
1 leading enterprise, attracting 84 upstream and downstream enterprises...... Zhangyan Town promotes the "deep integration of party building and development"

author:Shangguan News
1 leading enterprise, attracting 84 upstream and downstream enterprises...... Zhangyan Town promotes the "deep integration of party building and development"

On July 1, Zhangyan Town, Jinshan District, held a special party class of "Secretary Speaks to Secretary", inviting the secretary of the general party branch of the town's industrial cluster, party cadres, heads of enterprises in the industrial park, and party organization secretaries to participate. In the party class, Shi Wenquan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhangyan Town, focused on the theme of "deep integration between party building and development".

1 leading enterprise, attracting 84 upstream and downstream enterprises...... Zhangyan Town promotes the "deep integration of party building and development"

According to reports, in recent years, the number of enterprise groups in Zhangyan Town has grown significantly, especially the mushrooms of small and medium-sized enterprises. Party building is an important force to promote the development of enterprises. At present, there are 28 "two new" party organizations in Zhangyan Town, and according to the industrial agglomeration and development trend in the industrial park, on the basis of the existing "two new" party organizations, four industrial clusters such as photoelectric transmission, new material research and development, intelligent equipment, transformation and upgrading, etc., have been built, and 274 enterprises have been coordinated.

The general party branch of these industrial clusters gives full play to the role of bridges, promotes the deep integration of "industrial chain", "resource chain" and "talent chain" by strengthening the "organization chain", and links resources such as industry, education and research, upstream and downstream, large and medium-sized enterprises, financial services, etc., so as to find more "development partners" for enterprises and form a circular chain effect in the park.

Taking the photoelectric transmission industry cluster as an example, relying on the leading enterprise Shanghai Qifan Cable Co., Ltd., Zhangyan Town has successfully attracted 84 upstream enterprises represented by Shanghai Xieyi Industrial Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Zili Plastic Technology Co., Ltd. and midstream enterprises represented by Shuai Yichi New Materials Group Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Niwei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., which have led to the "common prosperity" of small and medium-sized enterprises. In 2024, the photoelectric transmission industry cluster in Zhangyan Town will be rated as a characteristic industrial cluster for small and medium-sized enterprises in Shanghai.

Chen Yongda, secretary of the joint party branch of Shanghai Qifan Cable Co., Ltd., said, "Enterprises will encounter many problems to be solved in the process of development, and many contradictions will be encountered and breakthroughs need to be made. As the secretary of the party branch, he should give full play to the leading and vanguard role of the party organization and party members to help the enterprise solve problems. ”

Zhangyan Town also holds enterprise secretary salon activities, red-collar roundtables, and red-collar party classes in the area every quarter, so as to put the problems on the table and let the enterprises and the government discuss the best countermeasures. The town formulated and issued the "Implementation Opinions on the Integration and Upgrading of Party and Mass Service Work in Zhangyan Town", vigorously carried out the construction of "Party Building + Window", and established the "Group Heart Huiyan Party and Mass Alliance".

1 leading enterprise, attracting 84 upstream and downstream enterprises...... Zhangyan Town promotes the "deep integration of party building and development"

Under the leadership of the party organization system of the four industrial clusters, Zhangyan Town will also divide the 2.35 square kilometers of industrial park into two areas, east and west, with Rongwei Road as the boundary, and jointly set up a grid team with industrial parks, economic parks, urban transportation centers and other departments to keep abreast of the development trends of grid enterprises, carry out red "consultation" services, and promote the refinement of production. At the same time, the town focused on the concerns of enterprises and sent a service contact card, a "Wild Goose Gathering Zhangyan" service album folded page, and a list of "Qunxin Hui Yan" service resources to provide a full range of services for the party members and the masses of the enterprise.

Shi Wenquan said that the party class is not only a remobilization and redeployment of the implementation of the "two new" party building responsibilities, and effectively promote the effective coverage of the party's organization and work in all fields, at all levels and in all links, but also to build a horizontal communication platform for entrepreneurs, so that entrepreneurs and party branch secretaries can interact, collide and communicate here, and make the platform for party building work exchanges become a friendly opportunity for entrepreneurs to work together and grow together. Next, Zhangyan Town will hold more exchange activities to make the party building of the enterprise truly empower the development of the enterprise.

Source: Author: Huang Yongdi Shen Ting