapid development of science and technology,

We will all have keen insight and profound literary skills,

Capture the pulse of the times and record the great achievements of the party.

July 1st Party Day: A hundred years of elegance, the original heart is like a rock

Dreams set sail, the future can be expected,

We walk with the party to create brilliance together.

Whether it is commercial creation or cultural inheritance,

Hunan enterprise culture has always kept pace with the times.

With professional services and accurate positioning,

Create value for customers and contribute to society.

July 1st Party Day: A hundred years of elegance, the original heart is like a rock

From yesterday to today,

The party's course is a magnificent epic.

We, as copywriters,

Feel it with your heart and depict it with your pen.

Let this hundred years of elegance,

Forever engraved in the long river of history, shining.

July 1st Party Day: A hundred years of elegance, the original heart is like a rock

Today's China has risen,

The glory of tomorrow is waiting for us to write together.

Let's go hand in hand, not forgetting the original intention,

Use the power of words to present a gift for the party's birthday.

May the spirit of the Party be passed on from generation to generation,

May our motherland be more prosperous and prosperous.