
"The fate of the country hangs by a thread!" Montreal and other 8 major cities launched "Take Back Canada" demonstrations

author:Teacher Li of the studio in the house

Source: Meng a city

Eight major cities, including Montreal, launched "Take Back Canada" demonstrations.

Recently, a planned demonstration in Canada attracted a lot of attention.

Next Monday, July 1, Canada Day, event organizers will launch massive demonstrations in eight major cities.

这次游行被称为“夺回加拿大”(Take Back Canada)。

"The fate of the country hangs by a thread!" Montreal and other 8 major cities launched "Take Back Canada" demonstrations

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The organizers of the demonstrations made it clear that they do not accept "forced mass migration", which is also the focus of the protests. The eight major cities that have been identified so far include Montreal, Ottawa, Vancouver and Toronto, among others.

"The fate of the country hangs by a thread!" Montreal and other 8 major cities launched "Take Back Canada" demonstrations

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On the website of the event, the organizers also wrote an open letter (translated from the following excerpts):

"The moment has come when the fate of our country hangs by a thread. This year's Canada Day, Monday, July 1, we're going to rise to the fray. On July 1st, we fight for the Canada we love, a just land that was once free, equal and dignified, and for a bright and prosperous future that our predecessors paid for with their hard work and sacrifice.


Now, the future for which our predecessors fought, fought, and even died is being stolen, abandoned, and dismantled. Gone are the days when our government would reinvest the taxes we pay into our future, and make policies to make our country a fairer and safer place.

Canada has become a nominal democracy; A country in which we vote every few years who will break their promises and who will serve the oligarchic corporations, give them unlimited access to cheap foreign labor, and extract the maximum profit from your rent and the food on your plate.

We sacrificed everything to make way for the large number of foreigners from places where oppressive beliefs and violence were rampant, and their lives were better off than our indigenous peoples who still lived in poverty.

Even in some of the poorest countries in the world, you can afford a house and enough space to raise a family if you are willing to work. Yet in our supposedly rich and prosperous country, this basic human need seems to be feasible only for the highest achievers in society, while most of us struggle in silence, too desperate to believe that a brighter future is possible. ”


"The fate of the country hangs by a thread!" Montreal and other 8 major cities launched "Take Back Canada" demonstrations
"The fate of the country hangs by a thread!" Montreal and other 8 major cities launched "Take Back Canada" demonstrations
"The fate of the country hangs by a thread!" Montreal and other 8 major cities launched "Take Back Canada" demonstrations

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According to the website, the nationwide demonstrations are still developing, and a number of cities are in the process of making final confirmations and may join the event in the future.

"The fate of the country hangs by a thread!" Montreal and other 8 major cities launched "Take Back Canada" demonstrations

Image courtesy of TakeBackCanadaX

Organizers said on their website that the size of the interested crowd was exploding, and they added more protest sites due to high demand.

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