
Why did An Yilun finally choose Megumi Kato

author:History is the most beautiful

Author|The most beautiful author team in history - Yin Soul Ling

Word Count: 2557, Reading Time: Approx 3 mins

A large number of welfare shots with clear meaning, different types of female characters all have the same good impression of the male protagonist, the draw that breaks through the fourth wall at any time, and the logical self-consistent and distinctive character of the character, the winding path, fat but not greasy emotional route, this is "The Cultivation Method of the Passerby Heroine", a flattering house tendency that does not hide itself, seems to have repeated the routine repeated thousands of times in the industry, but it is still touching and immersive. The animation is not just a new wine in an old bottle, and the introduction of a "mediocre" heroine like Sage Megumi, but sticks to the royal road line with 12 points of heart, and while applying the common templates in the industry, it also injects a soul enough to live the flesh and bones of these mass-produced dolls.

Why did An Yilun finally choose Megumi Kato

An animation with campus love party rivalry and harem elements, the portrayal of each female character is of course the top priority in animation creation. There are three female characters with the most length and popularity in the animation: Shiyu Kasumigaoka, the outermost layer of her personality, is the first in her grade with excellent character and learning, and inside is a well-known light novel writer with a black belly and scheming, but the core is an empathetic and enthusiastic sister; The golden retriever mixed-race, the protagonist Qingmei's Ying Lili, is the eldest lady of the official eunuch's house on the surface, but secretly her identity is R18 fanficiaries; and the "saint" Megumi Kato, who had the last laugh, was originally a mediocre student who had no relationship with otaku culture, but because of a chance encounter with the male protagonist An Yilun, he was forcibly dragged into the production of galgame by the male protagonist and gradually entered the pit.

Why did An Yilun finally choose Megumi Kato

Hei Changzhi Senpai and Golden Retriever Tsundere Qingmei are both widely loved character types, and the animation has also put a lot of effort into portraying these two, and the acquaintance with the male protagonist and the bond with each other have been carefully designed. But no matter which type of ideal everyone is outside the field, the final animation is still the established route, and it is going towards the route of Megumi Kato's "Masamiya". And according to the foreshadowing in the early stage of the animation, at least the author personally thinks that the protagonist Lun also chose Megumi Kato, which is completely a matter of course.

Let's look at Ying Lili first, although she is a childhood sweetheart, but not to mention how pitty this attribute is, she broke off with Lun Ye directly in order to be gregarious when she was a child, which is also speechless. Although this kind of thing is common, it does not mean that it is easy to forgive. Childhood trauma is always hard to erase. Although Lun also relied on his own efforts to get out of the social death, the inferiority complex hidden in his character was also buried. Moreover, Ying Lili was in high school in the main story, if it weren't for Lun also forcibly pulling her to join the game production, I'm afraid she would have to maintain a relationship that has nothing to do with the school, even if Lun has always brought her a limited edition comic. In the end, he also jumped ship to give Lun a blow to his heart, without the company of Megumi Kato, even the male protagonist of Asasaki would not be able to send blessings to the job-hopping duo who set off. Although the senior sister famously said "He once liked us", the author thinks that at least for Ying Lili's feelings, Lun is also mixed with many factors such as "sunk cost", "habit", "fear of losing again", "forgive your self-moral satisfaction", etc., it is difficult to say that it is a simple liking.

Why did An Yilun finally choose Megumi Kato

Looking at the senior sister Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, she is indeed empathetic, but this is only manifested in capturing Lunye's psychological changes, but not the ability to change Lunye's psychology; She is indeed mature, but this maturity is manifested in the calmness of accepting reality and the pursuit of her career, rather than the ability to solve Lunye's confusion as a person who has come before. Sometimes she reminds me of Katsuragi Satomi, who is full of adult rewards in her head, and ignores that the male protagonist of Asassi is often not sexually hungry but lacks maternal love. In fact, Lun is the leader of the cause of Kasumigaoka, and it is Lun who also pulled the senior sister up from the unfinished cliff, and it was Lun Ye's propaganda that made the senior sister earn the first pot of gold.

Why did An Yilun finally choose Megumi Kato

On the other hand, Megumi Kato, although it is from the sky, there is no gorgeous debut, the sense of official presence is low, and she has not entered the house before, unlike the above two who have a common language with the male protagonist, but in a popular saying, she has "stable emotional management ability". Whether it's complaining or being angry, he always keeps his emotions relatively stable, and his words and deeds make people feel like a spring breeze. And this kind of character is exactly what Lun also desires. Lun Ye's personality and Ying Lili also have a three-layer structure: the outermost layer is the anime cute dolphin, and the inside is a well-known blogger with the ability to plan, organize and make stars, gentle and tolerant, but the innermost is still not confident. Although as an organizer, it is natural for Lun to encourage everyone, deep down, Lun also craves the affirmation and encouragement of others.

Why did An Yilun finally choose Megumi Kato

And the two mentioned above, Ying Lili, "Although I took the initiative to break off my friendship, I also regret shedding a lot of tears, so I will never apologize, and I want you to apologize to me", "Although I betrayed him twice, he forgave me", he is still a child who will not admit his mistakes, and he still needs to be guided by others, how can he guide others? She didn't even fully realize the harm she brought to Lun, she was just self-centered, I shed tears for you, I worked hard for you, I kept moving forward for you, although her intentions were blameless, but in the end it all fell on herself, a typical "love that can't be reached". And the senior sister, as mentioned earlier, she does speak gently, but this key is naturally incompatible. It can even be said that it seems that the senior sister and Ying Lili are ahead of Lun Ye in their careers in the end, but in spirit, they are the receiver rather than the giver.

Why did An Yilun finally choose Megumi Kato

In "The Three-Body Problem", Ye Wenjie said that women should be like water, flowing anywhere. Megumi Kato is also water, but she doesn't flow through, but naturally fills the gaps, and even in a completely unfamiliar field, she can find her place and fit perfectly into the team. From making supper, to discussing the plot, writing the game, and finally participating in the game filing and planning, Megumi Kato's ability is really silent. In getting along and interacting with Lenya, Megumi Kato did not blindly retreat, but advanced by retreating. She was able to show her dissatisfaction gently, so that Lun was also moderately nervous and repentant under the pressure of not "losing", even if the words were inappropriate, as long as she really did not change her mind, as long as her mind was here, she would be forgiven. It can even be said that except for Ying Lili's illness and Hui Hui's dissatisfaction with Lunye's "meeting", the rest is just a form to enjoy the fun by the way. Born with nothing, where is the dust, Hui Minglun has not made a mistake, how can he forgive? In a word, the way Megumi Kato treats Ryanya is the way Ryonya treats others. The only thing that Megumi has more than Len is self-confidence. This is also why once the two start a formal relationship, they have the feeling of an old husband and wife. The real fit is not that the two hedgehogs are careful to keep warm without hurting each other, but that the two are like mortise and tenon joints, and they can carry on the habits of being alone to the world of the two.

Why did An Yilun finally choose Megumi Kato

"No one likes to be alone, just afraid of being disappointed." The reason why Lun also did not respond to the feelings of Ying Lili and Senior Sister for a long time was precisely because of his insecurity. It is true that there will be a feeling of heaven in love, but the breakup after love is hell. Everyone has always said that Lun doesn't know how to play with blood, and always makes violent comments before starting to "coax". However, behind Lunye's violent arguments, he is the real him. Ying Lili can't see through this, and the senior sister understands this, but only Hui Neng ignores the form, goes straight to the heart, and accepts Lun's seemingly violent confession. Because she understands that this is not a substitute literature, but has the same meaning as her confession to Lun, "In everyone's eyes, Lun is also a special person, but in my heart he is very ordinary." If Lun really thinks that Hui Lun is ordinary and "can be bolted", he will not lie at a loss when he wants to kiss Megumi in the final confession but misses the opportunity. He is actually still having low self-esteem, still doubting, and still afraid of losing, but Megumi's reassurance made Lun really find a sense of peace of mind.

Why did An Yilun finally choose Megumi Kato

Don't walk in front of me, don't follow behind me, but grow side by side with me and support each other. This is probably the ideal type of Lunye. Senior sister and Ying Lili first followed behind and then walked in front. And although Megumi Kato started late, she had a sense of integration very quickly, and soon she was side by side with Lenya. Some people are also indecisive and herbivorous, not strong enough, but there is no round square in the world, and if Lun is strong, there is probably no second chance to betray in the pear and pear. Stories can be written, but it's a different genre entirely.

This article is the most beautiful original manuscript in history. Editor-in-chief Gun Jun, author Yin Soul Ling. Some of the pictures are from the Internet, if you have any copyright issues, please contact us.