
The Impermanence of Chivalry [6] The Hero Gang has returned, and the mysterious video has been revealed, what is the secret behind it

The Impermanence of Chivalry [6] The Hero Gang has returned, and the mysterious video has been revealed, what is the secret behind it

When I came down from the hero's hill, the mountain rain finally fell.

The sky and the earth were covered with gray colors, and the rain like silk threads fluttered in the cold wind.

Cold, very cold.

However, Ye Wuchang's heart was like a flame, blazing and boiling!

Now the Hero's Gang is very well built, and on the high hill, there are stone monuments erected in a staggered manner.


Behind those cold stone tablets are vivid lives and immortal legends.

Ye Wuchang followed behind Director Lu and Song Xiangyu, and the two middle-aged people in front of him walked very slowly, and even their bodies were a little rickety.

Especially Song Xiangyu, with a cane in his hand, walked with a limp.

Walking beside Song Xiangyu was Director Lu, who did not support Song Xiangyu, but just put his pace as slow as him.

"They're all here......"

Director Lu sighed leisurely and slowly spat out a sentence from his mouth.

Song Xiangyu didn't look at him sideways, but he knew that Director Lu's eyes must be full of sadness.

"Yes, they're all here."

Song Xiangfeng nodded and replied softly.

The Impermanence of Chivalry [6] The Hero Gang has returned, and the mysterious video has been revealed, what is the secret behind it

Fang Cheng, Yuan Keyou, Zhou Yi, these legendary characters, their tombstones are on the hill; Jin Hai, Liu Yushu, Hua Baifeng, their tombstones are also on the hill......

Director Lu twitched violently, he had also been here a few years ago, and there were not so many stone tablets here.

Some steles have words on them, and some steles don't even have words on them.

Song Xiangyu specially introduced the newly added wordless stone tablets to Director Lu.

One of them is a knife; One is a water monkey; There is another one that could actually be him......

Jin Wangyue.

Jin Wangyue also sacrificed, and Director Lu's heart was very heavy.

"How did he die?"

Just before going down the mountain, Director Lu stood in front of Jin Wangyue's tombstone and asked Song Xiangfeng.

The death of the water monkey, Director Lu knew very well that he still went to the scene, a car accident, a car accident that could not be more normal.

Jin Wangyue's death, Director Lu was very puzzled and even more sad.


Song Xiangyu slowly spit out two words, and Director Lu saw full of grief and indignation in his eyes.

Director Lu didn't ask anymore, and the sky was already raining at this moment......

The three of them walked through the newly repaired white marble archway, and the three of them all stood still, turned their heads, and looked at the three big red characters on the marble plaque - Hero Gang.

"They all deserved to die!"

Song Xiangyu looked at those three words, and his shriveled lips trembled slightly.

Director Lu didn't speak, and Ye Wuchang, who was standing beside him, didn't say a word, silently looking at those three words, his eyes full of reverence.

Cold rain falls......

"Deputy Director Song, Deputy Director Song ......"

Suddenly, in the distance, a young man shouted anxiously as he hurried in this direction.

Song Xiangyu frowned slightly, turned around, and looked at the young man who was getting closer and closer.

"Secretary Cheng, what are you anxious about!"

Song Xiangfeng said with some reprimand, he didn't like his secretary very much, but there was no way to replace him.

This is the secretary, and the leaders of the headquarters personally ordered troops to equip him.

Secretary Cheng pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and his thin face was flushed.

Secretary Cheng looked at Director Lu and Ye Wuchang, who were standing beside Song Xiangyu, cautiously closed his mouth and did not speak.

Director Lu immediately understood, he took Ye Wuchang's arm, turned around, and walked towards the back of the archway.

Behind the torii, there is a tall stone monument.

On the stele, there is an inscription, called "The Legend of the Heroes of the Country".

The Impermanence of Chivalry [6] The Hero Gang has returned, and the mysterious video has been revealed, what is the secret behind it

Wei tablet font, flesh and blood are beautiful, the pen is like a knife, and the words are thousands.

One of the sentences:

Chivalrous warriors, the people of the dead country, the name is not passed on, the mountains and rivers are painful, and the heroes laugh and go invisible......

Director Lu couldn't help but feel pain in his heart.

How many people, they died for the country, for thousands of people, and they didn't even leave their names.

Those people faced the sacrifice calmly and resolutely, without the slightest hesitation.

Few people remember them, and the only thing that remembers them is this mountain and river, and the breeze blowing on the mountain and river......

"Director Lu ......"

Suddenly, Song Xiangfeng outside the archway stepped over, with a gloomy face, and called out to Director Lu.

Director Lu was stunned for a moment, came back to his senses, and looked at Song Xiangyu.

Song Xiangyu glanced back at Secretary Cheng who was gradually walking away, his closed lips trembled slightly, he thought about it, and then looked at Ye Wuchang who was concentrating on reading the inscription, and finally opened his mouth.

"Lao Lu, Wang Liangwen ......"

Song Xiangfeng paused, looked at Ye Wuchang on the side again, hesitated for a moment, and then said.

"He's dead!"

Three words came out of Song Xiangyu's mouth, Director Lu was shocked, and the person who was even more stunned was Ye Wuchang.

I saw that Ye Wuchang raised his head suddenly, his face was pale, staring at Song Xiangyu.

"You ......, you say, what do you say......"

Ye Wuchang was almost choked, he couldn't imagine it, but these words came out of Song Xiangyu's mouth, and he had to believe it.

Song Xiangyu nodded heavily, his face full of grief and indignation.

"He died, suicide ......"


Ye Wuchang and Director Lu exclaimed almost in unison.

"How could he kill himself!"

Ye Wuchang snorted violently, he knew Wang Liangwen too well, and it was impossible for him to commit suicide no matter what.

Song Xiangyu looked at Ye Wuchang's puzzled, puzzled, and sad face, and then moved his gaze to Director Lu's face, and was silent for a long time before speaking.

"It was a suicide, a ...... who committed suicide by jumping from the top floor of the Public Security Bureau"

"Public Security Bureau?"

Director Lu frowned, squinted, and stared at Song Xiangyu.

It is really strange that a person actually committed suicide in the Public Security Bureau.

The Impermanence of Chivalry [6] The Hero Gang has returned, and the mysterious video has been revealed, what is the secret behind it

"Yes, Wang Liangwen jumped from the top floor, from the time he went upstairs to the time he committed suicide by jumping off the building, there are surveillance videos to prove that he committed suicide ......"

After Song Xiangfeng finished speaking, he quietly looked at Director Lu, and Director Lu's eyes were also staring at Song Xiangyu, although the two of them did not speak, they had already exchanged a lot in their eyes.

There must be a conspiracy in it, there must be!

"No, no......"

Ye Wuchang slowly squatted down, holding his head with both hands, and at this moment, he suddenly felt helpless.

This feeling of helplessness is actually the sadness in my heart, the sadness that cannot be vented.

"He won't die, he'll never kill himself......"

Ye Wuchang was still muttering in his mouth, and the corners of his eyes were slightly moist.

Director Lu slowly squatted down, squatted beside Ye Wuchang, put his mouth to Ye Wuchang's ear, and said softly.

"None of us believe he's going to kill himself, there's a conspiracy ......"

Ye Wuchang turned his face sideways, looking at Director Lu's silent face, and the corners of his eyes trembled slightly.

"Let's listen to what Deputy Director Song has to say."

Director Lu grabbed Ye Wuchang's arm and pulled him up.

At this time, Song Xiangyu slowly clubbed the crutches in his hand and slowly walked to the two of them.

"The USB flash drive you brought has a result......

Song Xiang's words made Director Lu and Ye Wuchang stunned.

That USB flash drive was put in his wife's car by Wang Liangwen, and when Ye Wuchang went to pick it up, it was almost stolen.

Ye Wuchang didn't know the contents of the USB flash drive, so Wang Liangwen asked him to take the USB flash drive to Rongcheng and give it to Director Lu.

Director Lu is the most trusted person by Wang Liangwen and Ye Wuchang, and now that this USB flash drive is in the hands of Song Xiangyu, it seems that Director Lu trusts Song Xiangyu even more.

"How? Is that him? ”

Director Lu's face sank, and his eyes looked at Song Xiangyu in shock.

Song Xiangyu looked solemn and nodded.

"After identification, it is ...... him"

Although Ye Wuchang was confused, he didn't speak, at this moment in his heart, Wang Liangwen's death made him not relieved.

"Let's go, let's see."

Song Xiangfeng greeted Director Lu and Ye Wuchang, and the three of them turned around, stepped over the gate of the archway, and walked towards the black low building in the distance.

The Impermanence of Chivalry [6] The Hero Gang has returned, and the mysterious video has been revealed, what is the secret behind it

Song Xiangfeng settled Director Lu and Ye Wuchang in his office, and went out, there was a small conference room next to his office.

In the conference room, several young comrades were waiting for him, and there were several computers on the table, as well as projection equipment and some things that no one else had seen.

"Let's talk about any specific findings......

Song Xiangfeng just sat down, glanced around, and said to everyone.

"Song Bureau, we have just conducted a comprehensive search, that American special forces, since he entered the country, every place he has traveled seems to be ......, as if it has been designed......"


Song Xiangyu frowned, and looked at the young technical colleague sitting on the side suspiciously.

The young man nodded, and turned the laptop in front of him to Song Xiangyu.

"Song Bureau, you see, this is his activity trajectory in the seven days after entering Yangchun City......

Song Xiangyu looked down at the video screenshots saved in the laptop, and was shocked.

Yangchun Seafood Trading Center, Yangchun Maternal and Child Health Hospital Waiting Hall, Yangchun Children's Palace Library, and Yangchun University for the Elderly Activity Center.

Song Xiangyu frowned, his face gloomy and terrifying.

"These places, how can he go to ......"

Song Xiangyu muttered a sigh, in Song Xiangyu's heart, he knew quite well what it meant for this American special forces to go to those places.

"Song Bureau, we checked all the monitoring content of Yangchun City and found a problem......

"What's the problem?"

Song Xiangfeng raised his head, looked at him, and asked eagerly.

"There's always one person, half an hour before that American special forces show up in these areas, and he'll be there......"

The young colleague turned up the pictures and videos on the computer again, and Song Xiangfeng looked at them carefully.

A muscular man in a black baseball cap and a medical mask on his face, he went to those places, didn't look at anything, just carefully walked around the scene, and then turned away.

There is only one detail that makes Song Xiangyu very confused.

The Impermanence of Chivalry [6] The Hero Gang has returned, and the mysterious video has been revealed, what is the secret behind it

That athletic man never let his eyes look at a single camera!

A connoisseur, definitely a connoisseur!

Song Xiangyu was secretly shocked in his heart.

"We carefully analyzed Dr. Wang's USB flash drive, and even found out the two computers it had come into contact with......


Song Xiangyu was a little stunned.

"Yes, only two computers have touched this USB flash drive, one is the doctor's office computer of Dr. Wang in this special forces competition, and the other is the personal laptop of Director Lu of the Zhonghechang Police Station in Rongcheng City......"

As soon as he said this, Song Xiangyu's heart was a little more stable.

At least no one else or device has access to this USB stick.

"Dr. Wang's USB stick is a video that was supposed to be captured by his office camera......

The young comrade carefully told Song Xiangyu the contents of the USB flash drive.

In fact, on the notebook in front of Song Xiangyu, this paragraph is also playing.

The American special forces soldier named Jason Byrne was lying on the dentist's bed with his mouth open, and Dr. Wang Liangwen was concentrating on holding tooth forceps and tinkering in Jason Byrne's mouth.

Just when the video was 7 minutes and 15 seconds, there was a "drip" sound in the video, which should be Jason Burn's mobile phone ringing, it was a text message.

In the video, Jason Byrne raised his hand, stopped Dr. Wang's movements, and then took out his phone and looked at his phone screen.

The camera could not see Jason Burn's phone screen, and the camera was blocked by Dr. Wang, but the camera could clearly capture Jason Burn's face.

Song Xiangfeng motioned to the comrades in the technical department to zoom in on the video, and what he wanted to enlarge was Jason Burn's face.

Because, the moment Jason Byrne saw the mobile phone in his hand, his face suddenly changed.

At the same time, Dr. Wang, who was standing next to Jason Burn, slowly raised his hand and removed the mask from his face.

"Doctor Wang, you must have seen this American GI's mobile phone!"

Song Xiangfeng said very firmly, and the comrades of the technical department present also nodded.

"Yes, that mobile phone message should have been seen by Dr. Wang, so he deliberately copied this video from the monitoring room, and told the mobile phone information of Jason Byrne he saw at the back of the video......

Before the comrades from the technical department finished speaking, Song Xiangfeng raised his hand and interrupted him.

The Impermanence of Chivalry [6] The Hero Gang has returned, and the mysterious video has been revealed, what is the secret behind it

"He can receive information on his mobile phone, isn't it through our communication service provider? Does our mobile carrier have this message in the background? ”

"Song Bureau, no ......"

The young comrade's expression was solemn.

"We have checked that Jason Burn's cell phone signal is not through our domestic carrier, but through satellite ......"


Song Xiangyu was very surprised, he frowned tightly and looked at him.

"Yes, it's a satellite signal. We have also implemented it from relevant channels, it was Musk's Starlink satellite that sent the message to Jason Burn, as for who sent the message to him, it is not clear, according to Dr. Wang's statement later......"

The young man said as he expertly switched scenes from video to scene.

Wang Liangwen, who was on night duty, sat in front of the computer and recorded this passage with his mobile phone:

The Impermanence of Chivalry [6] The Hero Gang has returned, and the mysterious video has been revealed, what is the secret behind it

"This American GI carries some kind of deadly virus......"

These two videos, from the time of time, are separated by five days.

Song Xiangyu frowned, he had already figured out the mystery.

Dr. Wang Liangwen saw the contents of Jason Burn's mobile phone, maybe he didn't believe it at first, and as a party member, he reported the matter to his superiors.

It's a pity that the superiors didn't believe it at all and didn't pay attention to it until a few days later, Wang Liangwen himself had some symptoms.

These are symptoms that only a doctor can be acutely aware of.

Just as everyone watched the video calmly, Wang Liangwen in the video spoke nervously.

Suddenly, the closed door was pushed open.

Song Xiangyu's face sank, and he reached out and covered the notebook heavily, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the person who broke in from the outside.

"Become a secretary!"

Song Xiangyu shouted loudly.

Secretary Cheng's face was pale, of course he understood the reason why Song Xiangyu had a serious face and sharp eyes.

Himself violated discipline.

However, Secretary Cheng couldn't care about this, he walked quickly to Song Xiangyu's side, lowered his head, and said something in Song Xiangyu's ear.

Secretary Cheng's voice trembled a little, and Song Xiangyu could even hear the fear hidden in his tone.

"At ten o'clock tonight, Yangchun City will be closed!"

Song Xiangyu was suddenly startled, he turned his head to stare at Secretary Cheng, his eyes were full of consternation.

It has been 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and this is the first time I have heard of it.

The most important thing is that Yangchun City, only 200 kilometers away from Shanghai, Yangchun is to be sealed, and Shanghai, as the most economically developed city in the mainland......

A chill suddenly surged in Song Xiangyu's heart.

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