
"Flood" action, they are fighting on the front line

author:Create a new release

The flood situation is an order, and the action interprets the responsibility. Recently, affected by regional heavy rainfall and upstream water, the water level of the Songhu section of the Jinjiang River, a tributary of the Ganjiang River, continued to rise, at 11 o'clock on June 25 to the warning water level of 26.5, as of 10 a.m. on June 27, the water level of the Songhu section of the Jinjiang River in the new district of Nanchang, Jiangxi Province has reached 29.23 meters, exceeding the warning water level of 2.73 meters, exceeding the historical maximum of 28.91 meters in 1993. In order to cope with the severe flood control situation brought about by heavy rainfall and ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people in the jurisdiction, Songhu Town took a quick action of "flooding", sounded the rallying call, and party members and cadres, grid members, emergency team members, and volunteers at the town and village levels fought on the front line.

"Flood" action, they are fighting on the front line
"Flood" action, they are fighting on the front line
"Flood" action, they are fighting on the front line
"Flood" action, they are fighting on the front line
"Flood" action, they are fighting on the front line
"Flood" action, they are fighting on the front line

Tu Chuanren, Secretary of the Party Committee of Songhu Town, and Zeng Tao, Mayor of Songhu Town, led all team members and squatting cadres to conduct a comprehensive investigation of key areas and weak links in the jurisdiction.

During the flood season, the town and village levels strictly implement the 24-hour duty system, pay close attention to the changes in the rain and water levels, and strictly implement the responsibility system for flood prevention work.