
"The World Is Worth It": How does a psychiatrist who has worked for 70 years balance family and career?

author:Yan Yifan


How to balance family and career in people's lives, most people feel that family and career are incompatible.

Dr. Hengzi, the author of "The World Is Worth It", has always insisted on the front line of work, how can she balance family and career?

Is it because her life has been very smooth? No difficulty?

No! No one's life is always easy.

Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory.

It is only because of Dr. Hengzi's indisputable wisdom and peace of mind that she has successfully survived her busy and difficult life.

"The World Is Worth It": How does a psychiatrist who has worked for 70 years balance family and career?


Everyone is faced with the choice of family and career, and in today's highly competitive society.

Especially women, it is very difficult to compete with men for a position at work.

Even if you try your best to perform well at work, the world's prejudice still thinks that you should go back to your family and raise children.

But when you go home to marry and teach your children, the world looks at you with colored glasses and thinks that you are a full-time wife who is good for nothing.

As a human being, how should you balance family and career?

Do one thing at a time, don't compare yourself to others.

When Dr. Hengzi is working, she will do everything in her work conscientiously and will not set too big goals.

She is never anxious and confused about the uncertain future, and she takes what she is doing seriously.

No matter what qualifications the doctor is promoted and raised, she will not care, let alone affect her mood.

She never consumes herself because she compares herself with others.

On the contrary, if she doesn't understand something, she will not be ashamed to ask questions and humbly ask others.

Even when she asked a young colleague, she put down her posture and asked for advice, and sincerely thanked her.


"The World Is Worth It": How does a psychiatrist who has worked for 70 years balance family and career?

Dr. Hengko has never been anxious about whether she can be promoted or raised, and she has no material pursuits.

The money earned from work is enough to cover the minimum expenses of the family.

I don't always think about making more money and getting a bigger house.

Seeing others get promoted and raised, I worked hard to climb up.

A person's life does not have to be achieved by success.

As long as you contribute all your strength to the work you do.

No matter where you are, as long as you can provide warm light for the people around you, you will have no regrets in life.

Lao Tzu said: "The husband is the only one who does not fight, so the world cannot fight with him."

In Dr. Hengzi's body, it is this indisputable virtue.

But because it is not fighting, it gets the high position that others want to get day and night.

In her life, Dr. Hengzi did not have any big goals.

But there is no professional midlife crisis, and she has been able to work in her position for more than 70 years.

The ancients said: "If you lose your horse, you will not know whether it is a blessing."

At work, do not suffer from gains and losses, and maintain a peaceful mind.

Seriously and sincerely face the question of what kind of life you want to live.

Don't let other people's words influence your choices, it's our own life, and it really has nothing to do with others.


"The World Is Worth It": How does a psychiatrist who has worked for 70 years balance family and career?

Dr. Hengzi's husband is an alcoholic, and in the first few years of marriage, the married life of the two of them was also very fast.

Fortunately, after many quarrels with her husband, Dr. Hengzi understands that arguing with her husband does not work at all, and she easily provokes herself.

The husband's personality is like this, he just likes to drink and chat with friends, so let it go.

Because if you quarrel with him, you can't change his nature at all.

Even if the husband's salary is spent by him drinking, then earn it yourself.

I argued all day long, but I couldn't get a result.

Unless you want to change your husband, but no one can guarantee that the next one will be better than the current one.

You can only put all your efforts into how to make yourself happy in the existing environment.

Don't expect to change others to improve your mood, that's wishful thinking.

Most of people's troubles come from "must be happy", marriage must be happy, otherwise, why get married?

Don't exaggerate the value of happiness, and rejoice when it comes.

Happiness is a feeling, it is unstable, unreliable, and even a momentary thing.


"The World Is Worth It": How does a psychiatrist who has worked for 70 years balance family and career?

Whether it's money or lifestyle, moderation is good.

Don't overexert yourself in life, what a successful life, a life of getting ahead.

When you reach the age of seventy or eighty, you feel that all this is pointless.

If you always compare your life with other people's lives, not only will you not have the right answer, but you will not be happy.

A person's life is to understand and accept himself.

No matter what you do, as long as you like it.

Don't want others to do anything, I have to do it too.

Others have an enviable and successful life, and we must also pursue such a life.

If you have been living to other people's standards, the pressure on your body will increase.

Every day I do what I don't like and live a life I hate.

I also forced myself to continue to move forward with this goal, and in the face of such a heavy life, I will become more and more unmotivated.

Eventually, it will overwhelm itself.

Knowing the indisputable great wisdom, everything in the world can be faced with a peaceful mind.

No matter what kind of deck of cards you get, you'll be able to play the king bomb.

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