
The female traitor defected to Taiwan with Chiang, and returned to China in 1981 with a high profile

author:History of Logical Literature

In 1981, Qin Manyun, a female traitor who had betrayed the party organization, returned to China in a high-profile manner, and her old classmate Wang Heshou was responsible for Qin Manyun's reception.

After seeing Wang Heshou, Qin Manyun pretended to be distressed and said, "Over the years, you have suffered. ”

The female traitor defected to Taiwan with Chiang, and returned to China in 1981 with a high profile

Wang Heshou thought for a moment and replied: "Serving the people, don't feel hard, this is our party's own business, and it has nothing to do with you." ”

With just one sentence, the brightly dressed Qin Manyun was embarrassed, what happened back then? What is Qin Manyun's purpose for returning to China this time?

Qin Manyun was originally a confidential secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Military Commission, and under the arrangement of the organization, he went to the Soviet Union to study.

Guan Xiangying dotes on his wife very much, even in the revolutionary era when materials are scarce, he is also responsive to Qin Manyun's needs, in the revolutionary work, about Xiang Ying's guidance, Qin Manyun has been on the road all the way, without suffering any setbacks.

Later, because of the requirements of revolutionary work, Guan Xiangying went to another place, Qin Manyun continued to stay in Shanghai, and suddenly lost the company of her husband, Qin Manyun felt that it was difficult to adapt to anything, she repeatedly asked Guan Xiangying to apply to the organization to work in Shanghai, but Guan Xiangying was always unwilling to trouble the organization due to personal problems, and finally the two chose to break up peacefully.

After breaking up with Guan Xiangying, Qin Manyun soon got together with her second husband Sheng Zhongliang, who was also Qin Manyun's old classmate when he was studying in the Soviet Union.

When Guan Xiangying and Qin Manyun broke up, Sheng Zhongliang happened to return to China and came to Shanghai to work, he appeared by Qin Manyun's side in time to fill the vacancy in Qin Manyun's life, and the two soon came together, Sheng Zhongliang treated Qin Manyun better than Guan Xiangying, almost to the point of obedience.

The female traitor defected to Taiwan with Chiang, and returned to China in 1981 with a high profile

In 1934, because of the betrayal of traitors, Qin Manyun and Sheng Zhongliang fell into the hands of the reactionaries, Qin Manyun, who had never suffered any ups and downs, was frightened just by looking at the torture instruments of the Kuomintang, and in order to protect herself, she chose to betray and rebelled against her husband Sheng Zhongliang.

Both husband and wife have become betrayals of the organization, and they can only join the Kuomintang camp in desperation, although the reactionaries are bad, they are not stupid, Qin Manyun and Sheng Zhongliang are people who have betrayed the organization, there is a first time and a second time, and they will not reuse such traitors.

In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, Qin Manyun and Sheng Zhongliang also fled to Taiwan, and later the couple went to the United States and started a business, and the couple made a lot of money and lived a rich life in a few years.

In the 80s of the last century, the couple learned that the motherland implemented reform and opening up, and there were business opportunities everywhere, and they moved the idea of returning to China for development.

At that time, it was in the period of détente between China and the United States, and out of consideration of the overall situation, the central government agreed to the application of the two to return to China, and Wang Heshou, a member of the Central Advisory Committee, was responsible for receiving Qin Manyun.

Wang Heshou was arrested six times and tortured, but he always adhered to the party spirit and did not do anything to betray the organization.

Wang Heshou is also Qin Manyun's old classmate, and it is quite appropriate to arrange Wang Heshou to receive him!

The female traitor defected to Taiwan with Chiang, and returned to China in 1981 with a high profile

After the two met, the scene at the beginning of the article occurred, Wang Heshou only used one sentence to make Qin Manyun embarrassed, and finally Qin Manyun gave up the idea of returning to China to invest, and left the motherland after visiting relatives.

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