
Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on National Science and Technology Awards

author:Nanning Association for Science and Technology

Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on National Science and Technology Awards

The State Council has decided to amend the Regulations on National Science and Technology Awards as follows:

1. Amend Article 2 to read: "The State shall establish the following national science and technology awards:

"(1) The highest national science and technology award;

"(2) State Natural Science Award;

"(3) National Technological Invention Award;

"(4) The National Science and Technology Progress Award;

"(5) The People's Republic of China International Science and Technology Cooperation Award."

2. Amend Article 3 to read: "The National Science and Technology Award shall adhere to the national strategic orientation and closely integrate with the major national strategic needs and the medium and long-term science and technology development plan. The State has increased incentives for basic and applied basic research in the natural sciences. The National Natural Science Award shall focus on forward-looking and theoretical, the National Technological Invention Award shall focus on originality and practicability, and the National Science and Technology Progress Award shall focus on innovation and efficiency. ”

3. Amend Article 4 to read: "The national science and technology award work adheres to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, implements the innovation-driven development strategy, implements the policy of respecting labor, respecting knowledge, respecting talents, and respecting creation, and cultivates and practices the core values of socialism.

"Major matters of national science and technology awards shall be reported to the Party Central Committee in accordance with relevant regulations."

4. The second paragraph of Article 7 is amended to read: "The candidates for the composition of the State Science and Technology Award Committee shall be proposed by the science and technology administrative department of the State Council and submitted to the Party Central Committee and the State Council for approval. ”

5. Amend Article 21 to read: "The administrative department for science and technology under the State Council shall review the resolutions of the State Science and Technology Award Committee on the winners and levels of the awards, and submit them to the Party Central Committee and the State Council for approval. ”

6. The second paragraph of Article 22 is amended to read: "The State Natural Science Award, the State Technological Invention Award, and the State Science and Technology Progress Award shall award certificates and bonuses. ”

The third paragraph shall be amended as: "The People's Republic of China awards medals and certificates for international scientific and technological cooperation. ”

7. The first paragraph of Article 25 is amended to read: "The amount of the prize money for the highest national science and technology award shall be proposed by the science and technology administrative department of the State Council in conjunction with the financial department, and shall be submitted to the Party Central Committee and the State Council for approval. ”

8. Amend Article 30 to read: "If the winner plagiarizes or embezzles the discoveries, inventions or other scientific and technological achievements of others, or fraudulently obtains the State Science and Technology Award by other improper means, the science and technology administrative department of the State Council shall report to the Party Central Committee and the State Council for approval and revoke the award, recover the medals, certificates and bonuses, and shall be punished by the unit or relevant department in accordance with law. ”

This decision shall come into force on the date of promulgation.

The Regulations on National Science and Technology Awards shall be amended accordingly and re-promulgated in accordance with this decision.

Regulations on National Science and Technology Awards

(Promulgated by Decree No. 265 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on May 23, 1999, amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on National Science and Technology Awards on December 20, 2003; amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Abolishing and Amending Some Administrative Regulations on July 18, 2013; amended for the third time by Decree No. 731 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on October 7, 2020; amended for the third time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on National Science and Technology Awards on May 26, 2024; The fourth revision of the decision of the Regulations on National Science and Technology Awards)

Chapter I: General Provisions

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Scientific and Technological Progress in order to reward individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to scientific and technological progress activities, to mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of scientific and technological workers, and to build an innovative country and a world scientific and technological power.

Article 2 The State shall establish the following national science and technology awards:

(A) the highest national science and technology award;

(2) National Natural Science Award;

(3) National Technological Invention Award;

(4) National Science and Technology Progress Award;

(5) The International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of the People's Republic of China.

Article 3 The National Science and Technology Award shall adhere to the national strategic orientation, and closely integrate with the major national strategic needs and the medium and long-term science and technology development plan. The State has increased incentives for basic and applied basic research in the natural sciences. The National Natural Science Award shall focus on forward-looking and theoretical, the National Technological Invention Award shall focus on originality and practicability, and the National Science and Technology Progress Award shall focus on innovation and efficiency.

Article 4: The work of national science and technology awards adheres to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, implements the innovation-driven development strategy, implements the policy of respecting labor, knowledge, talent, and creation, and cultivates and practices the Core Socialist Values.

Major matters of national science and technology awards shall be reported to the Party Central Committee in accordance with relevant regulations.

Article 5 The State shall maintain the impartiality, seriousness, authority and honor of the National Science and Technology Award, and award the National Science and Technology Award to scientific and technological workers who pursue truth, devote themselves to research, learn to excel, specialize in research, dare to surpass and climb the peak.

The nomination, evaluation and awarding of the National Science and Technology Award shall not be interfered with by any organization or individual.

Sixth State Council administrative department of science and technology is responsible for the relevant measures of the State Science and Technology Award and the organization of evaluation activities. Strict confidentiality measures shall be employed for projects involving national security.

National science and technology awards shall implement performance management.

Article 7 The State shall establish the National Science and Technology Award Committee. The National Science and Technology Award Committee hires experts and scholars from relevant fields to form a review committee and a supervisory committee to be responsible for the evaluation and supervision of the National Science and Technology Award.

The candidates for the composition of the State Science and Technology Award Committee shall be proposed by the science and technology administration department of the State Council and submitted to the Party Central Committee and the State Council for approval.

Chapter II The setting of the National Science and Technology Award

Article 8 The highest national science and technology award shall be conferred on the following Chinese citizens:

(1) Making major breakthroughs in the frontiers of contemporary science and technology or making outstanding achievements in the development of science and technology;

(2) In the course of scientific and technological innovation, the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and the industrialization of high technology, creating huge economic, social, or ecological benefits, or making a huge contribution to the preservation of national security.

The highest national science and technology award is not divided into grades, and the number of people awarded each time shall not exceed 2.

Article 9 The State Natural Science Award shall be awarded to individuals who have elucidated natural phenomena, characteristics and laws in basic and applied basic research, and made major scientific discoveries.

The "major scientific discoveries" as used in the preceding paragraph shall meet the following requirements:

(1) It has not been discovered or clarified by predecessors;

(2) It has significant scientific value;

(3) It has been recognized by the natural science community at home and abroad.

Article 10 The National Technological Invention Award shall be awarded to individuals who use scientific and technological knowledge to make major technological inventions such as products, processes, materials, devices and systems.

The "major technological inventions" as used in the preceding paragraph shall meet the following conditions:

(1) It has not been invented or disclosed by predecessors;

(2) Be advanced, creative, and practical;

(3) After implementation, it creates significant economic, social, or ecological benefits, or makes a significant contribution to the preservation of national security, and has good application prospects.

Article 11 The National Science and Technology Progress Award is awarded to individuals and organizations that have completed and applied innovative scientific and technological achievements and made outstanding contributions to the promotion of scientific and technological progress and economic and social development.

The innovative scientific and technological achievements referred to in the preceding paragraph shall meet the following conditions:

(1) Outstanding technological innovation and advanced technical and economic indicators;

(2) Through application and promotion, creating significant economic, social, or ecological benefits, or making a significant contribution to the preservation of national security;

(3) Have made significant contributions to promoting the progress of science and technology in the industry.

Article 12 The State Natural Science Award, the State Technological Invention Award and the State Science and Technology Progress Award are divided into two levels: the first prize and the second prize; Special prizes may be awarded to those who have made particularly significant scientific discoveries, technological inventions, or innovative scientific and technological achievements.

Article 13 The International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of the People's Republic of China shall be awarded to the following foreigners or foreign organizations that have made important contributions to China's scientific and technological undertakings:

(1) Cooperate with Chinese citizens or organizations in research and development, and achieve major scientific and technological achievements;

(2) Teaching advanced science and technology to Chinese citizens or organizations and cultivating talents, with particularly notable results;

(3) Making important contributions to promoting international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries.

The International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of the People's Republic of China is not divided into grades.

Chapter III nomination, review and awarding of the National Science and Technology Award

14th National Science and Technology Award nomination system, do not accept self-recommendation. Candidates shall be nominated by the following units or individuals:

(1) Experts, scholars, and organizations that meet the qualifications provided for by the State Council's administrative department for science and technology;

(2) Relevant departments of the central and state organs, science and technology departments of the Central Military Commission, and people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities specifically designated in the state plan.

The qualifications for nomination of relevant individuals and organizations in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region, and the Taiwan Region shall be formulated by the administrative department for science and technology under the State Council.

Embassies and consulates of the People's Republic of China abroad may nominate candidates for the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of the People's Republic of China.

Article 15 The nominator shall be nominated in strict accordance with the nomination method, provide the nomination materials, be responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of the materials, and bear the corresponding responsibilities in accordance with the regulations.

The nomination measures shall be formulated by the administrative department for science and technology under the State Council.

16th in science and technology activities in any of the following circumstances, relevant individuals and organizations shall not be nominated or awarded the State Science and Technology Award:

(1) Endangering national security, harming the public interest, endangering human health, or violating ethics and morals;

(B) scientific research misconduct, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State is prohibited from participating in national science and technology award activities;

(3) There are other circumstances provided for by the State Council's administrative department for science and technology.

Article 17: The administrative departments for science and technology under the State Council shall establish a database of review experts covering all disciplines and fields, and promptly update them. The review experts shall be proficient in the professional knowledge of the disciplines and fields they are engaged in, and have a high academic level and good scientific ethics.

Article 18 The evaluation activities shall adhere to the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality. Where review experts have a major interest in the candidates, which might affect the fairness and impartiality of the review, they shall recuse themselves.

The review committee members and the review experts participating in the review activities shall abide by the review work discipline, and shall not use the status of the review committee members and review experts to seek benefits or collude with other review committee members and review experts to vote and other behaviors that may affect the fairness and impartiality of the review.

The evaluation measures shall be formulated by the administrative department for science and technology under the State Council.

Article 19 The review committee shall set up a review team to conduct the preliminary evaluation, and the review team shall be responsible for putting forward the preliminary evaluation suggestions and submitting them to the review committee.

The review experts participating in the preliminary evaluation are selected from the review expert pool.

Article 20 The review committee shall review the preliminary evaluation proposals in accordance with the relevant measures, and propose to the National Science and Technology Award Committee the winners and award levels of the awards.

The Supervisory Committee shall supervise the whole process of nomination, evaluation and objection handling in accordance with the relevant measures, and report the supervision to the National Science and Technology Award Committee.

The State Science and Technology Award Committee shall, in accordance with the recommendations of the Judging Committee and the report of the Supervisory Committee, make decisions on the winners and levels of each award.

Article 21 The administrative department of science and technology under the State Council shall review the resolutions of the State Science and Technology Award Committee on the winners and levels of the awards, and report them to the Party Central Committee and the State Council for approval.

Article 22 The highest national science and technology award shall be submitted to the President of the State for signature and awarding of medals, certificates and bonuses.

The National Natural Science Award, the National Technological Invention Award, and the National Science and Technology Progress Award will award certificates and bonuses.

Medals and certificates are awarded by the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of the People's Republic of China.

23rd National Science and Technology Award nomination and evaluation methods, the total number of awards, award results and other information shall be announced to the public, subject to social supervision.

Confidential projects involving national security shall strictly abide by the relevant provisions of state laws and regulations on secrecy, strengthen the management of the secrecy of the project content, and publish it within an appropriate scope.

Article 24: The State implements a scientific research creditworthiness review system for national science and technology awards. The State Council's administrative departments for science and technology are responsible for establishing databases of nominated experts, scholars, organizational bodies, review committee members, review experts, and candidates for seriously untrustworthy conduct in scientific research.

It is forbidden for any individual or organization to carry out activities that may affect the fairness and impartiality of the nomination and evaluation of the National Science and Technology Award.

Article 25 The amount of the prize money for the highest national science and technology award shall be proposed by the administrative department for science and technology under the State Council in conjunction with the financial department, and shall be submitted to the Party Central Committee and the State Council for approval.

The amount of bonuses for the State Natural Science Award, the State Technological Invention Award, and the State Science and Technology Progress Award shall be prescribed by the administrative department for science and technology under the State Council in conjunction with the financial department.

The award funds of the State Science and Technology Award are included in the central budget.

26th publicity of the outstanding contributions and innovative spirit of the winners of the National Science and Technology Award, shall comply with the provisions of laws and regulations, to achieve security, confidentiality, moderation and rigor.

27th prohibits the use of the National Science and Technology Award in the name of improper benefits.

Chapter IV: Legal Responsibility

28th candidates for the National Science and Technology Award nomination and evaluation of fair and just activities, by the State Council science and technology administrative departments to give a notice of criticism, cancel their qualifications, and by the unit or relevant departments to give sanctions.

Other individuals or organizations that may affect the fairness and impartiality of the nomination and evaluation of the National Science and Technology Award shall be criticized by the administrative department of science and technology under the State Council; If the relevant candidate is responsible, his or her participation in the evaluation will be disqualified.

29th review members, review experts in violation of the National Science and Technology Award review discipline, by the State Council science and technology administrative departments to cancel their qualifications, review experts, and by the unit or relevant departments to give sanctions.

Article 30 If the winner plagiarizes or embezzles the discoveries, inventions or other scientific and technological achievements of others, or fraudulently obtains the State Science and Technology Award by other improper means, the administrative department for science and technology under the State Council shall report to the Party Central Committee and the State Council for approval and revoke the award, recover the medals, certificates and bonuses, and shall be punished by the unit or relevant departments in accordance with law.

Article 31 Where experts, scholars, or organizations are nominated to provide false data or materials to assist others in fraudulently obtaining national science and technology awards, the administrative department for science and technology under the State Council shall give a notice of criticism; where the circumstances are serious, suspend or cancel their qualifications for nomination, and the unit or relevant departments to which they belong are to give sanctions in accordance with law.

Article 32: Where the provisions of article 27 of these Regulations are violated, the relevant departments are to investigate and handle them in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations.

Article 33: Individuals and organizations that violate the provisions of these Regulations by having serious untrustworthy conduct in scientific research creditworthiness are to be recorded in the database of serious untrustworthy conduct in scientific research creditworthiness, and shared on the national credit information sharing platform, and joint disciplinary action is to be carried out in accordance with relevant state provisions.

Article 34 Candidates, winners, jurors, review experts and nominated experts and scholars suspected of violating other laws and administrative regulations for the National Science and Technology Award, the administrative department of science and technology under the State Council shall notify the relevant departments to be dealt with in accordance with law.

35th participation in the National Science and Technology Award review organization of personnel in the review activities of abuse of power, dereliction of duty, favoritism, sanctions shall be given in accordance with law; where a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility is pursued in accordance with law.

Chapter V: Supplementary Provisions

Article 36: Relevant departments may, on the basis of special circumstances in the field of national security, establish ministerial-level science and technology awards; The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and municipalities specifically designated in the state plan may establish a provincial science and technology award. The specific measures shall be formulated by the award-setting department or the local people's government, and shall be reported to the administrative department for science and technology under the State Council and relevant units for the record.

The establishment of provincial and ministerial science and technology awards, should be in accordance with the principle of streamlining, strict control of the number of awards, improve the quality of awards, optimize the award procedures. Other state organs, mass organizations, and public institutions managed with reference to the Civil Servants Law shall not set up science and technology awards.

Article 37 The State encourages social forces to set up science and technology awards. Where social forces set up science and technology awards, no fees shall be charged in the award activities.

The administrative department for science and technology under the State Council shall provide guidance, services, supervision and management of the activities related to the establishment of science and technology awards by social forces, and formulate specific measures.

Article 38: These Regulations take effect on December 1, 2020.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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