
The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities

author:Stimulate the practical classroom
The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities
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"I'm like a kid over him."

"I listen to the fans, and the fans give me the courage."

Can you believe it? These were the words of a driver in an ambulance.

The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities

The ambulance has become his prerogative to drag racing on the highway, which is a serious irresponsibility for road safety.

On June 30, the local traffic police punished the person involved in the incident, Wang, with administrative detention.

Event details

At noon on June 29, Wang drove the hospital's ambulance on the highway.

The staff member who was traveling with him was sitting in the co-pilot, holding a mobile phone to broadcast live, and the live broadcast screen was aimed at the road in front of him.

The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities

I saw the driver Wang driving while not forgetting to interact with the fans in the live broadcast room.

Faced with enthusiastic fans, it seemed that the vehicle in front of him was causing his displeasure, and he suddenly started racing.

While driving, he said to the fans in the live broadcast room, "Chase it for you, show you." ”

This made him say it lightly, and it felt like it was already commonplace.

The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities

As he spoke, he crossed the double yellow line, overtook from the right lane, and said proudly, "Can you overtake him?"

As we all know, the double yellow line is forbidden to be crossed, and Wang is obviously violating relevant traffic laws by doing so.

It seems that reasonable fans have persuaded him, but he has an indifferent attitude.

To this, he said, "Have fun, it's okay, there are no patients in the car." ”

The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities
The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities

Wang's behavior is simply jumping horizontally on the red line of the law, causing great safety hazards to other vehicles.

Perhaps, he felt that the vehicle he was driving had privileges and would not be punished by traffic, so he acted so recklessly.

Subsequently, the video of Wang's live drag racing while driving an ambulance attracted the attention of many netizens.

This scene naturally attracted the attention of the Shenzhen Traffic Police Detachment.

The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities

After seeing this video, the local traffic police quickly launched an investigation into Wang's live drag racing.

Official Bulletin

On June 30, the Shenzhen traffic police gave a briefing on Wang's live broadcast of drag racing.

The report shows that Wang did have a live drag racing situation on June 29.

The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities

In addition, the police report also indicated that Wang had a number of traffic violations.

It can be seen from the online video that Wang has many dangerous behaviors such as crossing the double yellow line and drag racing.

In addition, Wang did not forget to interact with fans when driving.

It was clear that he was not concentrating while driving.

The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities

The combination of multiple behaviors can be a major safety hazard for himself and the vehicles around him.

After investigation and verification, the relevant departments made a decision to punish Wang for administrative detention in accordance with the law.

The editor has something to say

Judging from Wang's behavior during the live broadcast, it seems that this is not the first time he has done this.

For him, driving an ambulance to overtake at will, illegal driving is just "having fun".

Because "there are no patients in the car", it is reckless and outrageous!

The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities

Ambulances, as special vehicles, enjoy privileges, but the original intention of this regulation is to provide emergency relief.

Who would have thought that this would become a reason for Wang and even more people to ignore the rules and ignore safety.

Such behavior is undoubtedly irresponsible to oneself, to the unit, and to the society.

When overtaking, he also said, "I listen to the fans, the fans give me courage." ”

The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities
The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities

That is to say, even if Liang Jingru gives you the courage, you can't do this!

He only obeyed the fans in the live broadcast room, and when the fans said that they supported him to overtake, he overtook illegally, ignoring the rules as nothing, which was staggering.

Let's ask, he was administratively detained, will fans bear it for him? Apparently not!


In this case, Wang used the ambulance he was driving as a protection for his illegal driving, ignoring the rules.

As a hospital worker, he severely lacked a sense of reverence for safety.

The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities

After all, he paid the due price for his actions, and I believe that this will also make him realize his mistakes and correct them in time.

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The ambulance driver broadcast the drag racing live, fans shouted "super him", the police intervened, and the insiders revealed their identities
[Disclaimer] The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the article aims to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. The audience should look at this incident rationally, and do not leave malicious comments with subjective assumptions, the Internet is not a place outside the law. If there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, copyright or image infringement, please contact the author in time, and we will delete it.

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