
Mars Street Primary School: Thanksgiving to the Party for its love and double reduction of club style

author:Seven Mile River release


In order to warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Branch of Mars Street Primary School carefully planned a series of activities. At the great moment of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the teachers, students and parents of Mars Street Primary School participated in the activity of "Thanking the Party for Grace and Love, and "Double Reduction" Club Exhibition".

Mars Street Primary School: Thanksgiving to the Party for its love and double reduction of club style
Mars Street Primary School: Thanksgiving to the Party for its love and double reduction of club style

The school celebrates the party's birthday together in the form of club programs and expresses affectionate blessings to the party. Through the display of the demeanor of various clubs, the teachers and students reviewed the glorious history of the party affectionately, and expressed their firm belief in feeling the party's kindness, listening to the party's words, and following the party. It not only deepened the understanding of teachers and students about the party, but also stimulated everyone's ambition to work hard for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Mars Street Primary School: Thanksgiving to the Party for its love and double reduction of club style
Mars Street Primary School: Thanksgiving to the Party for its love and double reduction of club style

Since its establishment, Mars Street Primary School has always adhered to the school-running philosophy of "education-oriented, quality-oriented", and has achieved remarkable educational results. In this process, the school has received extensive support from all walks of life. Especially in the context of the "double reduction" policy, the generous donations of parents and caring enterprises have provided more development opportunities and resources for the school. In order to express their gratitude, the school held a thanksgiving activity and presented pennants and certificates to caring parents and entrepreneurs. These acts of kindness not only improved the teaching and living conditions of the school, but also made the teachers and students deeply feel the warmth and strength of the society.

Mars Street Primary School: Thanksgiving to the Party for its love and double reduction of club style
Mars Street Primary School: Thanksgiving to the Party for its love and double reduction of club style

Under the active guidance of the "double reduction" policy, the teachers and students of Mars Street Primary School enthusiastically participated in a variety of club activities, showing their unique style and unremitting efforts. This style display brought together the essence of a total of 25 clubs, such as model airplanes, martial arts, taekwondo, educational toys, paper-cutting, calligraphy, wind ensemble, football, chorus, African drums, painting, etc., which fully demonstrated the remarkable achievements of the school in reducing the academic burden and enriching the extracurricular life.

Mars Street Primary School: Thanksgiving to the Party for its love and double reduction of club style

Each club is equipped with a small club docent, who uses the most sincere language to introduce the characteristics and achievements of their respective clubs to the audience, so that the audience can have an in-depth understanding of the charm of each club. These wonderful programs not only show the talents and demeanor of teachers and students, but also reflect the comprehensive development concept of Mars Street Primary School under the three-in-one education model of home-school-community.

Mars Street Primary School: Thanksgiving to the Party for its love and double reduction of club style

Through participating in and observing the wonderful club exhibitions, the students said that participating in club activities made them feel the joy of learning and the joy of growth. By participating in different clubs, they not only develop their hobbies, but also learn teamwork and communication skills, which lay a solid foundation for future study and life.

Mars Street Primary School: Thanksgiving to the Party for its love and double reduction of club style

The teachers also spoke highly of this activity and exchanged and learned from each other. At the same time, the teachers also established a closer connection with the students by organizing club activities, which promoted the communication and interaction between teachers and students. Teng Youqiang, the director of Mars Street Primary School, believes that the school's club activities are one of the effective ways to implement the "double reduction" policy, and by participating in club activities, students can learn knowledge, cultivate interests and exercise their abilities in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. This "double reduction" club display is a comprehensive evaluation of each club, but also a display of students' comprehensive literacy, we will continue to optimize the "double reduction" project in the future based on students' interests and parents' suggestions.

Mars Street Primary School: Thanksgiving to the Party for its love and double reduction of club style

Parents also expressed great support and recognition for the school's club activities. They believe that club activities not only enrich the children's extracurricular life, but also allow them to grow up in happiness and progress in cooperation. Parents have expressed that they will continue to support the school's club activities and contribute to the all-round development of their children.

Mars Street Primary School: Thanksgiving to the Party for its love and double reduction of club style

Wang Peilei, Vice Principal of Mars Street Primary School, said: "This event is not only a gift to the party, but also a spiritual baptism for the teachers, students and parents of the school. Mars Street Primary School will continue to be guided by party building, deepen the home-school-community collaborative education model, and create a better environment and conditions for the all-round development of students. Through this activity, the connection and cooperation between parents, schools and communities were further strengthened. Under the background of the "double reduction" policy, the school actively plays the role of family, school and society in educating people, forming a good pattern of collaborative education. The support of parents and caring enterprises has provided a strong guarantee for the development of the school, and the excellent educational results of the school have also given back to the society. In the future, Mars Street Primary School will continue to strengthen cooperation and exchanges with parents, schools and associations, and jointly contribute to the cultivation of more outstanding talents. At the same time, the school also looks forward to more caring enterprises and parents to join the ranks and jointly write a more brilliant chapter for the future of Mars Street Primary School! ”

Reporter: Yang Mingze Typesetting: Liang Qianru Review: Wang Zhicheng