
"Lihua Shu" Author: Wu Fourteen

author:The bright moon that moves forward bravely

"Lihua Shu"

Author: Wu XIV

"Lihua Shu" Author: Wu Fourteen

Brief introduction:

(Overhead, No Traversal, No Rebirth, 1V1)

In the family of Shen Beiqi, the princess of Jingguo, there is a gentle little sister named Shen Li, and everyone else calls her Shen San.

She has a person who has been buried in her heart since she was a child, and no one knows about it except herself.

Shen Li's real name is Jiang Li, and when he was eight years old, his family suffered a mutation, and his father and brother were exiled.

Shen Beiqi became good friends with Jiang Li's brother and was entrusted by him to accept Jiang Li as his sister-in-law.

In an accident, Shen Li spent a night with her brother-in-law, and what was even worse was that not only did the initiator forget to clean up, but she also accidentally became pregnant.

Shen Li was unwilling to insult the Shen family, and was willing to forget about it, but he was unexpectedly swept into the bloody rain of seizing the heir.

With a purpose, she chose a suitable family for herself, but on the eve of the engagement, her brother pushed her against the corner.

"Little Ali, in your heart, I can only be a brother?"

"Why not be wrong? If you can make a mistake for a lifetime, it will be a perfect match. ”


A rainy spring night.

Shen Li carried a dim lantern through the long corridor wet with fog.

The night was dark, and the light lingered in a narrow halo of white mist, swaying with her steps, as if in a dream.

After passing through a few moon gates, she came to the Cuibai Courtyard where her brother-in-law Shen Beiqi lived, and stopped in front of the study.

Today, Shen Beiqi triumphed, she hadn't seen her for more than a year, she waited from morning to night, and finally waited for him to come back from the palace to participate in the celebration banquet, and immediately rushed over with a lantern.

The lamp burned in the study, and the dim light reflected the mullioned window, and she raised her hand and knocked twice, but no one responded.


She raised her hand again, and the knock was clear in the still, rainy night.

No one answered for a long time, so Shen Li had no choice but to rest and ask his brother for peace.

She thought, her brother Xu is not there, Xu is in the palace to celebrate the banquet and drink too much wine, maybe she will rest, she will go back first, and come back early tomorrow morning.

She turned to leave, but the door behind her slammed open, and a broad, strong hand grabbed her slender arm and dragged her into the room, and then the door closed again, and the lantern rolled to the ground.

The moment she entered the house, the lamp was extinguished by Shen Beiqi's raised hand.

The room was dark for a moment, and before she could react, she was pressed against the door panel by the other party, and her hot lips with the smell of alcohol were immediately pasted.

Her pupils widened instantly, and her mind went blank at a touch she had never felt before, and she struggled to push him away, only to find that he was burning all over, like a sizzling fiery red charcoal.

His kiss hit like a torrential rain, crazy and urgent, rolling Shen Li in the rain and making it difficult to get out.

He didn't seem to be very conscious, and he didn't care about tearing her clothes, picked her up horizontally, and pressed her against the couch.


Shen Li was awakened by Shen Zhiyan.

When she opened her eyes, Shen Zhiyan was lying on the edge of the bed, scratching the tip of her nose with the strands of hair draped over her shoulders.

Seeing that she finally woke up, Shen Zhiyan quipped, "It's been three poles a day, and you're still sleeping?" This is not our Shen San's style. ”

Shen Zhiyan is Shen Beiqi's own sister and the concubine of the Yasukuni Mansion, only four months older than Shen Li.

And she is the adopted daughter of the Shen family.

She was originally surnamed Jiang and was called Jiang Li.

When he was eight years old, the Jiang family suffered, and those who reached the age of 12 were exiled, and those who reached the age of 10 were not included in prostitution.

Jiang Li's mother died early when she was a child, fortunately she was not old enough not to be implicated in prostitution, and unfortunately, there was no one in the family who could take care of her.

Her brother Jiang Cheng and Shen Beiqi were classmates and friends of Yuanshan Academy, Jiang Cheng thought about it again and again, and personally entrusted her to Geng Darthead of the Qian Lai Dart Bureau.

When the Jiang family was powerful, Geng Darthead had received his favor, and he thought that he wanted to repay his kindness, so he took this errand.

With Jiang Cheng's handwritten letter and Jiang Li, who was only eight years old, he first took a boat and then changed to a donkey cart, and it took more than a month to come from Changzhou to Jiangdu City.

When I first met Shen Beiqi, he was only fifteen years old, just when he was in high spirits.

is obviously a man, but he was born with red lips and white teeth, and when he squatted down to look at her, a pair of peachy eyes were smart and transparent.

She was still young at that time, and she only thought that this person was very beautiful.

I don't think it's inappropriate to use words like beauty to describe a man.

"How old are you?" He asked her in a low voice.

She lowered her head and said timidly, "Eight years old." ”

"What's your name?"

"Jiang Li."

Shen Beiqi raised his hand and gently rubbed Jiang Li's messy little head, "In the future, your surname will be Shen, and your name will be Shen Li." ”

The sunlight poured into the house through the window lattice, and Shen Li was absent-minded, listening to Shen Zhiyan's chatter, telling interesting stories about when she went on a trip with her brother yesterday.

"It's a pity that you don't go, you didn't even see it, my brother fired three arrows at once, none of them were missing, and he hunted a lot of birds!"

Shen Li smiled, "Xu is because of spring sleepiness, I always feel unhappy recently, lazy and have no strength, I will definitely accompany you next time I have the opportunity." ”

Being unhappy is one thing, and Shen Li really doesn't want to go, because after that night, she doesn't know how to face Shen Beiqi.

In the courtyard, two rough maids were sprinkling and sweeping while chewing on the new things in the house recently.

It is said that Fanghua, the maid who sprinkled and swept in the Cui Bai Hall, won the favor of the grandfather of the country earlier and was accepted as a room.

Just wait for the married lady to enter the door, and then carry Fanghua to the concubine room.

Shen Beiqi's father died of illness three years ago, and now he has inherited the title and become the Duke of Yasukuni.

In recent years, the northern border has not been peaceful, and Shen Beiqi has been staying in the northern border since his father's death, and there are few days at home in the past three years.

His marriage was delayed like this, and now he is twenty-three and still alone.

Sure enough, men can't pass the women's level, Grandpa Guo looks cold-faced and cold-hearted, and he doesn't smile every day, but he didn't expect to spoil the maids around him.

I don't know what shit luck Fanghua has taken, but she can be taken by Grandpa Guo!

The two maids were so sore that they couldn't help but slander two sentences, it must have been that Fanghua was shameless, so that Ji climbed into the bed of Grandpa Guo.

After all, Grandpa Guo is not only a high and powerful position, but also has a handsome and almost perfect face.

The woman in Jiangdu City who wants to climb his bed is like a tadpole in a spring pond, and she can't catch it all.

Their voices were very low, but they still faintly floated into the house through the half-branch window lattice of the bamboo pole, Shen Li lowered his eyes, sad and joyful.

But Shen Zhiyan heard about this and felt very incomprehensible,

"You say, what does my brother like about that Fanghua? looks ordinary, and her figure is ordinary, is it possible, my brother takes a fancy to her ordinary, and if she has no advantages, she can't find any shortcomings? ”

"Nonsense again," Shen Li patted the back of her hand, pretending to be nothing,

"It's good to have someone who knows cold and hot to take care of my brother, the eldest son in the second room is two years younger than his brother, and now the children are bogged together."

Shen Zhiyan still felt inexplicable, "Having said that, if my brother wants a woman, what kind of woman is not?" Is it possible to find a handmaiden? ”

Shen Li smiled, "The girl who has not left the pavilion has no sense of proportion. ”

Shen Li's personal maidservant Zi Mandarin entered the inner room with the curtain and brought two bowls of warm milk.

"The girl's appetite has not been very good in the past two days, and she doesn't eat much at noon, so let's eat some breast pads."

Zi Yuan said, first put a bowl in front of Shen Zhiyan, and then handed Shen Li a bowl.

Shen Li held the celadon bowl in one hand, pinching the spoon with her white fingertips, stirring gently.

As soon as the sweet cheese spread in her mouth, she couldn't help but feel sick to her stomach, and immediately clutched her chest and retched.

Seeing this, Zi Yuan hurriedly held the spittoon over, and Shen Li leaned over and vomited for a while, even the bitter bile water was spit out.

Seeing this, Shen Zhiyan hurriedly got up, "Oh, what is this bad food?" Baozhu, go and call the Jiang Fu doctor. ”

After Shen Zhiyan's personal maid jewel was ordered, she immediately trotted out, and after a while, the Jiang Fu doctor followed behind her, and hurriedly entered the Qinghui Courtyard.

After spitting out the little food left in his stomach, Shen Li finally suppressed Shicai's violent nausea.

She gasped slightly, and between the lightning and flint, a terrible thought suddenly came to her heart.

She was a little scared, and her fingertips couldn't help but tremble.

The Jiang Fu doctor had already set the pulse pillow, Shen Li pretended to be calm, and shirked,

"It was because I was greedy for cold last night and ate some chilled balls, which hurt my spleen and stomach, so I won't bother the Jiang Fu doctor."

The purple kite stood on one side and glanced at her girl in a little surprise.

When did the girl eat chilled balls last night?

Although she had speculation in her heart, as a slave and maid, it was difficult for her to dismantle her master's platform, so she remained silent and waited quietly.

Shen Zhiyan persuaded, "The government doctor has arrived, so let him diagnose and treat your pulse, and prescribe you some medicines to regulate the spleen and stomach. ”

Doctor Jiang also nodded, "Third girl, whether it hurts the spleen and stomach, you can know when you look at the pulse." ”

He made a gesture of invitation, but Shen Li was suspicious and didn't dare to put his hand on the pulse pillow.

When she was thinking about how to speak, there was a sound of footsteps in the courtyard, and Shen's mother Yang followed by two grandmothers, walking slowly and calmly, and came to Qinghui Courtyard.

Yang was wearing a royal blue satin deep coat, graceful and luxurious, his face looked calm and soft, but his apricot eyes were secretly sharp.

Seeing the Yang family come in, a room of people bent down to salute, and the Jiang Fu doctor also got up from the round stool and arched his hands.

Yang Shi gave a hand, turned his gaze to Shen Li, and said softly, "I heard from someone that you have invited a doctor in your hospital, but you are not feeling well, where is not happy?" ”

Without waiting for Shen Li to reply, Yang turned his head and asked Doctor Jiang, "Where is the third girl unwell?" ”

Shen Li suddenly felt bad, his heart was pounding, and his fingertips unconsciously pinched the hem of his sleeves.

Doctor Jiang replied respectfully, "Mrs. Hui, I haven't diagnosed my pulse yet, and I don't know what the cause of my illness is. ”

"Then go to the doctor, Li'er, you sit."

Shen Li's scalp was numb, and she sat down on the edge of the couch hesitantly, praying to the Buddha in her heart, never like she thought!

She held her breath and carefully observed the changes in the face of the Jiang Fu doctor, and when she saw his eyes roll and look slightly panicked, her heart also fell into the bottomless abyss.

It's really afraid of what comes, what to hope for.

"This ......"

The Jiang Fu doctor also hoped that he had made a mistake in diagnosing the woman, and the woman who had not left the cabinet was pregnant, and if such a scandal spread, he was afraid that even the reputation of the grandfather of the country would be damaged.

"How's it going?" Yang asked aloud.

Doctor Jiang retracted his expression, got up and bowed to the Yang family, "Madam, take a step to speak." ”

Yang glanced at Shen Li, who was stunned on the couch with a strange look, nodded, and walked out with the Jiang Mansion doctor.

It is the spring of March, on the slender branches of the Qionghua tree in the Qinghui courtyard, the tender green buds are gradually unfolding, and when the noon sun is shining, the breeze blowing in the window also adds a bit of warmth.

But Shen Li felt that today's wind was even colder than when she was wrapped in frost in winter, making her back uncontrollably break out in layers of cold sweat.

A moment later, Yang slowly walked in alone.

The face is still gentle and peaceful, but the voice is not as soft as the right one, and it is a little colder.

"Li'er is greedy for cold, and she has a bad stomach," Yang's words were said to Shen Zhiyan and everyone in the house.

Then, she turned her gaze to Shen Li, her apricot eyes narrowed slightly, cold as a knife, "Doctor Jiangfu prescribed two pairs of medicines, remember to take them on time, and you must not act willfully and recklessly in the future, which will damage your body." ”

Shen Li understood the beating in Yang's words, and got up to salute, "Yes, daughter, remember." ”

Yang shook his head and didn't look at her anymore, "Yan'er, come with me, let your sister rest more." ”

Shen Zhiyan nodded, turned around and told Shen Li to rest more, stop eating cold food, and come to see her tomorrow.

Shen Li responded, Shen Zhiyan took her mother's arm, and the group left Qinghui Courtyard.

Seeing several figures leaving, Shen Li stumbled and almost couldn't stand steadily, and Purple Kite hurriedly stepped forward to support her, "Girl, go back to the house and rest?" ”

Shen Li shook his head, "I'm sorry, Purple Kite. ”

"Why does the girl say that?" Purple Kite was puzzled.

"I'm afraid, I'm going to implicate you and Xingping."

Purple Kite and Xingping are both Shen Li's personal maidservants, and she has been serving by her side since she entered the Shen Mansion at the age of eight.

Purple Kite is two years older than Shen Li, and she is older and has a calm temperament.

Xingping is one year younger than Shen Li, she is very heartless all day long, she went to the second room of the Shen family next door today, borrowed some embroidery patterns, and has not come back yet.

The eve of a storm is always exceptionally quiet, and today's sunset is excellent, Shen Li watched through the window lattice, watching the golden red glow turn from light to dark, and then to a suffocating dark red.

Mama Qin, the head of the Yang family's courtyard, came to Qinghui Courtyard with a few small servants.

When he stood in the courtyard and spoke, his waist was straight, and he stared at Shen Li obliquely, just like a master's style.

"Third girl, Madame, please go to the ancestral hall."

What should come will always come, and you can't hide from it.

Shen Li got up, and as Mama Qin stepped out of the courtyard door, behind her, Zi Kite and Xingping were controlled by several little girls, their mouths stuffed into the cloth ball, and Shen Li knew that they were going to be taken to the torture room to be tortured.

She is now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and cannot protect herself, so she can only pin her hopes on others.

The carved wooden door of the Shen family ancestral hall was closed, and Shen Li knelt on the cold bluestone ground, looking at the rows of black tablets in front of him, his back straight.

There were only two people in the room, she and Mama Qin, but she was kneeling and the other party was standing.

Mama Qin waved the leather whip in her hand, and her back was instantly covered with blood.

"Third girl, tell the adulterer who the adulterer is, maybe you can suffer less!"

Looking at Shen Li kneeling on the ground, Mama Qin's eyes showed disdain, the woman in the boudoir was unmarried and pregnant, which was really shameful.

Shen Li's eyelashes trembled slightly, like a butterfly wing fanning lightly, always pursing her lips and not saying a word.

Seeing her stubborn face, Mama Qin snorted coldly in her heart, and her subordinates couldn't help but increase their strength, sure enough, this person who didn't know the bottom of the matter was a lowly, and he actually did such an ugly thing to ruin the Shen family's style.

There was a hot pain in his back, Shen Li gritted his teeth, feeling that his skin and flesh seemed to be torn apart, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

In the middle of his drowsiness, the door was kicked open from the outside.

Mama Qin's whipping action paused in the air, and in the dim red twilight, Shen Beiqi stood with his hands behind his back.

Countless rays of light spread out behind him, and a pair of gorgeous peach blossom eyes were solemn and deep, with a sense of oppression unique to military generals.

"What is this doing?" He glanced faintly at Mama Qin.

Mama Qin was stunned by Shen Beiqi's razor-sharp gaze, and she forgot for a moment that she was acting on orders.

Instead, it was as if he had done something wrong and was caught, and his legs fell to his knees.

"Return, go back to China, the old slave is on the order of his wife......"

What should she say later?

On the order of the lady, I asked the father of the child in the womb of the third girl, which bastard Wang Balamb was?

"Go on."

Shen Beiqi lowered his voice, and the inexplicable low pressure made a cold sweat break out on Mama Qin's forehead.

Everyone in the mansion knows that Grandpa Guo has always loved this righteous sister, and when Shen Li first entered the mansion a few years ago, it was inevitable that some people would worship her and secretly stumble on her.

Later, Shen Beiqi tied up those who had secretly deducted her food and clothing, and discussed her rights and wrongs, and tied them all to the courtyard and rewarded them with fifty boards.

A few people were even beaten and lost their legs, and they were never able to stand up again in their lives.

After this incident, no one in the mansion dared to snub Shen Li.

After all, in the Shen family's big house, there is only one seedling like Shen Beiqi, and in the future, the lord will be the master of the Guogong Mansion.

No one has the bear-hearted leopard guts to anger the future grandfather of the country.

Now, he grabbed himself and whipped Shen Li, if he didn't explain the matter clearly, Mama Qin was afraid that she wouldn't be able to keep her old leg.

Thinking like this, she told the story of the matter.

"Pregnant?" Shen Beiqi's eyes were angry, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Go down!" ”

Mama Qin naturally knew that Grandpa Guo was talking about her, so she hurriedly got up tremblingly, retreated with her waist bent, and did not forget to cover the door.

Shen Beiqi slowly paced in front of her, squatted down, the corners of his dark cyan robe fell to the ground, and his eyes fell on her.

In the dim red, she buried her head low like a child who had done something wrong, and when she looked from him, she could only see her cold sweaty forehead, the outline of which was blurred.

"Who is it?" He suppressed the anger in his belly and tried to keep his voice as calm as possible.

Shen Li closed his eyes, and there was a sour feeling in his heart.

"You look at me," he pinched her jaw, forcing her to look at himself, "tell me, who is it?" Is it voluntary, or is it coerced by others? ”

Shen Li's lips were pale, and he raised his eyes to look at Shen Beiqi.

She always remembered that when they met for the first time, his bright peach blossom eyes were as bright as the vast stars and as deep as a pool of spring water.

When he smiled, it was like a peach blossom blooming in a flash, and at a glance, a sea of flowers was connected into a beautiful picture, as if there was a kind of magic, which made people involuntarily want to fall into it.

Three years ago, Shen Laoguo died in the north, and Shen Beiqi's son inherited his father's business and took over the security of the north.

Since then, his sparkling eyes have gradually become calm and restrained, I don't know if it is due to age, or he has learned to restrain his emotions, in short, he is no longer sad and joyful in front of people.

However, when he looked at her at this moment, there was uncontrollable anger in his eyes.

Purple Kite and Xingping are now scheduled to be punished, and they can't say that the grandmothers in the torture room who worship high and low will kill them.

And herself, if she doesn't give the Yang family an explanation for this matter, I'm afraid that she won't be able to gently expose it, and even Shen Beiqi can't pass it.

Only he could save them all. This matter can no longer be hidden, at least, it can no longer be hidden from him.

"Brother, this kid ......" Under his forced gaze, Shen Li said with difficulty, "It's yours." ”

Shen Beiqi was stunned for a moment, the whole person seemed to be frozen, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time, obviously he didn't expect to get such an outrageous answer.

“…… What did you say? ”

Shen Li bit her lower lip, "That's the day... You have just returned triumphantly, and I went to the Cui Bai Courtyard to look for you, and I want to ask you if my father and brother have any letters to bring to me, but you dragged them into the study......"

The Jiang family's place of exile is in Liangzhou in the far north, and when they return to Jiangdu City in the north, Liangzhou is a must-pass place.

In the past, every time Shen Beiqi returned to Jiangdu, he would bring a letter back to Shen Li.

That's why she couldn't wait to find him that night.

But he didn't want to, he got drunk at the celebration banquet......

Her face was blank and she couldn't go on.

A picture flashed in his mind, and Shen Beiqi looked at her in disbelief, "...... That night, it was you? ”

Shen Beiqi finally solved the dilemma of the north being surrounded by two countries for many years, returned triumphantly, and in the afternoon of that day, he hurried back to Jiangdu City, which had not been returned for a year.

After returning to the city, he entered the palace to return to Emperor Hongyang, the lord of Southern Wu, and His Majesty specially set up a celebration banquet for him to receive the wind and wash the dust.

As the host of the celebration banquet, he was persuaded to drink a lot of wine, and he didn't know when he drank the wine mixed with aphrodisiacs.

When he was faintly hot and realized that something was wrong, he hurriedly bid farewell to His Majesty and hurried home to lock himself in his study.

When the strength of the medicine took effect, he only felt that the world was spinning, as if he had been thrown into a furnace, scorched by a cluster of flames, and the bone-eroding heat emanated from the inside out, almost devouring him alive.

When he was unconscious, he vaguely heard someone knocking on the door outside the house, and the woman's beautiful and gentle voice came from outside the door.

He didn't care much, only one thought wanted to extinguish the fire on his body, so he dragged the woman outside the door into the house.

He didn't even see the woman in his arms clearly, he only remembered that her body was soft, smooth to the touch, and the low sobs he couldn't stand when he asked for it over and over again.

When he woke up the next day, he saw Fanghua kneeling outside the house with tears on her face, and he took it for granted that the woman that night was the sprinkler slave in his courtyard.

But it turned out that it was Shen Li?

No wonder......

No wonder for the past month, she has avoided herself every day, and when he came to see her, she shirked on the grounds that she was unwell, and did not want to see him.

After Shen Beiqi realized what he had done, he immediately used all his strength to slap himself.

"Brother," Shen Li hurriedly stopped him, "Brother is also forced to do so, if it weren't for the accident with this child, I would have treated it as if this incident had not happened." ”

“…… I promised Brother Jiang to protect you, but I did such a thing and ruined your innocence! And let you..."

Shen Beiqi couldn't go on, endless self-blame drowned him like a tide, he had always been calm and self-controlled, but now he was in chaos.

If it was someone else, he could have accepted the room, and then he couldn't carry a concubine, but this person was his sister-in-law and the sister of his best friend!

He was entrusted by others, and he should have been loyal, but he made her pregnant, how important is a woman's innocence?

There was a twitch in the lower abdomen, and there was a faint pain, and Shen Li's face became more and more pale.

"Brother, you promise me to hide this matter, as long as you know the truth, you must not tell your mother. Also, my two personal envoys are now also being punished in the torture chamber, and I ask my brother to send someone to rescue them......"

"No, since this has happened, I will be responsible for you, don't worry, I will marry you."

She shook her head, "Brother, you and the Shen family are kind to me, I don't want you to fall into a dilemma, and I don't want the lintel of the Shen family to be ashamed because of me!" ”

The pain intensified, and she clutched her abdomen in pain, her thin body curled up.

"Ah Li, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Beiqi looked down, her light apricot skirt was red with blood, her whole face was pale and almost scattered, and finally she couldn't stand it anymore and fainted in his arms.

His face was flustered, and he picked up Shen Li, who was about to lose consciousness.

Shen Li's Qinghui Courtyard is the farthest away from the ancestral hall, while Shen Beiqi's Cuibai Hall is a moment away.

Shen Beiqi instructed his personal guard Yue Yang to summon the house doctor, and hurriedly carried her back to his room.

Yue Yang's footsteps were very fast, and he ran in with the Jiang Fu Doctor, who was about to salute Shen Beiqi in his clothes, but was interrupted by Shen Beiqi's voice and asked him to save people immediately.

When Doctor Jiang saw that Shen Li was covered in blood, he guessed a rough idea in his heart, and after diagnosing his pulse, he verified his thoughts.

"Does Grandpa Guo know that the third girl is pregnant?"

Shen Beiqi's face was gloomy, "I know." ”

"This kid can't be saved." Jiangfu Yiyun is light and breezy, as if he is talking about an ordinary thing.

For the third girl, it is best if this child cannot be saved.

Even if it is saved, it is necessary to have a bowl of abortion pills to slip the fetus, but it is better not to be able to keep it itself, and you can drink less cold medicine and hurt your body less.

"Can't keep it?"

Shen Beiqi repeated softly, and then continued, "Give her the best medicinal herbs, and make sure that she takes good care of her body and doesn't leave any root causes!" ”

"Yes, Grandpa Guo."

Doctor Jiang left Cuibai Hall, and only Shen Beiqi and Shen Li, who was in a coma on the bed, were left in the room.

She had a wound on her back, and she could only lie on her side, probably because the pain had not dissipated, and her brows were still frowning tightly in her sleep.

Shen Beiqi sat on the round stool in front of the bed, his back bowed slightly, his palms spread out and propped up between his foreheads, and his chaotic mood was like the wind and waves, which was difficult to calm down for a long time.

The mistake has been made, and how to sincerely apologize verbally is just a matter of moving the mouth.

He secretly made up his mind to compensate her twice as much in the future, love her, protect her well for the rest of his life, and do his best to help her have a smooth life.

"Yue Yang."

Yue Yang came in from outside the door, "Here, what do you command?" ”

Shen Beiqi sat up straight, a cold light flashed in his peach blossom eyes, "Go, drag Fanghua out, and beat him to death." ”

Yue Yang was slightly surprised, and arched his hand, "Yes, my subordinates will do it." ”

"Also, go to the torture chamber and bring out Ah Li's two maids."


As the night darkens, candles flicker on the arched lampstands.

Shen Beiqi guarded Shen Li every step of the way, and the candlelight that was clearly extinguished sprinkled on Shen Li's haggard face, slightly concealing her pale as paper.

Shen Beiqi still remembers that when he first met her, she was only eight years old.

Xu suffered a lot all the way from Changzhou to Jiangducheng, her hair was messy, and her clothes were torn.

When he was in Yuanshan Academy, he was the best friend with Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Cheng was in trouble and entrusted his orphan sister to take care of him, and he was duty-bound.

He squatted down to look at her, her cheeks were thin, and her eyes were shining, like a deer in the woods, clear and bright.

Shen Beiqi's sister Shen Zhiyan was the same age as her, and he made up his mind at that time to treat Shen Li as his own sister and take care of her as much as he loved Shen Zhiyan.

But now, what did he do!

There was a rush of footsteps in the courtyard, and Yue Yang's voice sounded in the courtyard, "Madam." ”

Shen Beiqi retracted his thoughts, and before he could get up and go out to greet him, Yang had already hurried into the bedroom.

Looking at Shen Li, who was lying unconscious on the bed, Yang's anger did not come to a place.

"Qi'er, do you know what she did? is so shameless and self-deprecating, do you still want to protect her? Yan'er hasn't allowed anyone to leave yet, if she is implicated because she is willing to fall, I will definitely not let her go! ”

A big family, after a famous family, who would want to marry a woman with unethical sisters in the family?

Even if it is a righteous sister who is not related by blood, she grew up in the Shen family, and she is the title of the third girl of the Shen family in Jiangdu City.

But she ...... dared to be unmarried and reluctant, and now it is a secret knot!

If it spreads, what will the people in Jiangdu City think of the Shen family's family style, and how will they view the woman who has not left the second room of the Shen family's big house?

"Mother, don't say that about her! She was forced! ”

It was obviously him who did something wrong, but the slander and abuse had to be suffered by Shen Li, Shen Beiqi's chest ached faintly, and he was almost about to blurt out.

"That disciple is ......"


Shen Li interrupted him softly, and Shen Beiqi turned around abruptly.

She didn't know when she woke up, and now she was half-propped up, looking at him with pleading eyes.

Such a earnest gaze fell in Yang's eyes, and it turned into Shen Li asking Shen Beiqi for help.

Yang snorted coldly and said disdainfully, "You have done such a shameful thing, do you still expect your brother-in-law to stand up for you?" ”

Yang's to Shen Li, more often than not, not far away, some greetings, some care, but they are all polite on the surface, and they have never been hearty.

Shen Li never felt treated poorly because of this, after all, it was the Shen family who took her in, so that she could live a life of full food, clothing, and fine clothes and food.

She was very grateful, and she also understood that once this matter was broken, it would not be of any benefit to the Yang family, to Shen Beiqi, and to the entire Shen family, including herself.

Shen Li struggled out of bed and knelt on the ground.

"Mother Mingjian, when her daughter went to Kaiyuan Temple last month, she was accidentally killed... The daughter doesn't know who his surname is, and she doesn't even know what he looks like, if the mother thinks that her daughter has ruined the Shen family, the daughter is willing to die to correct the innocence of the Shen family. ”

Shen Lifu lowered her body, things had developed to such a point that she had never expected.

God didn't favor her like this, and in just one night, she became pregnant, so that she couldn't hide it completely.

Shen Beiqi strode over to her and lifted her up from the ground.

"Ah Li, no one can ask you to die, even if you want to die, it shouldn't be you!"

He turned his head to look at his mother, "Mother, Ah Li was brought into the Shen Mansion by me, she is at fault, that is, I am guilty, my mother wants to beat and punish, and my son will admit it!" ”

"You ......"

Yang was angry, and the fingers pointing at Shen Beiqi trembled slightly.

Mama Qin, who was guarding on the side, hurriedly stepped forward to support Yang's arm, stroked her back twice to help her smooth out, and persuaded her in a low voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Madam, don't be angry with Grandpa Guo, now that the child is gone, few people know about this, don't hurt the harmony between mother and son for an outsider."

Mama Qin's words made Yang gradually calm down.

That's right, now that the child is gone, this matter can be covered up.

Shen Li had already married last year, and originally planned to find a good family affair for Shen Yan after she got married, but now it seems that Shen Li's marriage is going to be put on the agenda, the sooner the better.

She has lost her innocence, and I am afraid that those high-ranking families who used to look at her will not be able to do it, so she can only find another way.

Thinking like this, Yang glanced at Shen Li lightly, didn't bother to say any more, and left Cuibai Hall with his sleeves.

Shen Li felt that it was inappropriate to rest in his brother's bedroom, so he proposed to go back to his Qinghui Courtyard.

Shen Beiqi said that her current situation is not suitable for moving and blowing the wind, and asked her to rest here for a few days before recovering some strength before going back.

Shen Beiqi said so, and Shen Li couldn't refuse.

Because of the pain of whip marks on his back, he lay on this manly couch again, and this night, Shen Li almost stayed awake all night.

remembered that eight years ago, when she first entered the Guogong Mansion, she couldn't sleep all night.

At that time, there was a sudden change in her family, and she was sick all the way but did not rest for half a day, from Changzhou to Jiangdu City.

The Shen Mansion is very large, with pavilions and pavilions, flying eaves and corners, and when the moonlight shines down at night, the strange flowers and plants in the courtyard are all asleep.

She shrank on the steps, looking at the full moon as white and jade as white in the sky, letting her cheeks wet with tears, biting her lip and not daring to cry.

The grandmothers who took care of her often said that her life was good, and the pheasant flew up the branch and turned into a phoenix.

also said how the Shen Mansion is rich and monstrous, how it is powerful in the world, and it is her blessing to be able to climb to the Shen family.

Shen Li didn't understand any wealth or power at that time, she only knew that this was not her home, and her home was gone.

"I don't sleep in the middle of the night, hiding here and crying?"

Shen Beiqi didn't know when he found her, he was wearing a brocade white robe, and a few patchwork pieces of green bamboo were embroidered from chest to shoulder.

She raised her eyes, tears clouded her vision, and her handsome face was faintly visible, and her peach blossom eyes were slightly raised, as if she was very happy.

Shen Beiqi squatted down and looked at her carefully in the meager moonlight, the wet marks on her small cheeks were messy, and her crystal clear deer eyes were full of grievances.

Seeing that she didn't speak, and there were tears on her face, he put away his smile, approached her and asked, "What?" Someone bullied you? ”

She smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

Her father is fond of alcohol, and the literati and ink writers next to him are often accompanied by fragrant fragrances when they learn from sages, and her father Jiang Minzhi's study is half of books and half of wine jars.

Thinking of her father and brother, she finally cried, threw herself into Shen Beiqi's arms, and let tears and snot rub onto his brocade white robe.

Shen Beiqi was stunned, subconsciously took her into his arms, patted her back with one hand, and stroked her little head with the other to give her comfort and companionship.

After a long time, she fell asleep in his arms.

Shen Beiqi carried Shen Li back to Cuibai Hall, and before she woke up the next day, most of the grandmothers and slaves in Qinghui Hall were replaced, and some were severely punished and driven to Zhuangzi to do rough work.

When she learned the news, her heart only felt warm.

It is like a seed buried in the dry soil of winter, and when the spring is warm and the rain moistens the earth, it can still take root and sprout.

Day after day, year after year, the seed grew strongly, and in her heart it had already grown into a giant tree.

It's just that this tree can only be a secret.

A secret that was buried in the deepest part of her heart forever, and could not be revealed for the rest of her life, and was buried in the loess with her......