
These 10 truths about the workplace would have been told to me as soon as I graduated

author:Chang'an Yu Lin Lang

Dear college students and young people who are about to enter the workplace,


In the middle of summer, in June, many new graduates say goodbye to school, finish their studies, and enter the world of business with great anticipation.

Business is a new and unfamiliar place. Full of confusion, I don't know who to ask, and I don't dare to ask.

Even if you ask, there are some things you may not fully understand.

I am a business consultant and I would like to write a letter to you to young friends who have aspirations and passions to help you better understand business institutions and participate in the business world.

With my thoughts and experience, I send you 10 sentences.

It may renew your cognition, and even some words are a little heart-wrenching, but this is what I say from my heart.

Encourage you.

These 10 truths about the workplace would have been told to me as soon as I graduated

1. Salary is the price of the position

Wages are apples big and small hanging from trees, and we all crave to be hit by the thickest one.

You may think that salary is a price for you, a measure of how much you're worth. This is a very normal idea, but sorry, it is also a wrong idea.

Salary is actually a price for a position, which is determined by the importance of the position.

The salary of a vice president of sales is almost certainly higher than that of the front desk. It doesn't have much to do with whether you graduated from Tsinghua University and Peking University or whether you have read 500 books.

Wages are paid to the position, and behind the position is responsibility. The greater the responsibility, the greater the value delivered, and the higher the pricing of the position, which is the real logic behind the salary.

In front of the new employee, the boss has a famous "lie":

"Do a good job, the work of each of you is very important and indispensable."

Sounds true, but it's not. Otherwise, why are salaries different for each position? The level of salary is essentially the boss grading the importance of the work.

What the boss really wants to say is that everyone's job is necessary.

The job of cleaning the aunt is necessary, the work of the human resources department is in charge of recruitment, and the work of the engineers typing code is also necessary, but it is not equally important, there must be some jobs that are more important.

The best way to eat bigger apples is to take on more important positions, rather than emphasizing that you are omnipotent and complaining that your boss doesn't know how to discern pearls.

Remember, with great responsibility, higher salary.

2. The price of the position is determined by the cheapest competent person

Young people, you have to be careful, there are a lot of people who are staring at you and want to take your job.

The price of the position is determined by the scarcity of the applicant.

In China, it is cheap to hire a part-time worker because the supply is abundant; In the United States, mothers have to take care of their children to do housework, fathers have to repair roofs and mow lawns, and it is too expensive to hire aunts because nannies are scarce.

The scarcer the supply, the more expensive it is, this is the naïve theorem we learned in our college economics classes.

It may sound a bit poignant, but it's true. Your salary is determined by the cheapest of the fungible ones.

Those who are eyeing you may be better than you, asking for less than you, and are ready to take advantage of the situation and let the boss replace you without hesitation.

If you want to make yourself more valuable, you must try to master some scarce and irreplaceable abilities.

Before you want to get a raise, ask yourself if the people in the back queue are cheaper than you.

These 10 truths about the workplace would have been told to me as soon as I graduated

3. Most of the promotions are posthumously recognized

The brightest minds are frantically competing for jobs, and cheaper people are ready to replace you at any time, so you are doomed to have no way to raise your salary?

The most direct way to raise your salary is to get promoted.

When you're still at level 5, you really want to challenge yourself and move up to level 6, is that okay?

Of course, hard-working and enterprising young people, the boss likes it, and the company encourages it.

But want to move up to level 6 and ask the boss directly?

At this point, you put your boss in a difficult choice: what if you don't do it well?

A cautious boss would not dare to take such a risk.

We can put ourselves in the boss's shoes, and you have to find a way to take the initiative to prove your ability so that the boss has no worries.

When you're still at level 5, do something at level 6 early, dedicate more time, do some extra work, and make your boss realize that there is no risk in putting you in a level 6 position.

This way, when a Level 6 position becomes vacant, you will be the first choice of your boss, and of course you will be promoted and raised. Instead of saying, trust me, trust me, give me a chance and throw my boss into an awkward and risky situation.

This upward path is the boss's "recognition".

Fourth, you are very busy, not the intensity of work, it may be that you are not competent

After work, sometimes you will be so busy that you can only eat takeout for dinner, and fight until the early hours of the morning, as if you are back in the time of preparing for the final exam of college. The difference is that after surviving this period in college, I relax, but I can't see the end at work.

You're also amazed to find that the people around you who do the same work are handy and unfazed, why is that?

Whether the work is busy or not is determined by competency. If you feel busy, it's likely that you're not up to the task.

If everyone is busy, it may be true that the boss is overdoing it and overloading everyone.

At this point, you can smash your glass, flick your arms, and walk away to choose a job that is just as busy but pays more. Or a job with the same income, but not as busy.

But if you can't find it, it may be because you're not up to the task.

When you feel lost, anxious or even angry because you are too busy at work, don't complain and work hard to improve until you grow strong and have the right to choose to leave.

These 10 truths about the workplace would have been told to me as soon as I graduated

5. Seniority will be encouraged, but not rewarded

Don't have such a very wrong view: the older the seniority, the higher the rank, the longer the mix, and the more fragrant the life.

Remember the position and competencies? After a few years, it's nice to know what to do, and it means more time to learn to ski, play golf, and enjoy the good life.

But no matter how qualified you are, the importance of the position hasn't changed, and neither should the salary.

Let me share with you a little story from Huawei:

Huawei is now a behemoth, with nearly 200,000 employees. Huawei's early entrepreneurial employees, the top 1000, the top 100, that is a great senior. When people saw their job numbers, they were in awe.

People exclaimed, wow, you're a senior employee, you must be amazing. Everyone has a kind of awe from the bottom of their hearts, and they dare not wander when they are in a meeting, and they are obedient to what they say, because he is the earliest employee, the most qualified, and the most familiar with the executives.

After Ren Zhengfei knew, he decided to take back all everyone's badges, break them all, sort them randomly, and then reissue them.

Because Ren Zhengfei knows that qualifications are not the same as judgment, not equal to ability, and qualifications can only prove that he has worked in the company for a long time.

Your status comes from the respect and trust that others have in you, relying on your extraordinary endowment, enviable talent, and absolute diligence and hard work.

Sixth, the career should be decided and responsible for yourself

Young people who are new to the workplace often expect the company to make a career plan for them, which is also a very dangerous idea.

Because the company's first responsibility is to make your own career development, not your career development. You can't expect the company to do it for you.

In the next five or ten years, only you can decide where you want to bring your talent, which office building you want to work in, and who you want to cheer and cry with.

Don't think that as long as I do a good job, the boss won't treat me badly. Your boss may not be financially disadvantageous, but your boss doesn't necessarily know where your heart is going.

Regarding careers, there are three roles.

The first character is yourself.

You are responsible for your own career, if you are not sure about the future career development, you can directly communicate with your superiors, ask senior and capable colleagues for advice, discuss with your trusted classmates and friends, refer to their suggestions, and finally make your own decision.

The story is perfectly scripted, don't let anyone decide for you.

The second character is the boss.

Your boss is your supporter and guide you in your career.

When you are stuck and confused, he will give you sincere advice, tell you the pits he has fallen, the road he has flowed, and how he has crossed the river by feeling the stones to treading the water with confidence.

But keep in mind that he will only accompany you for a short distance, and you will have to go through it on your own.

The third role is the company.

The company is a platform, and all career planning must rely on the platform for development.

You have to have calm eyes and a hot heart.

Use these eyes to see clearly the passages and paths of the platform, and work hard with this heart.

On the road to career development, learn like a sponge and practice like a warrior.

These 10 truths about the workplace would have been told to me as soon as I graduated

7. You have only one relationship with the enterprise, partnership

At this point, we can finally talk seriously about the relationship between employees and enterprises.

This is a big issue that is overlooked, don't let the wrong ideas poison your mind.

Employees and businesses may sound like an employment relationship, but they are essentially partnerships.

With pride, youth and potential, we signed an agreement with the company to partner to do something that both parties yearn for. The performance we generate in our position is the best deliverable.

There are ignorant scholars and unscrupulous media who are still promoting the clichéd argument that "rotten and declining capitalists" exploit employees, which is a lack of basic understanding of business.

In your partnership with the company, even if the performance loses money in the end, or even if the company closes down, you will receive a salary. If you don't pay your salary, you can still file a lawsuit. And the boss may sell the house and land, or even lose his entire net worth.

More importantly, you're never working for your boss, you're in partnership. Since you have chosen to partner with this company and this boss, it means that you have made a choice that meets your heart in the open market. You are working for your common cause.

Understand your relationship with the company, eliminate biased and wrong ideas from your mind, and better enter the real business world.

8. It is good to gather and disperse, and both sides will always have a choice

Since it is a partnership, then both parties will always have a choice.

There is hardly anyone who will stay in one company forever, and there is hardly a company that will never change, allowing one to work here for the rest of their lives.

The company and the employee are a partnership without a specific period of time, and both parties always retain the freedom of choice.

What is this choice?

When the company is not suitable for you, you have the right to choose to take a look at a more wonderful world; Choose a better Bole to fall in love with your horse; It is to be able to wave goodbye, look up to the sky and laugh, and show off your strength in the new flowers.

When you don't meet the company's requirements and are not the best choice, the company also has the right to replace a person, add new fuel to the giant ship, and sail farther away.

The company is not a home, it is a fighting unit, a group of people together, fighting bloodily to achieve a common vision and goals.

Some companies will even fabricate a monastic culture, use it to kidnap you, paralyze you, immerse you in a dangerous and gentle village, and ignore the cultivation of ability. And once the company changes, the family culture collapses instantly, the crisis of bankruptcy, and the frenzy of layoffs, but there is nowhere to go.

Both sides are moving forward in a dynamic process, wanting to make the company support themselves all the time for nothing, and pursuing a false sense of security, which is both dangerous and stupid. The true sense of security always comes from one's irreplaceable ability.

The rules of the company, and indeed of the business world as a whole, are the exchange of value.

The valuable scarce ability is your dragon slaying knife to subdue demons and eliminate demons, and it is also your invulnerable soft hedgehog armor.

9. What seems simple is more complicated than you think

The company is a sophisticated instrument, society is a complex system, and what you think is simple may be more complex behind it than you think.

Or a Huawei story.

It is rumored on the Internet that a new employee who has just joined Huawei found many problems in Huawei's strategy and management at work, so he wrote a "10,000-word letter" to Ren Zhengfei in a serious and responsible manner, talking about his views and suggestions on Huawei.

Ren Zhengfei was very moved, and then, rejected him. And replied: "If this person is mentally ill, it is recommended to be sent to the hospital for treatment, and if he is not sick, it is recommended to be dismissed." ”

New employees have such characteristics, lack of experience but full of passion, lack of ability but high self-esteem, commonly known as: eye master low low.

These 10 truths about the workplace would have been told to me as soon as I graduated

Every student who has sold snacks at the sports meeting feels that he has the genes of a businessman; Every student union cadre feels that he has insight into management; Everyone who plays the glory of kings feels that they have a majestic strategy; Every girl who has lost love feels that she can see through people's hearts.

In fact, everyone who really understands strategy does not dare to give random instructions, because they know that behind every seemingly stupid decision is a myriad of complex compromises and balances.

Don't be a talker, success belongs to the doer.

10. Don't care too much about your income before the age of 35

This is not chicken soup.

I often say something like this, and I do it myself:

Don't worry too much about how much you earn before the age of 35.

Everyone is a goose that can lay golden eggs, and raising this goose to grow up and fatten is the so-called growth.

When we are still a newcomer, choosing more important positions, taking more risks and responsibilities, and gaining more growth are much more important than the income itself.

If you succeed, you will reap the rewards. Even if you fail, you have nothing to lose, you are still young.

After the age of 35, you will eventually find out how stupid it is to change jobs from one company to another in anger for the salary of 7,000 yuan and 7,500 yuan, even at the cost of tearing your face.

In a truly valuable company, with a boss who is worth talking to, and a group of like-minded people, the value obtained is far more than the 500 yuan, far more than the difference between 10,000 yuan and 15,000 yuan.

When you're young, think of growth as your biggest income.

It sounds like a cliché, but it's the utmost patience and wisdom.

These 10 truths about the workplace would have been told to me as soon as I graduated

XI. Final Words

I often think that when I graduate, it would be nice if someone could tell me these 10 words.

Four years ago, in the fall, you walked down campus with your head held high, welcoming the first turning point in your life in high spirits. Four years later, in the middle of summer, you enter the new university of society with some common anxiety and excitement about the unknown.

Don't be afraid of cynics and doomsday prophets, they will snub you, taunt you, and suppress you. But when you are young, you can be strong if you maintain a strong desire for the future.

Young man, I give you these 10 heartfelt words. I hope you can take fewer detours, always maintain your passion and dreams, and fight for a smooth path of freedom in the unknown.

You've graduated. Congratulations.

Welcome to the real world of business.

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This article is from the WeChat public account: Liu Run, viewpoint: Liu Run, main writer: banana peel


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