
Joint learning and co-construction, discipline and discipline

author:Xianyou reports
Joint learning and co-construction, discipline and discipline
Joint learning and co-construction, discipline and discipline

Xianyou reported on July 1 (Chen Guomeng) Combined with the celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the in-depth study and education of party discipline, recently, the party branch of the Xianyou County Federation of Trade Unions, together with the party branch of Yechen Group and the party branch of the Linan Town Chamber of Commerce, carried out a party day activity with the theme of "learning party discipline, strengthening party spirit, and celebrating July 1st".

Joint learning and co-construction, discipline and discipline

On the same day, the party members came to the Wang Yujie Memorial Hall and the Xianyou Good Family Style Cultural Life Museum to visit and study, learn about the deeds of the revolutionary martyrs, review the oath of joining the party, understand the fine family style of the sages, further enhance the sense of integrity and self-discipline, and build a strong ideological defense line against corruption and degeneration.

Joint learning and co-construction, discipline and discipline

The three party branches focused on the theme of "joint learning and joint learning of party discipline, boosting spirit and building new achievements", and conducted discussions and exchanges. Party members shared their experience on the study and education of party discipline, and through the collision of ideas, they further strengthened their ideals and beliefs and enhanced their sense of discipline. Everyone said that they should always use discipline to regulate their words and deeds, inherit and carry forward the party's glorious tradition, and contribute to promoting high-quality development.

Editor-in-charge|Zheng Wenjie Editor|Zheng Zhizhong

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