
Jingcheng: The community carried out the "Celebration of July 1st" to celebrate the party's grace and art performance

author:Jing Cheng released

Recalling the eventful years of the past, celebrating the bright future of the present. On the afternoon of June 29, the "Forge Ahead on a New Journey and Make Contributions to a New Era" celebration of July 1st Literary and Art Performance, sponsored by the Social Work Department of Jingcheng County Party Committee and the Weishui Town Community Party Committee, was staged in the Youth Activity Center.

Jingcheng: The community carried out the "Celebration of July 1st" to celebrate the party's grace and art performance

The performance program covers a variety of art forms such as poetry recitation, chorus, singing and dancing. Community workers and party members gathered together to sing their deep affection for the party and convey the happiness of the community's life with dancing.

Jingcheng: The community carried out the "Celebration of July 1st" to celebrate the party's grace and art performance

The poem recitation "I am proud, I am a community worker" expresses the love of community workers for their work and their loyalty to the party with their affectionate words and passionate tone. The chorus "We Walk on the Road" sang the melody of the times with passionate singing, showing the yearning and pursuit of a better life for the people in the community.

Jingcheng: The community carried out the "Celebration of July 1st" to celebrate the party's grace and art performance

With its beautiful dancing posture and beautiful singing, the song and dance "Community Edition: Shangchun Mountain" presents a picture of spring to the audience, making people feel as if they are in the embrace of spring. And the recitation of "Praise! "Community Worker" affectionately praised the spirit of silent dedication and selfless dedication of community workers, which resonated with the audience.

Jingcheng: The community carried out the "Celebration of July 1st" to celebrate the party's grace and art performance

"Echo Through Time and Space: Ode to the Party's Grace, Song of the Prosperous Age" reviewed the glorious history of the party and praised the party's great achievements through affectionate performances, so that the audience was moved to strengthen their belief and support for the party. Finally, the chorus "Country" expressed its love and pride for the motherland with passionate singing, pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

Jingcheng: The community carried out the "Celebration of July 1st" to celebrate the party's grace and art performance

At the end of the event, everyone watched the party history education film "Sowing Sparks", relived the early history and glorious history of the Communist Party of China in Jingcheng, remembered the struggle and sacrifice of the revolutionary ancestors, carried forward the revolutionary spirit, and inspired everyone to stay true to their original aspirations and forge ahead in the journey of the new era.

Jingcheng: The community carried out the "Celebration of July 1st" to celebrate the party's grace and art performance

"This performance is our 103rd birthday gift to the party." The relevant person in charge of the community party committee said that the community will continue to launch more activities with rich content and various forms to meet the diverse needs of residents for cultural life, inherit the red gene, continue the red blood, and jointly build a harmonious and beautiful community with higher morale, more enthusiasm and more pragmatic style.