
Yanshou Yao Township, Rucheng County: Build a "three-dimensional" drowning prevention work system

author:Red Network Chenzhou Station

Red Net Moment News Reporter He Xiaolu Correspondent Qiu Aoyu Huang Yuzhen

Under the scorching sun, on the banks of the rippling Yanjiang River, at the Yuliang Dam viewpoint in the Qingshizhai Scenic Area of Yanshou Yao Township, Rucheng County, Hu Ruhua, the anti-drowning attendant, wore a red armband and patrolled back and forth along the riverside without interruption.

This is the second time Hu Ruhua has served as a drowning prevention watchman, and he squatted there for more than four months last year. Although he works in the heat every day and the salary is not very high, Hu Ruhua is full of energy and joy when he thinks of being able to protect the safety of his children. Like Hu Ruhua, there are 13 anti-drowning duty points in reservoirs, deep ponds, rivers and other places in the jurisdiction, and more than a dozen attendants are doing their best to protect the safety of the party every day.

In recent years, the Party Committee and Government of Yanshou Yao Township have attached great importance to drowning prevention, and every year before the weather gets hotter and the summer vacation is approaching, a series of measures will be taken to build a "three-dimensional" drowning prevention work system to ensure that there are zero drowning accidents.

Yanshou Yao Township, Rucheng County: Build a "three-dimensional" drowning prevention work system

System-wide linkage Establish and improve working mechanisms

Student safety is no small matter. The township party committee and government organized a special meeting to study and formulate the annual "drowning prevention plan", tighten the responsibility, clarify the work tasks, make careful arrangements and deployments for the drowning prevention work, and make great efforts.

Carry out on-duty duty. Through on-the-spot research, analysis and judgment, the Township Education Office hired 16 people with a strong sense of responsibility to serve as duty officers to conduct all-weather squatting in 14 key water areas in the township. Each squatting point is equipped with lifebuoys, life jackets, liferopes and long bamboo poles and other materials to prevent accidents.

Strengthen monitoring and early warning. Tens of thousands of yuan have been continuously invested to install 11 surveillance cameras in relevant key waters, implement 24-hour early warning, and connect the monitoring network to the mobile phones of rural cadres, which can be used to remotely "shout" to remind children to stay away from dangerous waters and ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Organize joint inspections. Set up a volunteer patrol team composed of village cadres, party members, team leaders, and volunteers, establish a daily inspection mechanism, and conduct key inspections at key times in key water areas such as reservoirs, deep ponds, and ditch rivers that are prone to drowning accidents, so as to realize the linkage of the whole system.

Yanshou Yao Township, Rucheng County: Build a "three-dimensional" drowning prevention work system

Carry out drowning prevention awareness campaigns.

All-round publicity and continuous improvement of safety awareness

Carry out a series of special lectures on safety on campus. Every summer, the township organizes the judicial office, the education office, the armed forces department, the police station and other departments to carry out joint propaganda activities in the three primary and secondary schools in the district. For the drowning prevention work, the staff "dissected" the drowning accidents that have occurred in various places in recent years, analyzed the causes of drowning in depth, explained the importance and necessity of drowning prevention in an easy-to-understand manner, told the basic knowledge of drowning prevention, introduced the safety knowledge of drowning prevention "six noes and two sessions" and the basic methods of self-rescue when falling into the water, and educated students not to swim and play in unfamiliar waters without permission, so that the safety knowledge of drowning prevention "enters the brain, into the heart, and into the industry".

Use the polder day to carry out concentrated publicity on drowning prevention in the township. Make full use of the advantages of gathering people on the market day, distribute leaflets, post banners, explain cases and other measures through "setting up stalls", and preach drowning prevention knowledge and emergency rescue measures to the masses in a targeted manner, so as to enhance the public's awareness of prevention and rescue, and make every effort to prevent drowning accidents. "Your propaganda is so good that when the grandmother in our village, who is nearly 80 years old, comes home from the market, she says that she wants to prevent drowning." Mr. Zou of Jianshui Yao Village said when he called the cadres stationed in the village.

Through the "three-long system" grid system and "village sound" widely publicized. The Office of the Leading Group for Drowning Prevention Work arranges special personnel to distribute all kinds of drowning prevention publicity materials collected from time to time, and through the "three-long system" grassroots governance system, the film chief, team leader, and neighborhood chief are gradually publicized to thousands of households. After school and during the sunny and high temperature periods, each village plays the drowning prevention audio through the "village sound" to publicize the knowledge, so that "every household knows and everyone understands", comprehensively improves the safety awareness of the masses, and prevents the occurrence of drowning accidents from the source.

Yanshou Yao Township, Rucheng County: Build a "three-dimensional" drowning prevention work system

Carry out a series of special lectures on safety on campus.

The whole process of efforts to build a solid line of defense

Lay a solid foundation for your work. The three primary and secondary schools under its jurisdiction play a frontal role, continue to carry out the "Ten Ones" activity of student drowning prevention safety warning education, vigorously popularize the knowledge of "seven noes and two sessions" of drowning prevention, distribute drowning prevention wall charts to each student, implement the "1530" safety education mechanism, and remind students and parents on weekends and holidays to ensure that no one is left behind, and "implant" the drowning prevention safety awareness in the hearts of every parent and student.

Keep an eye on what matters. Cadres at the two levels in the countryside organized schools and police stations in their jurisdictions to conduct a comprehensive survey of key groups such as left-behind children, children in difficulty, children of migrant workers in urban areas, and students with abnormal family relationships, and visited and registered them one by one, and established ledgers. The staff also patiently explained to the guardians of key groups by listing drowning cases, so that they could truly understand the danger of children swimming in the water without permission, further enhance the safety protection awareness of guardians, and urge them to do a good job in the education and supervision of adolescents and children, and effectively assume the responsibility of guardians.

Strengthen supervision and inspection. Led by the Township Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Education Office, the "four noes and two straights" approach was adopted to carry out special supervision and guidance on the work of each village and each duty point, strictly enforce discipline, strengthen guidance, check and fill gaps, and effectively build a safety lifeline for drowning prevention.


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