
As soon as he turned around, he burst into tears when he was interviewed: the love of his life!

author:Fun trivia

As soon as he turned around, he burst into tears when he was interviewed: the love of his life!

Every time, we seem ordinary, meet and part,

It is possible to turn into each other's final, memory fragments.

Don't wait for tears to flow, you know that your heart is distressed;

Don't wait for people to go, only then do you know how to stay late;

Don't wait for the loss of treasures, only then do you know how to cherish them.

It turns out that as soon as you turn around, it is a lifetime.

Ask what is the situation like in this world?

Just like a glance back and a turn, there is already a yin and yang separation, and it is difficult to see each other forever.

Reminiscing about the past,

As soon as he turned around, he burst into tears when he was interviewed: the love of his life!

From Stephen Chow and Zhu Yin, there is no fate, and there is no regret;

From Sanmao and Jose, once lost, the resentment lingers;

From Leslie Cheung and Tang Tang, lovesickness is endless, year after year;

From Qi Qin to Wang Zuxian, a misunderstanding was missed for life;

Since Zhang Ailing met Hu Lancheng, estrangement, insulation in this life?

"Happy cold knowledge" gives readers warm tips: exercise more, smile sweetly, drink more water, rest more, and close your eyes more!

Remember to "close your eyes and drink plenty of water"!

"This article is about 1185 words, and it takes about 57 seconds to read!" Read it in 1 breath!

As soon as you turn around, it's a lifetime.

Zhao Wenzhuo said bluntly in an interview many years after Anita Mui's death and fragrant jade:

The two separated only because he wanted to prove himself, not a person who "eats soft rice".

Unexpectedly, not long after the breakup, Anita Mui found out that she had a bad disease,

When Zhao Wenzhuo knew about his condition, Anita Mui was already terminally ill.

As soon as he turned around, he burst into tears when he was interviewed: the love of his life!

Zhao Wenzhuo burst into tears on the spot when he was interviewed, suppressed his sad tears, and spit out four words:

The love of a lifetime!

Under that forbearance, why not turn around and become a lifetime of regret?

Life is impermanent, and the stars are shining, which can be guaranteed for a hundred years, but in fact, time is cold and decisive.

The oath is still ringing in the ears, and now it is alone;

Jun said that the spring scenery is still good, Xu Jun I is with him, how do you know that the old people are separated, and only the green lantern is left alone!

You think that the moment of the first meeting is mostly an opportunity to reunite after a long absence,

However, the retention that has not been exported, and the gaze that has not been looked back!

It has long been doomed, there will be no chance to meet again in this life, and when we meet again, it will not be you and me in the past!

Some people, one turn is a lifetime!

The distance of the king, I am my florist, in the same world,

Not necessarily, at the same time.

As soon as he turned around, he burst into tears when he was interviewed: the love of his life!

Moreover, there are many encounters, and it is difficult to turn around and leave.

The experience is different, the mood also changes, stay for a day, see each other without words, leave without thinking.

Some fate is just like brilliant fireworks, and like fireworks disappear in an instant,

Obviously thinking about it, but in fact never looking back!

Why don't you follow your thoughts, and meet the old people again,

Fang Jue, all concerned, but nostalgic for its past appearance.

Happy cold knowledge~ As soon as you turn around, it will be a lifetime, and Zhao Wenzhuo burst into tears on the spot when he was interviewed: the love of his life!

"Flowers can be broken straight and must be broken, don't wait for no flowers and empty branches."

As soon as he turned around, he burst into tears when he was interviewed: the love of his life!

Don't take the good of others to show off yourself;

Don't squander the warmth of others at will;

Don't take the love of others for granted.

Don't wait for the verbose person to want to go, before he thinks about staying;

Don't wait for the warm-hearted person to lose, only then do you know that you are distressed;

Don't wait for the person who loves the monarch to go away, so you know how to cherish it;

Don't wait for those who are good to you to be silent and start crying.

"Once the sea was difficult to water, except for Wushan, it is not a cloud."

As soon as he turned around, he burst into tears when he was interviewed: the love of his life!

There is hardly anything eternal in the world except time.

The leaves that drifted in the past year are the base fertilizer for this spring's flowers;

The hot oath of the past has become a joke in his years.

The thoughts reappear again and again, but I miss the gaze that turned back:

Half to keep, half to say goodbye.

As soon as he turned around, he burst into tears when he was interviewed: the love of his life!

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It's not easy to create!

This article was originally written by "Fun Trivia".

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