
@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!

author:Youth Airport
@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!

July 1st Party Day

Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind

@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!
@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!
@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!

Today, the Communist Party of China (CPC) celebrates its 103rd anniversary. In the main battlefield of rural revitalization, at the forefront of grassroots practice, and on the front line of post contributions...... The vast number of young people in the region have worked hard and courageously on the new journey to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

East and West Lake Court

@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!

The original heart is like a rock, and the youth is an ode to the party

On July 1, the Dongxihu Court carried out the party founding day activity with the theme of "The original heart is like a rock, the youth is like a rock and the party is celebrated", aiming to carry forward the glorious tradition of the party and encourage all party members not to forget their original intention and keep their mission in mind. On the day of the event, the conference room was full of seats, and the atmosphere was warm and solemn. The secretaries and members of the branch and the representatives of the party members gathered together to listen to the young party members tell the story of the original intention of joining the party, recall the solemnity of the oath, share the warmth and strength of growing up under the care of the party organization, as well as the hardships and joys of fighting for the cause of the party and the people, let us deeply feel the firm belief and selfless dedication of the communist party members.

Wujiashan Street

On June 27th, Wujiashan Street carried out the theme speech activity of "learning party discipline, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements", and the young officers from 15 communities combined their own experience, based on the micro perspective, from different positions and different levels, with vivid language, vivid examples and sincere and full emotions, the theme of the speech was deeply excavated and elaborated, vividly showing the new atmosphere and new style of community youth work, study and life, and won the applause of the audience.

@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!

General Road Street

@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!

On June 28, in the basketball hall of Wutongyu Sports Center, in order to celebrate the 103rd birthday of the party, Jiangjun Road Street held a neighborhood basketball game of "Welcoming July 1st Exhibition". The event was hosted by the Party Working Committee and Office of Jiangjun Road Street, and hosted and supported by a number of units, aiming to gather community strength through basketball games, convey friendship, and present the anniversary of the founding of the party. The competition will last until July 7, with a total of 25 teams participating, which not only enhances the exchanges and cooperation between enterprises, communities and residents, adds new vitality to the development of the street national fitness movement, but also further stimulates everyone's unity and hard work, love the party and patriotism.

Evergreen Street

On June 28, Changqing Street held a "Party Building Leads Cohesion and Makes New Contributions on the Road to Forge Ahead" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the "New Era Civilization Practice People's Stage" exhibition and performance to send birthday wishes to the great Communist Party of China. The youth members of the street community participated in the chorus and performed the sitcom "Expropriation under the Sun" and other programs, which were wonderful, reflecting the firm determination of the evergreen youth to "always follow the party", and vividly showing the new look of the youth in the new era.

@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!

Gold and Silver Lake Street

01 Red Heritage Tour

During the July 1st Party Day, Baimajing Community of Jinyinhu Street joined hands with Mei Keer Kindergarten to carry out the "Red Inheritance Journey". During the activity, the children went into the homes of old party members in the community and listened to their struggles. In the face of the children, 93-year-old Grandma Shao fondly recalled the hardships and persistence of her participation in the construction of key projects when she was young, and when asked, "Grandma, were you not afraid when you encountered difficulties before?" She replied firmly: "Not afraid!" Because we are members of the Communist Party, we have responsibility, responsibility, and conviction in our hearts. Another veteran party member, Grandma Liu, shared her experience of joining the party and the establishment of the volunteer service team. The children paid tribute to the old party members with singing, dancing and handicrafts, which not only warmed the hearts of the old party members, but also made the children deeply feel the power of the red gene and inspired their love for the party and the country.

@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!

02Forge ahead in the new era and jointly create a 'Xin' life

Jinyinhu Street specially planned and held a celebration of the "July 1st" art show entitled "Forge ahead in the new era and jointly create a 'Xin' life". This performance not only reviewed the glorious history of the party and carried forward the great spirit of party building, but also inspired every party member and youth league member to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and undertake the important mission of promoting Chinese-style modernization. During the performance, wonderful programs such as "Love of the Republic", "Shangchun Mountain", "Longing", "Yihong", "Heaven and Earth Dragon Scales", "People are diligent and spring comes early" were staged in turn, all of which were written and performed by the community and jurisdictional units, fully demonstrating the glorious course and great achievements of the Communist Party of China in the past 103 years.

@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!

Zoumaling Street

01 Party's Birthday Let's jump together

With the theme of "The Party's Birthday, Let's Jump Up Together", the Jinsong Community of Zoumaling Street, together with the Hetang Community and the Yijule Silver Hair Care Center, carried out a cultural performance to celebrate July 1st in Hetang Town. Community art groups, merchants in the jurisdiction, volunteer service groups, resident party members and the masses participated in the event.

@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!

02Work together to create brilliance

Miao Lake community to carry out "work together to create brilliance" as the theme of the party activities, invited more than 30 party members of the second grid party branch of Miao Lake community to participate, activities, for Comrade Peng Yongnian awarded the "50 years of glory in the party" commemorative party constitution, patriotic theme party flag handmade DIY link, party members and volunteers have played a creative role, with dexterous hands to make a variety of handicrafts.

@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!

03Pursue the red mark and inherit the red gene

The general party branch of Tongxin Community organized and led all party members to go to the Xinhai Revolution Museum to carry out the July 1st theme party building activity of "Pursuing the Red Mark and Inheriting the Red Gene" with the Party Branch of the Xicheng Square Project Department of China Construction Third Bureau. 88-year-old Yu Shichao party member comrade, share with you every process of witnessing the development of Zoumaling, from responding to the country's call for young people to support young people in the central city to leave their hometown to come to Dongxihu, to participate in Zoumaling reclamation, grain and cotton renamed Zoumaling Farm until today, everyone listened attentively, Yu Shichao party members are several choked up and talked, the party members who participated this time, the youngest is 22 years old, the oldest is 88 years old, party members and comrades get together to share their work and life experience.

@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!

04 The original heart is like a rock, and the memories are grand, and the new journey of 100 billion yuan is spent

The Party Committee of the Community of Zoumaling Street, together with the five party committees and branches of the district, jointly carried out a series of special theme party day activities of "The original heart is like a rock, and the new journey of 100 billion yuan is recalled". A total of more than 90 representatives of party members and youth commandos of the party committee and party branch went to the cemetery of the martyrs of the police to present a large flower basket made by the party members to the only female founder of our party, the pioneer of the Chinese women's movement, and the model women leader to the martyrs of the police and the martyrs who died during the Chinese Agrarian Revolutionary War. to create a new situation in their respective positions, and show the "original heart story" of new responsibilities and new actions in the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Wuhan.

@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!
@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!



Proofreading / Wang Xi

Proofreader/Guo Baiting

Editorial Board Member / Yu Zihan

Submission email/[email protected]

@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!

The youth mailbox is waiting for your letter

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@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!
@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!
@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!
@临空港青年, a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party were carried out like this!

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