
Heng Guoyu went to Pingwu County to investigate the village assistance work

author:Mianzhou Pioneer

From June 26th to 27th, Heng Guoyu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Changhong Holding Group, went to Bazi Village, Huazui Village, Suojiang Qiang Township, Pingwu County and Ronghua Village, Doujiao Qiang Township to investigate the village assistance work, and gain an in-depth understanding of the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation results, industrial development, village assistance, etc., visited the people in need, and checked the life and work of the company's cadres stationed in the village.

In Bazi Village, Heng Guoyu went deep into the Magnolia Processing Factory and Magnolia Modern Forestry Park, inquired in detail about the planting area, processing scale and economic benefits of Magnolia officinalis, and pointed out that it is necessary to recognize market trends, explore new formats of Magnolia officinalis deep processing, promote the extension of the whole industrial chain, and help the county Magnolia officinalis industry to improve its quality from "large" to "strong".

Heng Guoyu went to Pingwu County to investigate the village assistance work

In Huazui Village, Heng Guoyu walked into the cold-water fish breeding base, checked the growth of cold-water fish such as rainbow trout and golden trout, listened to the results of the village's investment promotion, and understood the collective economic development model of "enterprise + village collective + farmer"; In the relocation sites for disaster avoidance, we should carefully understand the progress of the construction and relocation of the resettlement sites, and point out that it is necessary to effectively ensure the safety of people's lives and property, publicize and implement the policy of evacuation and relocation, and properly coordinate the protection of production and living factors after relocation.

Heng Guoyu went to Pingwu County to investigate the village assistance work

In Ronghua Village, Heng Guoyu inspected the construction of the rural digital talent training base on the spot, understood the effectiveness of rural revitalization science and technology to help agriculture, listened to the industrial development plan of the village integrating land and aquaculture resources into the base, proposed to study the feasibility of cross-border integration of the company's products and rural revitalization e-commerce, and explored new ideas for the company's rural revitalization assistance.

Heng Guoyu went to Pingwu County to investigate the village assistance work

During the investigation, Heng Guoyu walked into the homes of the people in need, cordially talked with the people in need, asked about their needs, presented condolences to the people in need, and asked the company's cadres to adhere to the bottom line of poverty prevention, and make full use of the assistance policy to solve the problems of urgency, hardship and longing for the people in need. During the period, Heng Guoyu also learned about the effectiveness of the company's cadres stationed in the village from the party committee and government of the township where the village is located, and inspected the work and living conditions of the three cadres stationed in the village, and presented condolences to the cadres, emphasizing that during the flood season, geological disasters have entered a period prone to high occurrence, and the cadres should ensure their personal safety in their work, take into account the work and family life in the village, give full play to the skills and thinking advantages of the employees of the enterprise, and exercise and improve in the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in the countryside.

Heng Guoyu went to Pingwu County to investigate the village assistance work

Wu Jiang, chairman of the Changhong Trade Union, Liu Yi, vice chairman of the trade union, and leaders of the township where Pingwu County helped the village accompanied the investigation.

Source: Wei Changhong

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