
Qinzhou District has carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

author:Qinzhou Fusion Media
Qinzhou District has carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

Qinzhou District Rong Media Center, July 1 (this station comprehensive) Time sharpens faith, and years witness the original intention. On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Qinzhou District organized a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" in various forms and rich contents, showing the spirit of the party members and cadres in the district not forgetting their original aspirations, keeping in mind their mission, and forging ahead in the new era with practical actions.

Qinzhou District has carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

In the celebration of the "July 1st" party building knowledge contest held in Qinzhou District, the participating team members from the departments and units directly under the district cooperated tacitly and responded calmly. After intense competition, the team of the Organization Department of the District Committee won the first prize; The team of the Party Committee and the Taxation Bureau of the District Transportation Industry won the second prize; The teams of the District Health Bureau, the Education Bureau and the Environmental Sanitation Center won the third prize.

"We are very happy and proud to have gone through a few more competitions to reach the finals and win the first place." Yang Fan, a contestant from the Organization Department of the Qinzhou District Party Committee, said.

"As a party member, being able to participate in the celebration of the 'July 1st' knowledge contest has allowed us to exercise ourselves, and also further enriched our theoretical knowledge of party building, and I hope to carry out more such activities in the future." Chang Lingxia, a contestant from the Qinzhou District Health Bureau, said.

"In my future work, I will use this knowledge of party building to guide our work, so that our work can better serve the masses and serve the people." Zhang Wenbo, a contestant from the Party Committee of the transportation industry in Qinzhou District, said.

Qinzhou District has carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

The education system of Qinzhou District held the "Celebration of July 1st" party building knowledge competition. On the day of the competition, the contestants from the education front were well prepared, quick in thinking, and fluent in answers, which fully demonstrated the spirit of the party members and cadres in the education system to forge ahead, and created a strong atmosphere of promoting learning by competition, promoting work by learning, and catching up with learning.

"After more than two weeks of preparation, I have gained a deeper understanding of the party's history, the party's theory, and the party's principles and policies. In the future, I will work conscientiously, teach and educate people, be a role model, love and dedicate myself to my job, and practice the party's original intention and mission with practical actions. Wang Jiwei, a teacher at Luoyu Middle School in Qinzhou District, said.

"As educators, we must always keep in mind the purpose and mission of the party, closely combine the party building work with education and teaching, constantly improve our political literacy and professional ability, and be a qualified 'Mr. New Era'." Guo Lixia, a teacher at the Jade Branch School of Xinhuamen Primary School in Tianshui City, said.

Qinzhou District has carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

The Working Committee of the organs directly under the Qinzhou District Party Committee held a symposium to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and a meeting to award the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party". All party members reviewed the oath of joining the party, and awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to two old party members with more than 50 years of party experience.

Qinzhou District has carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

The Qinzhou District Finance Bureau, together with the Working Committee of the organs directly under the District Party Committee, Tianshui Mobile Company and Qinzhou District Company, held the "July 1st" Fun Games at Nanshan Stadium. A total of 12 competitions such as chess, rope skipping, and tug-of-war were set up in this fun games, and 185 athletes from 9 teams participated. On the field, the participants were full of energy and enthusiasm, launched fierce competition, and showed their fighting style.

"In this sports meeting, we have united and cooperated, harvested happiness and health, and this sports meeting also showed the spirit of our financial people." Zhen Xin, a cadre of the Qinzhou District Finance Bureau, said.

"It is a great honor to participate in the celebration of the 'July 1st' fun games held by the Qinzhou District Finance Bureau. Niu Yumei, grid chief of Qinzhou branch of Tianshui Mobile Company, said.

"By participating in such activities, I can not only show my own athletic talent and fighting spirit, but also further enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of our team, and devote myself to my own work with a stronger body and more enthusiasm for work." Gao Yanhong, a cadre of the Qinzhou District Finance Bureau, said.

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