
The Changzheng Road Community of Chengguan Town, Gaotai County, carried out the "Party Building, Joint Construction, Cohesion, Co-construction and Sharing to Promote Promotion" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

author:Gaotai County Rong Media Center

In order to review the glorious history of the party, inherit and carry forward the party's fine traditions, enhance the sense of honor and mission of the majority of party members, and at the same time, build a platform for learning and exchange with the party building and joint construction units, and improve the effectiveness of the party building and joint construction activities, the Changzheng Road Community of Chengguan Town and the County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau jointly carried out the "Party Building and Joint Construction Cohesion, Co-construction and Sharing to Promote Promotion" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party.

The Changzheng Road Community of Chengguan Town, Gaotai County, carried out the "Party Building, Joint Construction, Cohesion, Co-construction and Sharing to Promote Promotion" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Pioneer leading, absorbing the strength of endeavor. In order to praise the advanced, set up a model, and guide the majority of party members and cadres in the jurisdiction to always be loyal to the party, fulfill their duties, and work the occasion of the "July 1st" party founding day, a number of advanced models that have emerged within the jurisdiction will be commended, and the majority of party members and cadres will not forget their original intentions and keep their missions in mind. At the same time, 11 party members who joined the party on July 1 sent a "political birthday" greeting card, full of a sense of ceremony, there are both warm blessings and ardent hopes, encouraging every party member to keep in mind the purpose of the party, work hard, and keep moving forward.

The Changzheng Road Community of Chengguan Town, Gaotai County, carried out the "Party Building, Joint Construction, Cohesion, Co-construction and Sharing to Promote Promotion" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party
The Changzheng Road Community of Chengguan Town, Gaotai County, carried out the "Party Building, Joint Construction, Cohesion, Co-construction and Sharing to Promote Promotion" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Revisit the oath and practice the original mission. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution......" Under the leadership of the party members of the county human resources and social security bureau, all party members and cadres faced the party flag, stood solemnly, raised their right hands, clenched their fists, and reviewed the oath of joining the party. The sonorous and powerful oath expressed the loyalty of all party members and cadres to the party and the love for the people, further stimulated everyone's ideals and beliefs of loyally performing their duties, taking responsibility and dedication, strengthened everyone's original mission of fighting for the cause of communism for life, and enhanced the sense of belonging and identity to the party organization.

The Changzheng Road Community of Chengguan Town, Gaotai County, carried out the "Party Building, Joint Construction, Cohesion, Co-construction and Sharing to Promote Promotion" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Red classic, thick love for the party. Organize all party members to watch the red film "Blood Oath", and lead party members to recall that period of heroic history, relive the cruelty and heroism of history, look back at the struggle and sacrifice of the ancestors, and appreciate the heroism and tragedy of the martyrs. At the same time, while reviewing the glorious history of the party, we should deepen the education of revolutionary traditions, stimulate patriotic enthusiasm, and continue the red blood, so that party members and cadres have received a profound party spirit education and spiritual baptism.

The Changzheng Road Community of Chengguan Town, Gaotai County, carried out the "Party Building, Joint Construction, Cohesion, Co-construction and Sharing to Promote Promotion" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Visit condolences and convey organizational warmth. After the meeting, the relevant leaders of the county human resources and social security bureau and the secretary of the community party committee and volunteers went to the homes of two old party members to visit and condole, and the old party members combined their personal experience, reviewed the glorious history of the party, talked about the new achievements of the party in the past century, and praised the motherland for becoming increasingly prosperous and powerful under the strong leadership of the party. At the same time, the secretary of the community party committee humbly listened to the opinions and suggestions of the old party members on the community work, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the old party members for their long-term contributions to the party's cause and community work, and hoped that they could continue to support the community work and continue to put forward valuable opinions and suggestions for the development of the community with their rich life experience and perception.

The Changzheng Road Community of Chengguan Town, Gaotai County, carried out the "Party Building, Joint Construction, Cohesion, Co-construction and Sharing to Promote Promotion" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

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