
Strengthen the management of hospital integrity archives and promote the construction of party style and clean government in hospitals

author:Red Network Yongzhou Station
Abstract:In today's society, the comprehensive and strict governance of the party has become an important national strategy, and the construction of party style and clean government is an important part of promoting the modernization of governance. As an important part of the hospital integrity file management, strengthening the hospital integrity file management to promote the construction of hospital party style and clean government is an important measure in line with the trend of the times and social needs. Based on this, on the basis of introducing the main contents of hospital integrity archives and the importance of hospital party style and clean government construction, this paper summarizes the importance of hospital integrity file management to promote the construction of party style and clean government, and finally analyzes the main problems and corresponding suggestions in hospital integrity file management, in order to improve the level of hospital governance, safeguard the health rights and interests of the people, and promote the sustainable development of medical and health undertakings.


Hospitals are an important part of the medical and health industry, and they are the guardians and service providers of people's health. In today's society, with the development of social economy and the continuous improvement of the medical and health system, the management of hospital integrity records has become more and more important. Hospital integrity file management is an important part of hospital management, and it is an important means to ensure the standardized operation of the hospital, prevent corruption and corruption, and maintain the reputation of the hospital.

By strengthening the management of hospital integrity files, it can not only effectively promote the construction of party style and clean government in hospitals, improve the standardization level of hospital management, but also enhance the awareness of integrity and law and discipline of medical staff, effectively prevent corruption risks, and ensure the good reputation and image of hospitals.

1. The main content of the hospital's integrity file

Hospital integrity file refers to the file used to record and manage the integrity performance of the hospital's internal staff, the handling of violations of discipline and law, and other related information, aiming to supervise and inspect the integrity of medical staff, prevent corruption, and maintain the good image and operation order of the hospital, and its content is described in detail as follows:

(1) Basic information of personnel. The hospital's integrity file first records the basic information of the medical staff, including name, gender, age, professional and technical title, job position, etc. This information is an important reference for understanding the basic situation and background of the hospital staff [1].

(2) Property status. The integrity file will also record the property status of the medical staff in detail, including real estate, vehicles, deposits, stocks and other assets. This helps to monitor medical staff for improper sources or changes in assets.

(3) Family situation. The integrity file will also record the family situation of the medical staff, including the basic information of family members such as spouses, children, parents, etc., as well as the property status of family real estate, vehicles, etc. This can help detect whether medical staff are using family members to engage in improper benefit transfer or related-party transactions.

(4) Work performance. The hospital's integrity file will record the work performance of medical staff in detail, including awards, scientific research projects, work performance evaluation, etc. This helps to assess the performance of medical staff and prevents the abuse of their authority for improper advantage.

(5) Integrity records. The integrity file will also record the integrity discipline of medical personnel, including integrity warning education, integrity inspection, and integrity disciplinary punishment. This helps to monitor whether medical personnel have violated discipline and law, and whether they have received integrity education. Specifically, there are the following aspects:

(6) Professional ethics. The integrity file will also record the professional ethics of medical staff, including whether they abide by medical ethics, respect the rights and interests of patients, and whether they are diligent and conscientious. This helps to assess the professional ethics of medical personnel and to maintain the quality and credibility of health services.

(7) Prevention and control of integrity risks. The integrity file will also record the hospital's integrity risk prevention and control, including integrity awareness education, integrity risk investigation, integrity management measures, etc. This helps to strengthen the awareness of integrity in hospitals, standardize the management process, and reduce the possibility of integrity risks [2].

2. The importance of the construction of party style and clean government in hospitals

The construction of party style and clean government in hospitals is of great significance to the healthy development of hospitals, the quality of medical services and the improvement of the quality of medical staff, and is a key measure to promote the reform and development of hospitals and improve the comprehensive strength of hospitals.

(1) The construction of party style and clean government in hospitals is very important for maintaining medical order and building a good treatment environment. Hospitals are public institutions that serve patients, and must ensure the fairness, impartiality and openness of medical services, and must not harm the interests of patients because of corruption. By strengthening the building of party style and clean government, we can standardize the behavior of medical personnel and prevent the occurrence of such phenomena as the transfer of interests and the pulling of relationships, so as to ensure the formation of medical order and a good treatment environment.

(2) The construction of party style and clean government in hospitals is conducive to improving the quality and level of medical services. Honest medical practice is the basic professional ethics of medical staff, and only by eliminating corruption can we ensure that medical staff are truly patient-centered and achieve patient trust with medical skills. Through measures such as standardizing management, strengthening supervision, and establishing and improving punishment and prevention mechanisms, the hospital will be included in the track of party style and clean government construction, which is conducive to the improvement of the quality and level of medical services, and the satisfaction and reputation of the hospital masses will be enhanced.

(3) The construction of party style and clean government in hospitals can also improve the service awareness and professionalism of medical staff. As the main force and important image representative of the hospital, the words and deeds of medical staff are directly related to the image and reputation of the hospital. By strengthening the construction of party style and clean government, and advocating the values of medical staff such as honest medical practice, respect for patients, and professional ethics, medical staff can pay more attention to the needs of patients in their daily work, strictly abide by professional ethics, improve service awareness and professional quality, enhance their sense of social responsibility and mission, and form a good hospital cultural atmosphere [3].

(4) The construction of hospital party style and clean government is also of far-reaching significance for promoting the reform and modernization of hospital management system. In the process of promoting the reform of the hospital management system, it is necessary to establish a modern hospital management system with clean governance as the core, strengthen the construction of party style and clean government, strengthen the internal control mechanism and risk management, and improve the governance and operation efficiency of the hospital. Through the establishment and improvement of hospital party organizations and discipline inspection and supervision institutions, punish corruption in accordance with the law, strengthen risk management and control, promote the deepening of the reform of the hospital management system, and realize the modernization and scientificization of hospital management.

3. The important role of hospital integrity file management in promoting the construction of party style and clean government in hospitals

In the construction of party style and clean government in hospitals, clean government archives play a very important role, which is of great significance for standardizing hospital management, strengthening the construction of party style and clean government, improving the quality of medical services and maintaining social credibility.

(1) The integrity file is an important basis and carrier for the construction of hospital integrity. As a public institution, the hospital faces various conflicts of interest and moral hazards due to the professional specificity and working environment of medical staff. The establishment of a sound system for the management of clean government archives can clearly regulate the code of conduct and moral requirements of medical personnel, establish the principle of clean government and self-discipline, and restrain and regulate medical personnel. Through the construction and management of clean government files, the process and achievements of the hospital's clean government construction can be objectively recorded, providing a reliable basis and important reference for the hospital clean government construction, and further promoting the in-depth development of the hospital's party style construction.

(2) The integrity file plays a role in supervising and restraining the hospital's governance structure and decision-making mechanism. The hospital integrity file records the behavior and decision-making process of the hospital management and medical staff, and plays an important role in monitoring the conflict of interest, abuse of power and dereliction of duty of the hospital leadership. Through the establishment and improvement of the integrity file management system, we can ensure the integrity and self-discipline of hospital management personnel, prevent the occurrence of corruption and illegal acts, and maintain the normal operation and good image of the hospital. As a record of facts, the clean government file can provide important evidence and basis for the hospital management department and supervision agency, help investigate and deal with violations of discipline and law in a timely manner, and ensure the smooth implementation of the hospital's party style and clean government construction.

(3) Integrity archives are of great significance to improve the service quality and medical safety of hospitals. Hospital integrity file management can record the medical behavior and service process of medical staff, and objectively reflect the service quality and medical level of the hospital. Through the management and analysis of hospital integrity files, the problems and deficiencies of medical staff can be discovered, and timely standardization and improvement can be carried out to improve the quality of hospital services and medical safety, and ensure the rights and safety of patients. At the same time, the establishment and management of integrity archives can also promote the construction of integrity, self-discipline and professional ethics of medical staff, enhance the service awareness and sense of responsibility of medical staff, and improve the overall service level and social reputation of the hospital.

(4) Integrity archives play an important role in maintaining the credibility and social trust of the medical industry. Hospital integrity archives are an important physical manifestation of hospital integrity construction, and an important means of hospital moral hazard prevention and control and self-discipline and restraint. Through the construction and management of clean government files, the hospital's clean government style and self-discipline spirit can be displayed, and the hospital's firm determination and belief to resist corruption and degeneration can be conveyed to the society. At the same time, the establishment and open management of integrity archives can also enhance the trust and recognition of patients and the public, maintain the credibility and reputation of hospitals, and promote the standardization and transparency of hospital service behaviors [4].

4. The main problems in the management of hospital integrity files

Integrity file management is a vital part of hospital management, but in practice, there are many problems in hospital integrity file management, which directly affect the integrity construction and management effect of hospitals.

(1) Insufficient awareness of the importance of integrity files. Many hospital managers and medical staff have insufficient understanding of the importance of integrity files, lack of awareness and attention to integrity files, resulting in neglect of the management and maintenance of integrity files in their daily work. Integrity archives are the basis of the hospital's integrity construction, and are an important basis for reflecting the integrity of medical staff.

(2) The information in the integrity file is incomplete. In the integrity file, personnel information, material information, supervision information, etc., shall be an important content that completely reflects the integrity of medical personnel and their actual work performance. However, the establishment of the integrity files of some medical personnel is not standardized and incomplete, resulting in the lack of information in the integrity files. As a result, the hospital cannot fully grasp the integrity of medical staff, and it is difficult to effectively supervise and manage the integrity of the hospital.

(3) Chaotic management of clean government files. In some hospitals, there is a lack of standardized management systems and processes for the management of clean government archives, and the preservation and archiving of archives is chaotic. Anti-corruption archives may be stored in different departments and locations, and there is no unified management standard and custody requirements, which can easily cause the loss, tampering, or omission of anti-corruption files, which seriously affects the integrity and reliability of anti-corruption archives [5].

(4) Supervision and inspection are not in place. Hospitals shall establish a sound supervision and inspection mechanism, regularly inspect the management of clean government archives, and promptly rectify problems when they are discovered. However, some hospitals have inadequate supervision and inspection, low frequency, and incomplete content. The lack of supervision and inspection has led to a lack of effective supervision and restraint in the management of clean government archives, and insufficient supervision and urging have made it difficult to discover and correct problems in the management of clean government archives.

(5) Insufficient education and training. Hospitals shall strengthen education and training on integrity for medical staff, improve their awareness of integrity and the law, and enhance their awareness of integrity and self-discipline. However, in some hospitals, the education and training of integrity is lagging behind, untimely, and unsystematic, and medical staff lack a full understanding of integrity policies, laws and regulations, and their awareness of integrity is not strong enough, and they are prone to fall into the risk situation of violating discipline and law.

(6) The punishment mechanism is not perfect. Hospitals shall establish a sound punishment mechanism to seriously deal with medical personnel who violate clean government regulations or seriously derelict their duties, so as to form a deterrent effect and promote the formation and improvement of a clean government atmosphere throughout the hospital. However, the punishment mechanism of some hospitals is not perfect, and the handling of violations of discipline and law is not effective and thorough, and even unhealthy practices have appeared to cover up and condone unhealthy practices. This situation has contributed to the luck mentality and passable attitude of the medical staff, and has seriously damaged the hospital's clean government image and management effect.

(7) The degree of informatization of clean government archives is not high. With the development of information technology, the information management of clean government archives has become an inevitable trend of modern management, but the management of clean government archives in many hospitals is still in the traditional paper file management stage, and the degree of informatization is not high. This not only increases the difficulty of management, but also reduces the efficiency and convenience of integrity file management [6].

5. Effectively strengthen the main measures for the management of hospital integrity files

5.1 Enhance the level of awareness of the importance of integrity archives

Improving the awareness of the importance of hospital integrity files is not only a management work, but also the need for hospital culture construction and system construction. Only by strengthening the awareness of the importance of hospital integrity files can the hospital management and all employees more consciously abide by the integrity regulations, standardize behavior, and ensure the integrity and standardized operation of the hospital. Hospital managers should be aware of the importance of clean government file management to the construction of clean government in hospitals, and strengthen the publicity and education of clean government file work. Special lectures, training and publicity activities can be organized to popularize the relevant laws, regulations, policy requirements, significance and objectives of clean government file management to all medical staff, emphasizing that clean government files are not only a necessary element of hospital management, but also the embodiment of medical ethics and medical style, and an important guarantee for the healthy development and promotion of the image of the hospital.

5.2 Strengthen the management of the integrity of information in clean government archives

In order to strengthen the integrity management of hospital integrity file information, it is first necessary to strengthen the collection and sorting of integrity file information. Establish a unified information collection platform for clean government archives, and collect all kinds of clean government information from hospitals in a timely manner, including the construction of party style and clean government, medical ethics and medical style, etc., so that the information is comprehensive, timely and true. At the same time, a review mechanism for integrity file information is established to strictly review the collected integrity information to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the information and prevent the occurrence of false or omitted information. Finally, conduct a comprehensive verification and audit of the hospital's integrity file information on a regular basis, find problems in a timely manner and rectify them, and ensure the effective implementation of integrity file information management and the effective prevention of integrity risks.

5.3 Standardize the process of managing integrity files

Hospitals should formulate relevant rules and regulations for the management of integrity files, and clarify the specific requirements and procedures for the collection, preservation, utilization, confidentiality and disposal of integrity files. Formulate a clear division of responsibilities for the management of clean government archives, clarify the responsibilities of all levels and departments for the management of clean government archives, establish and improve the organization of clean government archives management, and ensure that the management work is carried out in an orderly and efficient manner. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the procedures and processes for the approval of archives, standardize the delivery, approval and signature procedures of various archives and materials, clarify the personnel responsible for examination and approval and procedural requirements, and ensure that the decision-making procedures for the management of archives are reasonable and fair[7]. In addition, it is also necessary to establish a system for the preservation and utilization of archives, clarify the confidentiality level and management authority of clean government archives, strictly control the access, extraction and reproduction of archives, and avoid unauthorized information leakage. At the same time, strengthen the security protection of the system to ensure the security and integrity of the archive data.

5.4 Strengthen supervision and inspection

By strengthening the supervision and inspection of hospital integrity files, we can effectively promote the improvement of hospital integrity awareness, standardize hospital management behaviors, prevent corruption risks, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of hospital integrity file management. To this end, the hospital shall establish a special supervision and inspection body or post responsible for supervising the development of the hospital's clean government file management, and regularly conduct inspections and evaluations of file management. At the same time, a supervision and inspection team with professional knowledge and strict discipline will be trained to improve their understanding and implementation of laws and regulations related to integrity file management. Conduct regular on-site inspections of the hospital's integrity file management, focus on the standardization, integrity and authenticity of the file management, find problems in a timely manner and take effective rectification measures.

5.5 Strengthen education and training on integrity management

Hospitals can organize integrity training courses, special lectures, publicity and education activities and other forms to popularize the concept of integrity, policies and regulations and work norms to all employees of the hospital, improve employees' awareness of integrity and self-discipline, strengthen the concept of integrity ethics, and cultivate a cultural atmosphere of integrity. In addition, the hospital can also carry out activities such as integrity knowledge contests and integrity speech contests to improve the awareness and quality of employees' integrity and promote the participation of all employees in the construction of integrity. Through these integrity education activities, the hospital can establish a clean and self-disciplined medical team, effectively reduce the risk of corruption, and enhance the reputation and credibility of the hospital.

5.6 Improve punishment mechanisms

Improving the punishment mechanism is an important measure to ensure the honest operation of medical and health institutions and prevent corruption. Hospitals should clarify the definition and handling procedures of violations of discipline and law, establish and improve the channels and handling mechanisms for reporting and complaining about violations of discipline and law, strengthen the punishment of violations of discipline and law, and ensure that those who violate discipline and law are punished as they deserve. For those who violate the integrity regulations and are suspected of corruption, the hospital should conduct investigation and verification in a timely manner, and punish them in accordance with laws and regulations to ensure that the violators receive due legal sanctions. At the same time, hospitals should also establish a disciplinary and warning mechanism to implement zero tolerance for violations, warn all employees to strictly abide by rules and regulations, and enhance employees' awareness of the legal system and norms [8].

5.7 Promote the information management of clean government archives.

The hospital integrity file information management system can realize the comprehensive supervision of all kinds of files, including financial flow, expense reimbursement, procurement, etc. Through real-time monitoring and data analysis, abnormal situations can be detected and dealt with in a timely manner, and the effectiveness and level of supervision and management can be improved. In order to promote the information management of hospital integrity files, it is first necessary to increase investment and support for the information management system to ensure the construction and operation of the system. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the informatization training of medical personnel and management personnel, and enhance their awareness and ability of informatization management. Finally, establish and improve the information management system and standardize the operation process to ensure that the information management system can operate effectively and play a role, and promote the in-depth promotion of hospital integrity management.

6. Conclusion

To sum up, with the continuous deepening of the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, the basic and supporting role of hospital integrity archives in the construction of party style and clean government in public hospitals has become more prominent. To this end, the hospital needs to comprehensively strengthen the management of integrity files, continuously improve the management system and process, strengthen awareness and training, improve the management level and effect, ensure the clean operation of the hospital, standardize management and improve service quality, and achieve the goal of healthy development and sustainable development of the hospital.


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(The author, Jiang Manjun, is a member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Yongzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hunan Province)

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