
Why do many people who start strength training give up cardio and strength training is it good?

author:October Tomoyuki

Strength training and aerobic exercise are a choice we face in the process of body management, although for fat loss and body shaping, both have their own advantages and disadvantages, but with the accumulation of experience and the change of purpose, more and more people begin to ignore aerobic exercise after trying strength training, so why is this? Is strength training really good? What are the disadvantages of aerobic exercise, and how to choose strength training and aerobic exercise for fat loss? Let's talk about related topics.

Why do many people who start strength training give up cardio and strength training is it good?

First: the advantages of strength training

Strength training, in short, is a training method that builds muscle strength, endurance, and form through various forms of resistance training. Its advantages are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Get in shape

Strength training stimulates muscle growth and makes the body more toned and shaped. For people who pursue health and strength beauty, strength training is undoubtedly the most direct and effective means.

Why do many people who start strength training give up cardio and strength training is it good?

2. Improve basal metabolism

Muscle is the body's "burning furnace", and having more muscle means a higher basal metabolic rate. Increasing muscle mass through strength training can help us burn more calories at rest, resulting in fat loss and toning.

3. Enhance physical function

Strength training improves stability, balance and coordination, making us more flexible in our daily lives. In addition, it enhances the stability of joints and the elasticity of ligaments, reducing the risk of sports injuries.

Why do many people who start strength training give up cardio and strength training is it good?

4. Slow down the rate of aging

Strength training not only shapes the body, but also helps us slow down the rate of aging, by constantly challenging and breaking through our own limits, our muscle fibers have been exercised and strengthened, bone density has been improved, and various body functions have been maintained at a high level. At the same time, strength training can help us relieve anxiety and maintain a positive attitude, and a youthful mindset is another powerful tool in the fight against aging.

5. Boost self-confidence

Strength training to get a better body and stronger physical fitness will undoubtedly make us more confident in social situations and enhance our personal charm.

Why do many people who start strength training give up cardio and strength training is it good?

Second: the limitations and challenges of aerobic exercise

Although aerobic exercise has significant effects on weight loss and improving cardiorespiratory fitness, it also has certain limitations in some aspects:

1. The fat loss effect is limited

Although aerobic exercise can burn a lot of calories, it is difficult to achieve the desired weight loss effect if you do not control your diet. In addition, long-term aerobic exercise alone may also lead to muscle loss, affecting the firmness of the body.

Why do many people who start strength training give up cardio and strength training is it good?

2. Boring and boring

Compared with strength training, aerobic exercise is a more monolithic form and can easily cause people to get bored. Strength training, on the other hand, can be combined with different training movements and equipment to make the training process more fun and varied.

3. It takes a long time

In order to achieve the desired weight loss results, aerobic exercise usually requires a long period of exercise. Strength training, on the other hand, can achieve higher training intensity in a shorter period of time and improve training efficiency.

Why do many people who start strength training give up cardio and strength training is it good?

Third: the combination of strength training and aerobic exercise

In fact, strength training and aerobic exercise are not mutually exclusive, but complement and reinforce each other. With a reasonable training schedule, we can combine the two to achieve a more comprehensive fitness effect:

1. Strength training is the mainstay, supplemented by aerobic exercise

In the training program, strength training is the mainstay, supplemented by a moderate amount of aerobic exercise. This not only ensures muscle growth and strength, but also improves cardiopulmonary function and promotes fat burning through aerobic exercise.

Why do many people who start strength training give up cardio and strength training is it good?

2. Alternate

Alternate strength training with aerobic exercise, such as three to four strength training sessions and one or two cardio sessions per week. This avoids the boredom that comes with a long single workout while keeping the body well-rounded.

3. Adjust according to the goal

Adjust the ratio and intensity of strength training to cardio based on your fitness goals and physical condition. Like what:

  • For fat losers, the proportion of aerobic exercise can be appropriately increased;
  • For muscle gainers, more focus can be on strength training.
Why do many people who start strength training give up cardio and strength training is it good?

4. Adjust according to your diet

In the process of fat loss, diet can also affect the choice of exercise, such as:

  • If the diet can be strictly controlled, then, focus on strength training;
  • If the diet is somewhat relaxed, aerobic exercise is the main focus.
Why do many people who start strength training give up cardio and strength training is it good?

5. Adjust according to your weight

In addition to the above methods, for fat loss people, weight is also a reference for choosing exercise methods, such as:

  • Large base population, mainly aerobic exercise;
  • For slightly chubby people, combine strength training and aerobic exercise, alternately;
  • For people with a small base and thin base, strength training is the mainstay.
Why do many people who start strength training give up cardio and strength training is it good?


Strength training and cardio have their own characteristics and benefits, and the choice of training style depends on one's fitness goals and preferences. However, whether it is strength training or aerobic exercise, it needs to be done consistently, scientifically and reasonably. Only in this way can we go further and further on the road of pursuing a healthy body and an ideal body.

Author: October Zhixing


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