
The district party committee is mainly responsible for inspecting the flood control work on the spot and holding a scheduling meeting

The district party committee is mainly responsible for inspecting the flood control work on the spot and holding a scheduling meeting

On the afternoon of June 30, Fang Zhong, secretary of the district party committee, went to Erba Town, Tanggou Town, and Baimao Town to inspect the flood prevention and flood work on the spot.

The district party committee is mainly responsible for inspecting the flood control work on the spot and holding a scheduling meeting

Fang Zhong and his entourage successively came to Huahua West Road, Hangzhou Road, Longquan Community, Wuwei Embankment Wison Lianwei Section, Dadun Section, Yuxi River Embankment Tanggou Section, Baimao Town Heishazhou Embankment and other points to check in detail the emergency rescue and disposal of water accumulation in the road and community, the implementation of flood control work in each responsible section of the polder, and the living and eating conditions of the people in the resettlement sites.

The district party committee is mainly responsible for inspecting the flood control work on the spot and holding a scheduling meeting

At 8 o'clock in the evening, in the 224 conference room of the district government, a video dispatch meeting on flood control work was held in the whole district. The meeting was presided over by Huang Wanyong, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, and You Dechun, a water conservancy expert and director of the municipal river and lake management office, attended the meeting for guidance. District leaders Shu Xiaowei, Xu Guangyao, Zheng Minggang, and the main responsible comrades of all member units of the district defense command attended the meeting at the main venue. The leaders of each bonded area and the main responsible comrades of each carrier unit attended the meeting at each branch venue.

At the meeting, all towns, streets, development zones, district prevention offices, district water affairs bureaus, district housing and transportation bureaus, district civil affairs bureaus, and Jiujiang self-regulation sub-bureaus reported on the existing problems and the next work arrangements in turn, and Fang Zhong put forward specific requirements for the current flood prevention work.

Fang Zhong emphasized that the first is to have foresight in everything. With Wuhu upgrading the flood control emergency response to Level III, flood control has entered a critical period, a critical period, all levels and departments should deeply understand the severity and complexity of the current flood control situation, with a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", quickly implement the flood control emergency response requirements, comprehensive mobilization, comprehensive deployment, and make every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the overall stability of society. The second is to have a measure in advance of everything. All units at all levels should resolutely play a good "first move" in the safety of the flood, accurately judge the future rain and water conditions, strengthen the sharing of information on the water conditions of the upstream and downstream and each tributary, strictly implement the safety precautions in key areas and key parts, pay close attention to the investigation and rectification of dangerous and weak sections, comprehensively carry out the obstacle removal work inside and outside the lakes, ponds, ditches, and polders, make full preparations in the reserve of flood control materials and the allocation of rescue teams, and achieve an organic combination of engineering measures and non-engineering measures, so as to resolutely win the active battle of flood prevention and rescue. The third is to have the ability to execute everything. Regional defense refers to strengthening command and scheduling, achieving scientific command and precise scheduling, improving emergency plans, building a strong command system, and forming a joint work force. All departments at all levels must strictly abide by the discipline of flood prevention work, carry out all the orders of the regional flood prevention command to the letter, and ensure that "military orders fall like a mountain." Party members and cadres at all levels should set an example, charge ahead, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and cadres, and ensure that "the party flag is flying high on the front line". All carrier units should not only firmly guard their own fields of responsibility, but also support each other and form a joint force. It is necessary to establish an incentive mechanism for the discovery of dangerous situations on the front line, and extensively mobilize and mobilize the masses to ensure that "hidden dangers are discovered early, discovered, dealt with quickly, and handled well".

Source: District Committee Office (Correspondent: Wu Yuquan)

Editor: Wang Yuting

Proofreader: Zhang Yiwen

Review: Guan Dalie

Platform operation and maintenance: Internet Information Office of Jiujiang District Committee

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The district party committee is mainly responsible for inspecting the flood control work on the spot and holding a scheduling meeting

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The district party committee is mainly responsible for inspecting the flood control work on the spot and holding a scheduling meeting

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The district party committee is mainly responsible for inspecting the flood control work on the spot and holding a scheduling meeting
The district party committee is mainly responsible for inspecting the flood control work on the spot and holding a scheduling meeting

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