
Mu Lin: The big picture is very exciting, concord with all nations, and create a better world

author:Qin'an Strategy

I read "Xi Jinping's Speech at the 70th Anniversary of the Publication of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence", "Wang Yi's Speech at the Luncheon Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Publication of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence" and "Beijing Declaration of the Conference Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Publication of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence" in one sitting.

Mu Lin: The big picture is very exciting, concord with all nations, and create a better world

This conference highlights the grand pattern, tall position, broad mind and great sentiment of contemporary China, and this is a conference of concord and all nations to create a better world! This is a conference that pushes China to the center stage of the world!

Although the main participants are former dignitaries from some countries, their influence in their own countries cannot be ignored.

The commemoration of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which was first fully advocated by the Chinese leaders 70 years ago and jointly promulgated with India and Myanmar, shows that China's thinking on handling international relations was born together with New China, is the tradition of New China, and has also become the tradition and iron law of the world in handling international relations. This is China's contribution to the world! It shows that New China is a peace-loving country from the root, and this peace-loving is also rooted in thousands of years of China's excellent traditional culture: kindness and good-neighborliness, trustworthiness and harmony, and harmony among all nations.

Mu Lin: The big picture is very exciting, concord with all nations, and create a better world

This reminds me of the World Congress of Political Parties hosted by China and various forums such as China-Africa, China-Europe, and China-Latin America, all of which are lofty platforms for propagating China's ideas, through which the world will inevitably become a field of public opinion for China's ideas. With the further enhancement of China's comprehensive national strength, the day for China to occupy the world's moral commanding heights is getting closer and closer. At that time, all hegemonism and power politics will lose their ground and become rats on the street that everyone shouts and beats.

Some people say that economic development is the last word. Of course, this does not mean that we must develop soft power only after the hard power is strong, but walk on two legs, develop hard power and develop soft power at the same time. Hard and soft power are not contradictory, they happen to be interdependent and mutually reinforcing. For example, we have created a favorable international environment for the development of hard power through the development of soft power.

Mu Lin: The big picture is very exciting, concord with all nations, and create a better world

Our top leadership has taken the lead in popularizing the values of the Chinese nation and turning them into common values for all mankind. Then, our media circles and public opinion circles must make every effort to follow up and disseminate China's ideas, thoughts, propositions and the common values of all mankind advocated by China to the world.

Some people say that these overly lofty things have little to do with us ordinary people, and we just want to earn more money and live a better life. In fact, the reason why our lives have undergone tremendous changes is because the country has a high position, a long-term plan, a large pattern, and the formulation and implementation of grand strategic goals. If our eyes are only fixed on our own rice bowl, the result will be that the rice in the bowl will become thinner and thinner, and we can only eat other people's leftovers and angry rice. In modern times, the history of the Chinese people being trampled on by the iron hooves of imperialism must never be forgotten or repeated. Our ancestors shed their blood and made the Chinese nation stand up and stand up through arduous struggles, and we must not kneel down again! In a word, it is right that we demand a good life, but the pattern cannot be limited to the rice bowl.

Mu Lin: The big picture is very exciting, concord with all nations, and create a better world

Under the banner of creating a community with a shared future for mankind, we will create a better world, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation must be realized, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will definitely be realized!

Note: The author of this article is Mu Lin, a core member of the "Qin'an Strategy" think tank, and is an original work on this platform.

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