
Yao Township, Zhongcun, Yanling County: NPC deputies continued to help the land acquisition and demolition work of pumped storage projects

author:Red Network Zhuzhou Station

Red Net Moment News, July 1 (Correspondent Huang Min) Hunan Yanling Pumped Storage Power Station is one of the major projects of the national "14th Five-Year Plan" energy plan, and it is also one of the 13 pumped storage projects in Hunan Province that are key to the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan". In order to make concerted efforts to fight the tough battle of resettlement of the pumped storage power station project, since June, the people's congress deputies at all levels in Yao Township, Zhongcun Village, Yanling County, have responded positively, giving full play to the role of the representatives as a bridge, actively participating in the land acquisition and demolition work of the pumped storage power station construction project, and helping the land acquisition and demolition work to progress smoothly.

Yao Township, Zhongcun, Yanling County: NPC deputies continued to help the land acquisition and demolition work of pumped storage projects

In order to actively guide the masses to consciously cooperate with the land acquisition and demolition work, the presidium of the People's Congress of Zhongcun Yao Township organized people's congress deputies at all levels to go deep into the reservoir area and enter the farmhouse many times, listen to the demands of the masses, sort out opinions and suggestions, and timely feedback the people's feelings and opinions to the work team. Some deputies of the National People's Congress took the initiative to come to the headquarters to learn relevant policies with the special class for land acquisition and demolition, actively participate in the relocation symposium, patiently publicize and explain the laws, regulations and policy standards such as land acquisition and demolition, compensation and resettlement, and widely publicize the great significance of the construction of pumped storage power stations, which greatly eliminated the doubts of the masses and promoted the rapid progress of land acquisition and demolition work.

Yao Township, Zhongcun, Yanling County: NPC deputies continued to help the land acquisition and demolition work of pumped storage projects

In the face of the huge demolition and relocation benefits brought about by major projects, some people hold the idea that "the further the relocation will be, the higher the compensation", and the negotiation thinking is serious, and the people's congress deputies have come to the door many times to help the masses calculate every "economic account" and "interest account", and within the scope of the policy, strive for the greatest interests for the masses.

In the process of vacating the house, the deputies of the National People's Congress worked together with the special class and the construction unit to actively coordinate and communicate, and personally carried it. "At that time, I felt that I had suffered a loss and did not want to agree to relocate, but the pair representative in the township patiently explained the relevant policies to me, all the procedures were publicly announced, and he personally helped me move and find a house, which really helped me." Mr. Huang, a villager in Kangle Village, said.

"I am not only a village secretary, but also a party member and a deputy to the people's congress, and we must treat the reasonable demands of the masses and the different situations of each household differently, treat them differently, treat them in accordance with the law, and avoid one-size-fits-all policies. The mediation work is not easy, but no matter how hard the bones are, we must work together to gnaw it down, so that the relocation work can be steadily advanced. Kuang Guoqing, secretary of Kangle Village, said.

Yao Township, Zhongcun, Yanling County: NPC deputies continued to help the land acquisition and demolition work of pumped storage projects

From the on-site investigation to the signing of the requisition and demolition agreement, the deputies to the people's congress actively participated and resolutely achieved "a ruler to measure to the end". Adhere to the basic principle of openness and transparency throughout the whole process of land acquisition and demolition, strictly supervise the work team in accordance with the legal procedures of land acquisition and demolition, timely disclose information such as demolition plans, demolition scope, compensation standards, etc., and publicize the building and land area measurement, assessment, compensation standards, signing agreements, centralized resettlement and other information of all land acquisition and demolition households according to relevant requirements, so as to ensure that the entire land acquisition and demolition work is transparent and sunny, effectively safeguard the public's right to know and supervise, and promote the smooth development of the land acquisition and demolition work.

At present, the resettlement and demolition work of the pumped storage power station project is advancing rapidly in an all-round way, and up to now, a total of 18 households have completed the relocation of vacated houses. In the next step, the People's Congress of Zhongcun Yao Township will continue to organize people's congress deputies to strengthen communication and exchanges with the masses, be a good "waiter" for collecting the opinions and suggestions of the masses, build a "connecting bridge" to serve the people, and continue to help the smooth progress of land acquisition and demolition for pumped storage projects.


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