
"Close up" and "down-to-earth"! The service here in Yangpu is very intimate

author:Shangguan News
"Close up" and "down-to-earth"! The service here in Yangpu is very intimate
"Close up" and "down-to-earth"! The service here in Yangpu is very intimate
"Close up" and "down-to-earth"! The service here in Yangpu is very intimate
"Close up" and "down-to-earth"! The service here in Yangpu is very intimate

From a flat boat to a majestic ship, the Communist Party of China has gone through 103 glorious years. On July 1, Wujiaochang Street carried out the volunteer service activity of "Praise the New Era and Forge Ahead on a New Journey" in Wujiaochang Square. 67 regional units and "two enterprises and three new" organizations signed up to participate in this event, and more than 100 volunteers from street organs participated in it to present the party founding day with practical actions.

"Close up" and "down-to-earth"! The service here in Yangpu is very intimate
"Close up" and "down-to-earth"! The service here in Yangpu is very intimate

At the scene, the party members of the new development, new transfer, and new report lined up neatly, faced the party flag, raised their right fists, and solemnly swore an oath. The "three new" party members have expressed that as party members in the new era, they should constantly improve their political accomplishment, actively explore in practice, and integrate their wisdom and struggle into the party's cause and the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly.

"Close up" and "down-to-earth"! The service here in Yangpu is very intimate

Veteran party members are the witnesses, creators, and witnesses of the party's history, working hard in all walks of life and serving the people in a down-to-earth manner. On the occasion of the founding of the party, the commemorative medal was awarded to the representatives of the winners of the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

A small commemorative medal carries glory and dreams, responsibilities and incentives. Xie Luhuai, a representative of veteran party members, reviewed the glorious course of joining the party 50 years ago, and told about his experience in the party and on the job, "It is difficult for you to imagine the heavy weight of this medal for a 76-year-old man like me. Xie Luhuai said emotionally that he would continue to exert his residual enthusiasm for the party and the country in the form of theoretical preaching, and become a "fresh teaching material" for educating and guiding the healthy growth of the vast number of young party members. Yu Wenhui, a post-00 cadre of the Zhengxiang Yin Neighborhood Committee, who has only been in the party for half a year, was deeply touched, "As young party members, we must learn from the vanguard and exemplary spirit of the older generation. ”

"Close up" and "down-to-earth"! The service here in Yangpu is very intimate

From a bag of rice and a barrel of oil to a rice cooker and an air circulation fan, the small "micro-wish" has built a "heart-to-heart bridge" between party members and the masses. The "micro-wishes" of 57 needy families, volunteers and elderly people from residential areas were claimed by the resident units and the "two enterprises and three new" organizations. The small acts of kindness and earnestly helping the masses solve difficulties have not only warmed the hearts of the masses, but also narrowed the distance between party members and the masses.

"The master's craftsmanship is so good, this head is a thief." "This knife is much quicker to sharpen, and it's a lot easier to cut things." "Measuring blood pressure is a lot more reassuring, and when you are older, health is the most important thing." The scene of convenient service was in full swing, and the flow of people in front of the booth was endless. 30 units actively responded to the call and sent volunteers to participate, bringing more than 40 convenient service projects. Such a "close" and "down-to-earth" intimate service, in the form of "visible, touchable, and enjoyable", allows the residents in the jurisdiction to feel the real convenience, and conveys love and warmth with practical actions.

"Close up" and "down-to-earth"! The service here in Yangpu is very intimate

At the scene of the charity sale, a dazzling array of items attracted many residents to stop and buy. From handicrafts to everyday items, every item carries love. In a lively and pleasant atmosphere, the love funds accumulated rapidly, and all the love funds from this event will be donated to the Shanghai Charity Foundation.

This event fully interprets the service concept of "from the masses, to the masses". In the future, Wujiaochang Street will continue to play the role of regionalized party building, continue to create a dazzling party and mass service brand project, continue to gather and mobilize all kinds of party organizations and party members in the region, further stimulate the new vitality of grassroots governance, actively build a new pattern of regionalized party building, and praise the new era and forge ahead on a new journey with practical actions.

Text/Image: Cheng Jiajia

Editor: Xi Yuxuan

"Close up" and "down-to-earth"! The service here in Yangpu is very intimate
"Close up" and "down-to-earth"! The service here in Yangpu is very intimate

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