
Fairy Town Changhong Village carried out a special party class on party discipline learning

author:Government and enterprise Yangzhou

In order to further strengthen the study and education of party discipline and promote the awareness of discipline among party members and cadres, recently, Changhong Village, Fairy Town, invited Zhang Dawen, a teacher from the Party School of the District Party Committee, to carry out a special party class on party discipline learning to further promote the study and education of party discipline.

Fairy Town Changhong Village carried out a special party class on party discipline learning

In the classroom, teacher Zhang Dawen took the theme of party members and cadres to know discipline, learn discipline, clear discipline, and abide by discipline, and elaborated on the importance and profound connotation of party discipline. Combined with cases, it vividly explains the party's various discipline regulations, so that party members have a clearer understanding of party discipline, and also deeply understand that party discipline is the lifeline of the party and an important guarantee for maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity.

Fairy Town Changhong Village carried out a special party class on party discipline learning
Fairy Town Changhong Village carried out a special party class on party discipline learning

This special party class further enhanced the discipline awareness of party members and cadres in Changhong Village, and made everyone deeply feel the seriousness and importance of party discipline learning and education. Everyone said that in the future study and work, it is necessary to integrate the study of party discipline into daily work and life, always stay vigilant, and do not touch the red line or cross the bottom line.

Source | Fairy Town Mayor Red Village

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