
The Municipal Local Volunteer Office carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Promoting the Culture of Integrity and Building a Red Fortress" and the special party class on party discipline learning and education

author:Chengdu Fangzhi

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to promote the study and education of party discipline and further enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, on June 28, the municipal local government office organized and carried out the party day activity with the theme of "promoting the culture of integrity and building a red fortress" and Ma Haijun, secretary of the party group and director, gave a special party course on party discipline learning and education. Wang Zhiqiang, member of the party group, deputy director and secretary of the general party branch of the organ, presided over the meeting. Wang Xin, member of the party group and deputy director, all party members and party activists participated in the event.

Through a party class, a short film, a review, a greeting, and a visit, we will lead all party members and cadres to deepen the study and education of party discipline, inherit the party's fine traditions, understand the party's original mission, and cultivate the cultural gene of integrity.

The Municipal Local Volunteer Office carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Promoting the Culture of Integrity and Building a Red Fortress" and the special party class on party discipline learning and education

▲Image source: Tang Xinke/photo

"The affairs of the world are not difficult to legislate, but difficult to enforce; It is not difficult to listen to words, but it is difficult to do what is said. Ma Haijun, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Local Volunteer Office, gave a special party course on party discipline learning and education for all party members and cadres with the title of "Comprehensively Strengthening the Party's Discipline Construction and Providing a Strong Discipline Guarantee for Promoting the High-quality Development of Local Chronicles", emphasizing the need to systematically and deeply study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, grasp the essence and practical requirements, fully and accurately understand the profound connotation and practical requirements of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", and focus on comprehensive construction, system integration, and long-term normalcy, constantly create a new situation in discipline construction, and provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for promoting the high-quality development of local chronicles.

Ma Haijun requires that party members and cadres should strive to be the benchmark for abiding by rules and disciplines:

First, it is necessary to firmly establish a correct outlook on political achievements. Always ask, "Who am I?" For whom? On whom? Adhere to the impartial use of power, standardize the use of power, and actively use power, so that power is used by the people, feelings are related to the people, and benefits are sought by the people, and actively improve the level of local chronicles to serve the central work of the party committee and government, serve economic and social development, and serve the people, and constantly meet the growing cultural needs of the people.

Second, we must manage ourselves well and abide by the party's discipline in an exemplary manner. Persistently study and master the party's discipline and rules, so that they can always learn and innovate, be familiar with the discipline regulations, and build a strong ideological line of defense. Based on the needs of the post, we should fully grasp the laws and regulations of local chronicles, so as to "have a basis in the law, be simple in things, and be reasonable in the situation", systematically study the responsibilities of the post, accurately grasp the law of career development, and strive to practice the mission and task of "standing up for the party, preserving the history of the country, and cultivating the will for the people" with a sense of responsibility and the spirit of actively taking on the role.

Third, we must lead the team well and resolutely implement the discipline requirements. Leading cadres must fulfill the "dual responsibilities of one post"; they must not only do a good job in the professional work in charge of them, but also pay equal attention to the building of the party's work style and clean government, and make the party building work and the local chronicle work the same research, planning, deployment, and inspection. Actively explore a new model of in-depth integration and development of party building business, enhance the creation of party building brand with Fangzhi's characteristics, promote "zhi" construction with party building, and promote development with integration.

Fourth, we must build a good system and provide strong discipline guarantees. Focusing on better performing the functions of "preserving history, educating people, and providing information and administration", we will continuously improve the standardization and legalization level of the compilation of chronicles, data management, geographical development, publicity and promotion, and implement the "Implementation Rules for the Application and Evaluation and Acceptance of Chengdu Famous Towns and Villages (Trial)", "Interim Measures for the Management of Chengdu Fangzhiguan Branch Library and Micro Fangzhiguan", "Chengdu Comprehensive Yearbook Quality Evaluation Measures (Trial)" and other institutional requirements, and further form a long-term mechanism for handling things according to the system, managing people by the system, and ensuring development by the system.

Once you join the party, you will be the party all your life. Comrade Ma Bing, a retired party member of the Municipal Local Volunteer Office, won the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party". During the event, a video of the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" medal awarded to Comrade Ma Bing was played, telling about his unswerving, diligent and dedicated, pragmatic and conscientious, dedicated and selfless dedication to the cause of local history in Chengdu, and encouraging the party members and cadres of the whole office to continue to carry forward the fine style, further fulfill the duties and missions of the local history cause, and contribute wisdom and strength to the high-quality development of the local history cause.

The Municipal Local Volunteer Office carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Promoting the Culture of Integrity and Building a Red Fortress" and the special party class on party discipline learning and education

▲Image source: Zhou Li/photo

The political life of a party member belongs to the party, and remembering the "political birthday" is loyalty and belief in the party, and commemorating it is the gratitude and gratitude of every party member to the party. The Municipal Local Volunteer Office held a collective political birthday ceremony for the party members who had a political birthday in the first half of the year, and presented a greeting card and study books for the political birthday of "always follow the party", and the five party member representatives took "my story of joining the party" as the theme, sharing their original intentions, history, responsibilities and missions, looking back at themselves when they set off, and striving to practice their original intentions with actions. Transform General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest entrustment of "continuing to inherit the world's only uninterrupted civilization" into an inexhaustible driving force for forging ahead.

The Municipal Local Volunteer Office carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Promoting the Culture of Integrity and Building a Red Fortress" and the special party class on party discipline learning and education

▲Image source: Tang Xinke/photo

"Looking for the gene of integrity from Chengdu's long historical and cultural resources." All the party members and cadres of the Municipal Local Affairs Office walked into the special exhibition of Chengdu's "Historical Honest Figures" to learn about the honest stories of 18 honest officials in the history of Chengdu, who made pragmatic contributions, established morality for the people, and built honest products, and felt the culture of honesty and honesty that has been inherited in Chengdu for more than 2,000 years. Party members and cadres have said that this special exhibition is based on the perspective of Fang Zhi, using old chronicles, ancient books and other records, digging deep into the deeds of honest people in the history of Chengdu, forming a unique culture of integrity, as a local history of party members and cadres should actively learn from the excellent culture of integrity in history, think deeply, draw strength, internalize the spirit of integrity in the heart, externalize it in action, and always maintain the political nature of honesty and integrity.

The Municipal Local Volunteer Office carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Promoting the Culture of Integrity and Building a Red Fortress" and the special party class on party discipline learning and education

▲Image source: Tang Xinke/photo

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