
Notice! The 17th issue of "County Economic "County" Discussion entered Baihe

author:Slightly white river
Notice! The 17th issue of "County Economic "County" Discussion entered Baihe
Notice! The 17th issue of "County Economic "County" Discussion entered Baihe

The 17th issue of the series of interviews with the "County Economy" on the "County" of the Shaanxi Radio and Television News Center "Hot Talk" Convergence Studio walked into Baihe in July, focusing on the first industry and leading industry, and comprehensively showing Baihe's practices and achievements in the high-quality development of the county economy.

Notice! The 17th issue of "County Economic "County" Discussion entered Baihe


Editor-in-Chief: Wang Yinchun Editor-in-charge: Tang Guohui Proofreader: Liu Chuan Submission Email: [email protected]

Review of key news

Baihe County held a county-wide warning education meeting and special party class

The second session of the "Love for Shaanxi and Hubei Swimming in the Han River" swimming competition in our county was successfully held

The Party Branch of the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee carried out the party day activity with the theme of "learning party discipline, strengthening party spirit, and building new achievements".

Celebrate "July 1st" with one heart| The party's birthday is how we celebrate

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