
Chenhang Village, Fairy Town, celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

author:Government and enterprise Yangzhou

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, further promote the study and education of party discipline, guide the majority of party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and inherit and carry forward the party's glorious traditions and fine style, on June 29, Chen Xingcun held a party member meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Chenhang Village, Fairy Town, celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The meeting was presided over by Zhao Zengyu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Chenhang Village, and had three agendas:

1. Watch the video of the micro-party class of party discipline learning and education;

2. Xu Weilin, the Party School of the Jiangdu District Party Committee, carried out special training on party discipline learning and education, and analyzed and discussed it in combination with the disciplinary cases around him;

3. Zhou Feng, secretary of the village party committee, led the party members and comrades to focus on studying a series of documents of Jiangsu Province on solidly carrying out party discipline learning and education;

Fourth, for the party members and comrades of the party committee of Chenhang Village who are ten years old, the party day activities with the theme of celebrating the "political birthday" of party members will be held; 5. Issue commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party" to veteran party members who have been 50 years old in the party; 6. Zhou Fengzuo, secretary of the village party committee, emphasized and put forward requirements.

Chenhang Village, Fairy Town, celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China
Chenhang Village, Fairy Town, celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Xu Weilin, the Party School of the Jiangdu District Party Committee, gave a detailed interpretation of the background, significance and content of the revision of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", and at the same time used the cases of discipline violations around him to carry out warning education, analyze the root causes of their ideological violations of discipline and law such as "shaking ideals and beliefs" and "privileged thoughts", and guide the majority of party members to deeply learn lessons and take them as a warning, so as to be absolutely loyal to the party, establish a people-centered view of political performance, strictly follow the rules of system and procedures, consciously accept supervision, and adhere to the bottom line of discipline.

Chenhang Village, Fairy Town, celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Zhou Feng, secretary of the village party committee, led everyone to focus on studying the series of documents of Jiangsu Province on solidly carrying out party discipline study and education, comprehending the important expositions on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, and mastering the new ideas, new views and new arguments on strengthening the party's discipline construction under the new situation.

Chenhang Village, Fairy Town, celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Subsequently, Secretary Zhou Feng distributed "political birthday" greeting cards, white papers and notebooks of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" to party members who are ten years old, hoping that they will learn and remember, think and understand, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, improve their party spirit, strictly abide by discipline and rules, and always maintain the integrity of Communist Party members. At the "50 years of glory in the party" medal awarding ceremony, Secretary Zhou said that the old party members are the witnesses, promoters and witnesses of the economic development of Chenhang Village, and they have practiced their ideals and beliefs with practical actions.

Chenhang Village, Fairy Town, celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China
Chenhang Village, Fairy Town, celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

At the end of the meeting, Zhou Feng, secretary of the village party committee, stressed that the new "Regulations" are a new precept for governing the party and governing the party, and studying and implementing the "Regulations" is an important political task for the current and future period. All party members should accurately grasp the new characteristics of the "Regulations" that put political construction in the first place, people-centered development ideas, work style construction and the latest achievements in the anti-corruption struggle, and integrate discipline enforcement and law enforcement, strictly abide by political discipline, firmly establish the "four consciousnesses", practice the "two safeguards", and strengthen the "four self-confidences"; Strengthen political determination, keep in mind the mission, and strive to create a clean and upright political ecology with higher political standards, more practical work style, and faster practical actions.

Source | Chenhang Village, Fairy Town

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