
Ningjin: Activate social forces and inject new vitality into the construction of cultural communities

author:Civilization Texas
Ningjin: Activate social forces and inject new vitality into the construction of cultural communities

On the evening of June 28, the "Always Follow the Party, Sing Debai Red" Red Song Chorus Competition jointly sponsored by the Party Working Committee of Ningcheng Street, Ningjin County Culture and Tourism Bureau, Ningjin Debai Square, and Debai Acrobatic Cricket Valley was held in Debai Square, Ningjin County, celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with loud singing. A total of 8 teams from Ningcheng Street and Ningjin Debai Square in Ningjin County participated in this competition. Everyone was full of passion and performed a number of familiar red classic songs such as "Return from Target Shooting", "Singing the Motherland", "The Motherland Will Not Forget", "The Day of the Liberated Area", "Ten Sending the Red Army", "Forward, the Communist Party of China", etc., The impassioned melody echoed at the scene, attracting many audiences to stop and appreciate, leading the audience to relive the glorious history of the party, expressing their love for the party and the motherland, and showing the demeanor of the party members of Ningjin County to meet the new era and new journey with a new spiritual outlook. After the judges scored on the spot, the first, second and third prizes were selected in the competition.

Ningjin: Activate social forces and inject new vitality into the construction of cultural communities

This is a scene in Ningjin County to promote the participation of social forces in the construction of urban cultural communities. Sister Jiang, a resident who watched the game at the scene, said: "I like to listen to and sing red songs, these songs are our classics!" I am also a lover of literature and art, and I often participate in various cultural activities organized by the community, and I have become more and more fond of our community. ”

Ningjin: Activate social forces and inject new vitality into the construction of cultural communities

This year, Ningjin County is guided by strengthening the ideological and political work at the grassroots level, improving the level of community public cultural services, and cultivating a new trend of community civilization in the new era, and comprehensively carries out the construction of urban cultural communities in 16 urban communities in Ningjin County, and builds a diversified investment mechanism with government investment as the main and multiple channels as the supplement. Continuously activate social forces, promote social forces to participate in and support the construction of urban cultural communities, actively expand channels for social forces to participate, guide social groups, organizations, and caring people to actively participate in community public welfare undertakings, and guide social forces to participate in the provision of public cultural services. Up to now, more than 20 enterprises, social organizations and caring people have participated in the construction of urban cultural communities, such as Ningjin Debai Plaza, Ningjin County Volunteer Association, Ningjin County Red Cross Blue Sky Rescue Team, Ningjin County Blue Lion Rescue Team, Ningjin County Recreation Star Fitness Dance Troupe, and Song Junying, a municipal intangible cultural heritage inheritor, and injected new vitality into the construction of urban cultural communities in terms of art performances, public welfare training, and safety education.

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Ningjin: Activate social forces and inject new vitality into the construction of cultural communities

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