
Key project construction tour丨Bridge hoisting is ready! The construction progress of the Xiangou interchange project is about to be refreshed

author:Ding'an release

Editor's note

Key projects are an important starting point for stabilizing investment and promoting development, and an important carrier for Ding'an to implement the development strategy of "North Rong and East Union, highlighting the three districts, and strengthening the central axis". In recent years, Ding'an has continuously strengthened the factor guarantee, optimized project services, and the county economy has shown a good trend of making breakthroughs, improving quality and efficiency, with the total GDP increasing year by year, the expansion of the industrial economy accelerating, and the annual growth rate of fixed asset investment maintaining double-digit growth for three consecutive years.

In order to further strengthen the county's confidence and determination to strengthen the industry, grasp the project, and fight for the economy, and create a strong atmosphere of catching up with and surpassing learning, Ding'an released a WeChat public account and jointly launched the "Key Project Construction Tour" special topic with the Ding'an County Development and Reform Commission to show the style of project construction, convey the "strong voice" of project construction, and help Ding'an develop with high quality.

Key project construction tour丨Bridge hoisting is ready! The construction progress of the Xiangou interchange project is about to be refreshed

The construction of key projects is a "strong engine" to promote high-quality economic and social development. As a provincial key high-speed interchange transportation hub reconstruction project connecting Ding'an County and several surrounding towns (farms), the construction of G98 Ring Island Expressway Xiangou Interchange has attracted much attention. Recently, the "progress bar" of the Xiangou interchange reconstruction project of the G98 Ring Island Expressway was refreshed again - the first prefabricated box girder was successfully erected, marking the official entry of the project into the superstructure construction stage.

On June 28, the reporter saw at the project site that bulldozers, road rollers, excavators, muck trucks and other mechanical equipment roared endlessly, and the construction personnel were methodically carrying out the subgrade filling operation and cast-in-place box girder formwork construction, etc., and the construction scene was in full swing. Not far away, the steel bar centralized processing plant and concrete mixing plant built by the engineering project department are also in full swing to ensure the continuity of the project construction.

Key project construction tour丨Bridge hoisting is ready! The construction progress of the Xiangou interchange project is about to be refreshed
Key project construction tour丨Bridge hoisting is ready! The construction progress of the Xiangou interchange project is about to be refreshed

"Our No. 1 bridge precast beam has been erected, No. 2 bridge cover girder construction has been completed, 6 pedestrian passages have been completed, 5 culverts have been completed, about 200,000 square meters of excavation have been completed, about 100,000 square meters of filling have been completed, and about 30% of the overall image progress of the construction has been completed." He Shiju, the person in charge of the project site, said.

According to the design scheme, the Xiangou interchange adopts the all-alfalfa leaf-type interchange scheme, the main line is a two-way eight-lane expressway standard, the design speed is 120 km/h, the roadbed width is 42.0 meters, the design speed of the one-way single-lane ramp is 40 km/h, the roadbed is 9.0 meters wide, and the whole line of the project adopts asphalt concrete pavement, with a total investment of about 407 million yuan.

Key project construction tour丨Bridge hoisting is ready! The construction progress of the Xiangou interchange project is about to be refreshed

Since the construction of the Xiangou Interchange Project started in November 2023, the county party committee and county government have attached great importance to it and promoted it efficiently and comprehensively, setting the tone for the promotion of the project. All departments of the Xiangou Interchange Requisition, Demolition and Resettlement Headquarters worked together to actively coordinate and solve various difficulties and blockages in the construction of the project, complete the relevant procedures such as land acquisition and land use approval with high quality and efficiency, and steadily promote the construction of the project.

Key project construction tour丨Bridge hoisting is ready! The construction progress of the Xiangou interchange project is about to be refreshed

"The reconstruction of the Xiangou interchange of the G98 Ring Island Expressway will improve the layout of the regional road network, optimize the conversion of urban and high-speed traffic, and improve the traffic capacity of the regional road network." Chen Yehai, deputy director of the county transportation bureau, said, "The project involves a total of 99.38 acres of collective land (agricultural land) and construction land, involving 75 collective land houses (appurtenances), under the strong leadership of the county party committee and the county government and the active cooperation of the people, it took only 30 days to fully complete the signing of the housing and appurtenances expropriation agreement, and the completion rate of the contract is 100%. At present, the project expropriation work has entered the final stage, and the project construction has pressed the acceleration button. ”

Key project construction tour丨Bridge hoisting is ready! The construction progress of the Xiangou interchange project is about to be refreshed

It is reported that as of the end of June, the project has completed a total investment of about 148 million yuan, of which about 121 million yuan will be completed from January to June 2024, mainly to complete the temporary construction of the project, subgrade filling, excavation, culvert, soft foundation treatment, etc., and the overall project image progress has been completed by 30%.

Source: Hainan Daily client, Ding'an County Financial Media Center

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